Nutrition Basics

Nutrition Basics


NUTRITION FACTS  – Losing One Pound of Body Fat

FACT: For any body type at any age, gender, and ethnicity, you need to create a calorie deficit of 3,500 to burn 1 pound of body fat.

FACT: Create a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day, you may lose up to 1 pound of fat per week (500 calories per day x 7 days = 3500 calories). 

FACT: Creating a calorie deficit of 3500 is NOT EASY!

FACT: Colon cleanses, miracle pills, and acai berry products may promise a fast weight loss but they simply are designed to help you lose body fat, just excess water, glycogen stores and waste matter.

If you are still considering a “cheat” or “magic pill” solution, for your own health, please think again.

Health & Weight Loss Tips

  • While having a scale in the house isn’t right for everyone, research has shown that it can help encourage weight loss by providing a level of accountability. When Cornell University researchers observed dieters who weighed themselves daily, they discovered that the routine of stepping on a scale helped those people lose more weight than those who weighed themselves less frequently. To avoid being thrown off by natural fluctuations in body weight, try stepping onto the scale the same time every day.
  • While protein-packed Greek yogurt makes for a perfect meal when paired with chia seeds, antioxidant-rich berries, and crunchy nuts, you could be sabotaging your weight loss goals if you choose the wrong tub. A plain cup of Chobani contains about 50 fewer calories than the fruity options, saving your belly from extra flab.
  • If beef is your prefered source of protein, make sure you’re eating the grass-fed stuff. Ground beef, a T-bone steak, or prime rib are amongst the healthiest cuts because they’re lower in unhealthy fats than other forms of beef and actually contain more heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids than some fish. Just be sure to limit your red meat consumption to around two three-ounce servings per week in order to keep your cholesterol in check, and stick to low-calorie rubs and spices as opposed to sugary sauces to flavor the meal.

Grilling for Weight Loss and Health

Grill to Cut Calories in Food

This is my all time favorite book of science for grilling with loads of recipes.  An absolute must if you are asking ‘how many calories in?’. Here are a few snippets to give you an idea.  You can find it on Amazon easy enough.

  • Crustaceans are highly perishable, spoiling within hours of death. For that reason, lobsters and crabs are always sold alive or cooked. Shrimp are beheaded (which removes the part of the animal that spoils quickest) and the tail meat is frozen. Shrimp that are sold with the head on need more careful handling (frequent icing) and are more perishable than headless shrimp. Shrimp freeze exceptionally well, and all shrimp are frozen as close to harvesting as possible. Even when you purchase ‘fresh” shrimp, they have been previously frozen and then thawed in the store. This means that frozen shrimp are actually closer to fresh than the shrimp labeled ‘fresh” in the fish case.
  • Yeasted bread loaves can’t be baked on a grill, but slices can be toasted. Bread slices are often used to make grilled sandwiches such as panini. These breads are usually toasted over medium to medium-high heat and are done when lightly browned and crisp on the surface. The same goes for toasting cakes and pastries, although the higher sugar content can cause cakes and pastry to brown more quickly, so we usually toast these over medium to medium-low heat.
  • BELLY Pork belly is a flavorful cut that is laden with fat, best known as the cut from which bacon is made. Its bones are sold as spareribs. There are at least 11 ribs in a rack of spareribs, and the cut includes portions of breast meat, the sternum, and the diaphragm. When these sections are trimmed, the rack takes on a rectangular shape and is sold as St. Louis ribs.
  • All but a fraction of the ground meat sold is beef. Of the three cuts of beef most commonly ground, the most flavorful is chuck (from the well-exercised shoulder), followed by bottom round and sirloin. If a smooth texture is of great importance, ground sirloin is the best bet. But if you want flavor, make your burgers from chuck. Round is for those who want to tread the middle ground (or grind).
  • Unlike shrimp, lobsters must be sold alive or cooked. Choose live lobsters that are active and feisty; they will keep well for a day in the refrigerator covered with damp newspaper or seaweed. It is dangerous to cook a dead lobster, unless it succumbs before your eyes and you cook it immediately. This is due mostly to enzymes in the midgut gland (tomalley or liver), a creamy, pale green mass located in the thorax of the lobster, which are released as soon as a lobster dies and will start to break down its meat within hours. To keep this from happening, you can remove the tail and claw sections and discard the thorax. The tail and claw meat can then be stored in the refrigerator for a day or so without ill effect

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