Nutrition in Zucchini

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Zucchini’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Zucchini Continue Reading →

Zucchini Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Zucchini Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Zucchini Continue Reading →

Zucchini Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Zucchini Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Zucchini Continue Reading →

Whopper Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Whopper Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Whopper Continue Reading →

Wild Rice Nutrition

What Influences your Choice of Meal? Why Choose Wild Rice? – Money: How much money of your money are you willing to spend on food?- Taste: What foods do you enjoy eating?- Nutrition: We know that vegetables and fruits are loaded vitamins and minerals, while red meat is often loaded with fats and best eaten in moderation. # Time: How long do you want to spend preparing and cooking your meal?- Convenience: Are your meals focal points of your day, or is cooking time lost from other things?- Stll going for Wild Rice for todays meal? Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Wild Rice Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Wild Rice Continue Reading →

Whopper Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Whopper Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Whopper Continue Reading →

White Rice Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘White Rice Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with White Rice Continue Reading →

White Rice Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘White Rice Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with White Rice Continue Reading →

White Onion Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘White Onion Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with White Onion Continue Reading →

White Potato Nutrition

Myth: Sweet Potato is better than Potato It’s is commonly suggested that potatoes are the baddies and sweet potato is a good alternative. So not true!  White Potato contains less calories and carbohydrates than sweet potato but sadly is still NOT keto friendly. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘White Potato Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with White Potato Continue Reading →

White Mushroom Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘White Mushroom Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with White Mushroom Continue Reading →

White Bread Nutrition

Is Bread Bad for You? Bread is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Most White Breads are enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, White Breads can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘White Bread Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with White Bread Continue Reading →

White Bread Nutrition Facts

Is Bread Bad for You? Bread is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Most White Breads are enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, White Breads can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘White Bread Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with White Bread Continue Reading →

White Beans Nutrition

Beans are a great source of fiber, minerals and vitamin B, and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. White Beans are good for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems White Beans carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat White Beans in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘White Beans Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with White Beans Continue Reading →

Whiskey Nutrition Facts

Can you have alcohol on keto? Absolutely but you need to choose spirits really. The higher the proof the less sugar and carbs. Spirits have almost none and don’t affect ketosis for most people. Alcohol, including Whiskey is still calories though (7 cals per gram) so take care! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Whiskey Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Whiskey Continue Reading →

Wheatgrass Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Wheatgrass Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Wheatgrass Continue Reading →

Wheat Flour Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Wheat Flour Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Wheat Flour Continue Reading →

Whole Wheat Flour Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Whole Wheat Flour Nutrition Wheat Flour’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Whole Wheat Flour Continue Reading →

Wheat Bread Nutrition

Is Bread Bad for You? Bread is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Most Wheat Breads are enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Wheat Breads can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Wheat Bread Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Wheat Bread Continue Reading →

Whole Wheat Bread Nutrition

Is Bread Bad for You? Bread is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Most Wheat Breads are enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Wheat Breads can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Whole Wheat Bread Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Whole Wheat Bread Continue Reading →

Wendys Chili Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Wendys Chili Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Wendys Chili Continue Reading →

Weetabix Nutrition

Weetabix- a great fiber and energy source. People often search for ‘Weetabix is a carb?’. The answer is yes, almost totally carbs and if you are on a keto diet (or low carb) then you simply can’t eat Weetabix! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Weetabix Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Weetabix Continue Reading →

Wendys Menu Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Wendys Menu Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Wendys Continue Reading →

Watermelon Nutrition

Is Watermelon Keto? Watermelon is 100% keto-friendly – yes it has sugar and carbs – but it is mostly water and it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ watermelon on any diet. Watermelon also has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Watermelon Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Watermelon Continue Reading →

Watermelon Nutrition Facts

Is Watermelon Keto? Watermelon is 100% keto-friendly – yes it has sugar and carbs – but it is mostly water and it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ watermelon on any diet. Watermelon also has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Watermelon Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Watermelon Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Watermelon

