Saw Palmetto

From our list of ailments, see what Sassafras can be used for:

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  • Gout

Natural Remedies using Sassafras


Activities (Heather) – Antiinflammatory ; Antilithic ; Antiseptic ; Astringent ; Cholagogue ; Depurative ; Diaphoretic ; Digestive ; Diuretic ; Narcotic ; Sedative ; Urinary Antiseptic ; Vulnerary .


The Benefit of using Sassafras as a natural cure

Activities (Indian Nightshade) – Antibacterial ; Anticancer ; Antileukemic ; Antipyretic ; Aphrodisiac ; Astringent ; Bitter ; Cardiotonic ; Carminative ; Diaphoretic ; Digestive ; Expectorant ; Hypnotic ; Laxative ; Poison ; I

Arthritis. People with “traditional” inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis and asthma, commonly have elevated levels of CRP or other markers of abnormally high inflammation.

Indications (Amur Corktree) – Acne ; Alzheimer’s ; Arthrosis ; Bacteria ; Bleeding ; Boil ; Bruise ; Cancer ; Cancer, colon ; Candida ; Canker ; Cataract ; Cholecystosis ; Cholera ; Cold ; Conjunctivosis ; Cystosis ; Dermatosis ; Diabetes ; Diarrhea ; Diphtheria ; Dysentery ; Dysmenorrhea ; Dysuria ; Eczema ; Enterosis ; Epistaxis ; Favus ; Fever ; Fungus ; Gastrosis ; Gonorrhea ; Helicobacter ; Hemorrhoid ; Hepatosis ; High Blood Pressure ; High Cholesterol ; Hot Flash ; Hyperglycemia ; Impotence ; Infection ; Inflammation ; Itch ; Jaundice ; Leukorrhea ; Liver spot ; Melena ; Meningosis ; Menopause ; Mycosis ; Nephrosis ; Night Sweats ; Osteosis ; Pain ; Paralysis ; Pemphigo ; Pneumonia ; Rheumatism ; Senility ; Sore ; Spermatorrhea ; Staphylococcus ; Stomatosis ; Swelling ; Tinnitus ; Trachoma ; Trichomoniasis ; Typhoid ; Typhus ; Ulcer ; Urethrosis ; Vaginosis ; Virus ; Water Retention ; Wound ; Yeast .


The immune system’s inflammatory response is designed to kill pathogens. In colds, flus, and other acute infections, inflammation accounts for many of the symptoms, such as rhinitis, tenderness, and aches and pains.

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