Is Watermelon Keto? Watermelon is 100% keto-friendly – yes it has sugar and carbs – but it is mostly water and it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ watermelon on any diet. Watermelon also has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Watermelon’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Watermelon Continue Reading →

Nutritional Value of Watermelon

Is Watermelon Keto? Watermelon is 100% keto-friendly – yes it has sugar and carbs – but it is mostly water and it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ watermelon on any diet. Watermelon also has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutritional Value of Watermelon’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Watermelon Continue Reading →

Water Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Water Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Water Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Walnuts

Nuts contain beneficial unsaturated fats and other nutrients. Contrary to popular myths, Walnutss are perfectly safe as long as not over eaten. Many foods like Walnutss can cause problems if eaten in large quantities. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Walnuts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Walnuts Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Vegetables

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Vegetables’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Vegetables Continue Reading →

Turnip Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Turnip Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Turnip Continue Reading →

Turkey Breast Nutrition

Is White Meat Best? On the whole yes with exceptions!  The skin on your Turkey Breast is full of fat (keto dieters don’t have to worry) and duck and goose, for example, are very fatty indeed. However fat content in , Turkey Breast can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Turkey Breast in preference to fattier meats. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Turkey Breast Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Turkey Breast Continue Reading →

Turkey Nutrition Facts

Is White Meat Best? On the whole yes with exceptions!  The skin on your Turkey is full of fat (keto dieters don’t have to worry) and duck and goose, for example, are very fatty indeed. However fat content in , Turkey can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Turkey in preference to fattier meats. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Turkey Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Turkey Continue Reading →

Tortilla Nutrition Facts

On a Diet? Bread and baked products are high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Most baked goods like Tortilla are enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Tortillas can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Tortilla Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Tortilla Continue Reading →

Toor Dal Nutrition

Legumes(Beans,Peas,Lentils)) are a great source of fiber, minerals, vitamins and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Toor Dal is great for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Toor Dal carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Toor Dal in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Toor Dal Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Toor Dal Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Tomatoes

Where would we be without our beloved tomatoes, the second most widely eaten vegetable (or fruit if you prefer) in the United States, second only to potatoes. Good for pretty much all diets, used for everything from stews to salads, Tomatoes may just be the most versatile of all fruit/vegetables. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Tomatoes’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Tomatoes Continue Reading →

Nutritional Value of Tomatoes

Where would we be without our beloved tomatoes, the second most widely eaten vegetable (or fruit if you prefer) in the United States, second only to potatoes. Good for pretty much all diets, used for everything from stews to salads, Tomatoes may just be the most versatile of all fruit/vegetables. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutritional Value of Tomatoes’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Tomatoes Continue Reading →

Tomato Nutrition

Where would we be without our beloved tomatoes, the second most widely eaten vegetable (or fruit if you prefer) in the United States, second only to potatoes. Good for pretty much all diets, used for everything from stews to salads, Tomatos may just be the most versatile of all fruit/vegetables. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Tomato Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Tomato Continue Reading →

Tomato Nutrition Facts

Where would we be without our beloved tomatoes, the second most widely eaten vegetable (or fruit if you prefer) in the United States, second only to potatoes. Good for pretty much all diets, used for everything from stews to salads, Tomatos may just be the most versatile of all fruit/vegetables. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Tomato Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Tomato Continue Reading →

Tofu Nutrition

Legumes(Beans,Peas,Lentils)) are a great source of fiber, minerals, vitamins and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Tofu is great for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Tofu carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Tofu in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Tofu Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Tofu Continue Reading →

Tofu Nutrition Facts

Legumes(Beans,Peas,Lentils)) are a great source of fiber, minerals, vitamins and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Tofu is great for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Tofu carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Tofu in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Tofu Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Tofu Continue Reading →

Tofu Nutritional Value

Legumes(Beans,Peas,Lentils)) are a great source of fiber, minerals, vitamins and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Tofu is great for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Tofu carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Tofu in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Tofu Nutritional Value’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Tofu Continue Reading →

Tempeh Nutrition

Legumes(Beans,Peas,Lentils)) are a great source of fiber, minerals, vitamins and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Tempeh is great for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Tempeh carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Tempeh in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Tempeh Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Tempeh Continue Reading →

Taro Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Taro Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Taro Continue Reading →

Tamarind Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Tamarind Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Tamarind Continue Reading →

Tahini Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Tahini Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Tahini Continue Reading →

Swiss Cheese Nutrition

Can I have Cheese on Keto? Cheese is something I find hard to reduce on a diet, even for a healthy diet rather than weight loss.  I find low carb or low fat cheeses defeat the objective in that the taste is different. A great way to keep the taste of your Swiss Cheese is to increase the volume up to double by adding lemon juice or greek yogurt to eat as a sandwich filler or dip Then share! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Swiss Cheese Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Swiss Cheese Continue Reading →

Swiss Chard Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Swiss Chard Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Swiss Chard Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Sweet Potato

Myth: Sweet Potato is better than Potato It’s is commonly suggested that potatoes are the baddies and sweet potato is a good alternative. So not true!  Sweet Potato contains more calories, carbohydrates and fat than regular boiled potato and therefor is NOT keto friendly. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Sweet Potato’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Sweet Potato Continue Reading →

Sweet Potato Nutrition

Myth: Sweet Potato is better than Potato It’s is commonly suggested that potatoes are the baddies and sweet potato is a good alternative. So not true!  Sweet Potato contains more calories, carbohydrates and fat than regular boiled potato and therefor is NOT keto friendly. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Sweet Potato Nutrition Sweet Potato’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Sweet Potato Continue Reading →

Sweet Potato Nutrition Facts

Myth: Sweet Potato is better than Potato It’s is commonly suggested that potatoes are the baddies and sweet potato is a good alternative. So not true!  Sweet Potato contains more calories, carbohydrates and fat than regular boiled potato and therefor is NOT keto friendly. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Sweet Potato Nutrition Facts Sweet Potato’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Sweet Potato Continue Reading →

Sweet Potato Nutritional Value

Myth: Sweet Potato is better than Potato It’s is commonly suggested that potatoes are the baddies and sweet potato is a good alternative. So not true!  Sweet Potato contains more calories, carbohydrates and fat than regular boiled potato and therefor is NOT keto friendly. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Sweet Potato Nutritional Value Sweet Potato’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Sweet Potato Continue Reading →

Sweet Corn Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Sweet Corn Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Sweet Corn Continue Reading →

Sunflower Seeds Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Sunflower Seeds Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Sunflower Seeds Continue Reading →

Sugar Snap Peas Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Sugar Snap Peas Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Sugar Snap Peas Continue Reading →

Sugar Nutrition

Without a doubt, one of the worst culprits in diet failures is SUGAR! It’s not hard to change added sugar for a natural sweetener like Stevia but sugar is part of most carbs and you can’t avoid checking then replacing the high sugar items in your diet. Watch out for baked products and sauces which often have unseen sugar. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Sugar Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Sugar Continue Reading →

Sugar Nutrition Facts

Without a doubt, one of the worst culprits in diet failures is SUGAR! It’s not hard to change added sugar for a natural sweetener like Stevia but sugar is part of most carbs and you can’t avoid checking then replacing the high sugar items in your diet. Watch out for baked products and sauces which often have unseen sugar. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Sugar Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Sugar Continue Reading →

Subway Wrap Nutrition

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Wrap Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Yellow Mustard Sauce

Sauces on a Diet? Subway Sauces can be high in fat, carbs and sugars so some sauces are not so great on a diet. If eating at home, your Subway Yellow Mustard Sauce can be diluted with lemon juice and shared. This makes the Subway Yellow Mustard Sauce suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Yellow Mustard Sauce’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Yellow Mustard Sauce Continue Reading →

Subway Veggie Delite Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Veggie Delite Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Veggie Delite Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Veggie Delite Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Veggie Delite Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Veggie Delite Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Veggie Delite Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Veggie Delite Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Veggie Delite Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Veggie Delite Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Turkey Cali Fresh Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Turkey Cali Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Turkey Cali Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Turkey Cali Fresh Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Turkey Cali Fresh Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Turkey Italiano Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Turkey Italiano Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Turkey Italiano Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Turkey Italiano Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Turkey Italiano Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Turkey Italiano Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Turkey Italiano Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Turkey Italiano Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Turkey Italiano Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Turkey Italiano Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Veggie Delite Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Veggie Delite Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Veggie Delite Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Veggie Delite Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Veggie Delite Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Veggie Patty Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Veggie Patty Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Veggie Patty Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Veggie Patty Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Veggie Patty Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Vinaigrette Sauce

Sauces on a Diet? Subway Sauces can be high in fat, carbs and sugars so some sauces are not so great on a diet. If eating at home, your Subway Vinaigrette Sauce can be diluted with lemon juice and shared. This makes the Subway Vinaigrette Sauce suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Vinaigrette Sauce’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Vinaigrette Sauce Continue Reading →

Subway Sweet Onion Teriyaki Sauce

Sauces on a Diet? Subway Sauces can be high in fat, carbs and sugars so some sauces are not so great on a diet. If eating at home, your Subway Sweet Onion Teriyaki Sauce can be diluted with lemon juice and shared. This makes the Subway Sweet Onion Teriyaki Sauce suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Sweet Onion Teriyaki Sauce’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Sweet Onion Teriyaki Sauce Continue Reading →

Subway Tomato Basil Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Tomato Basil Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Tomato Basil Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Tomato Basil Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Tomato Basil Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Tuna Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Tuna Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Tuna Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Tuna Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Tuna Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Tuna Melt Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Tuna Melt Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Tuna Melt Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Tuna Melt Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Tuna Melt Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Tuna Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Tuna Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Tuna Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Tuna Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Tuna Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Tuna Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Tuna Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Tuna Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Tuna Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Tuna Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Tuna Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Tuna Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Tuna Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Tuna Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Tuna Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Turkey Cali Fresh Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Turkey Cali Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Turkey Cali Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Turkey Cali Fresh Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Turkey Cali Fresh Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Turkey Cali Fresh Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Turkey Cali Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Turkey Cali Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Turkey Cali Fresh Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Turkey Cali Fresh Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Turkey Cali Fresh Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Turkey Cali Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Turkey Cali Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Turkey Cali Fresh Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Turkey Cali Fresh Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Steak Cali Fresh Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Steak Cali Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Steak Cali Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Steak Cali Fresh Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Steak Cali Fresh Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Steak Cali Fresh Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Steak Cali Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Steak Cali Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Steak Cali Fresh Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Steak Cali Fresh Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Steak Cali Fresh Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Steak Cali Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Steak Cali Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Steak Cali Fresh Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Steak Cali Fresh Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Steak Club Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Steak Club Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Steak Club Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Steak Club Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Steak Club Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Steak Egg and Cheese Breakfast

Are Subway Breakfasts Good for Weight Loss? Subway Breakfast are all high in carbs so not great on a diet. Your Subway Steak Egg And Cheese Breakfast will certainly knock you out of ketosis. This makes The Subway Steak Egg And Cheese Breakfast unsuitable for keto and low-carb diets. The calories and fat content may be acceptable for weight loss if not too strict a diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Steak Egg and Cheese Breakfast’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Steak Egg and Cheese Breakfast Continue Reading →

Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Sweet Onion Sauce

Sauces on a Diet? Subway Sauces can be high in fat, carbs and sugars so some sauces are not so great on a diet. If eating at home, your Subway Sweet Onion Sauce can be diluted with lemon juice and shared. This makes the Subway Sweet Onion Sauce suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Sweet Onion Sauce’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Sweet Onion Sauce Continue Reading →

Subway Steak Cali Fresh Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Steak Cali Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Steak Cali Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Steak Cali Fresh Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Steak Cali Fresh Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Spicy Italian Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Spicy Italian Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Spicy Italian Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Spicy Italian Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Spicy Italian Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Spinach Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Spinach Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Spinach Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Spinach Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Spinach Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Steak and Cheese Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Steak And Cheese Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Steak And Cheese Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Steak and Cheese Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Steak and Cheese Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Steak and Cheese Melt Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Steak And Cheese Melt Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Steak And Cheese Melt Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Steak and Cheese Melt Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Steak and Cheese Melt Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Steak and Cheese Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Steak And Cheese Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Steak And Cheese Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Steak and Cheese Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Steak and Cheese Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Steak and Cheese Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Steak And Cheese Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Steak And Cheese Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Steak and Cheese Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Steak and Cheese Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Steak and Cheese Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Steak And Cheese Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Steak And Cheese Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Steak and Cheese Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Steak and Cheese Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Sandwich Nutrition

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Sandwich Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Sauce Nutrition

Sauces on a Diet? Subway Sauces can be high in fat, carbs and sugars so some sauces are not so great on a diet. If eating at home, your Subway Sauce can be diluted with lemon juice and shared. This makes the Subway Sauce suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Sauce Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Sauce Continue Reading →

Subway Spicy Italian Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Spicy Italian Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Spicy Italian Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Spicy Italian Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Spicy Italian Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Spicy Italian Melt Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Spicy Italian Melt Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Spicy Italian Melt Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Spicy Italian Melt Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Spicy Italian Melt Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Spicy Italian Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Spicy Italian Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Spicy Italian Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Spicy Italian Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Spicy Italian Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Spicy Italian Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Spicy Italian Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Spicy Italian Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Spicy Italian Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Spicy Italian Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Rotisserie Chicken Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Rotisserie Chicken Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Rotisserie Chicken Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Rotisserie Chicken Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Rotisserie Chicken Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Rotisserie Chicken Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Rotisserie Chicken Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Rotisserie Chicken Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Rotisserie Chicken Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Rotisserie Chicken Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Rotisserie Chicken Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Rotisserie Chicken Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Rotisserie Chicken Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Rotisserie Chicken Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Rotisserie Chicken Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Salad Nutrition

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Salad Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Pizza Sub Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Pizza Sub Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Pizza Sub Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Pizza Sub Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Pizza Sub Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Protein Bowl Nutrition

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Protein Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Protein Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Protein Bowl Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Protein Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Ranch Sauce

Sauces on a Diet? Subway Sauces can be high in fat, carbs and sugars so some sauces are not so great on a diet. If eating at home, your Subway Ranch Sauce can be diluted with lemon juice and shared. This makes the Subway Ranch Sauce suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Ranch Sauce’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Ranch Sauce Continue Reading →

Subway Roast Beef Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Roast Beef Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Roast Beef Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Roast Beef Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Roast Beef Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Roast Beef Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Roast Beef Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Roast Beef Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Roast Beef Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Roast Beef Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Roast Beef Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Roast Beef Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Roast Beef Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Roast Beef Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Roast Beef Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Roast Beef Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Roast Beef Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Roast Beef Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Roast Beef Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Roast Beef Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Rotisserie Chicken Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Rotisserie Chicken Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Rotisserie Chicken Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Rotisserie Chicken Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Rotisserie Chicken Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Panini Nutrition

On a Diet? Subway Bread is high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Panini is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Panini unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Panini Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Panini Continue Reading →

Subway Oven Roasted Turkey and Ham Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Oven Roasted Turkey And Ham Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Oven Roasted Turkey And Ham Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Oven Roasted Turkey and Ham Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Oven Roasted Turkey and Ham Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Melt Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Melt Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Melt Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Melt Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Melt Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Oven Roasted Turkey Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Paneer Tikka Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Paneer Tikka Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Paneer Tikka Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Paneer Tikka Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Paneer Tikka Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Mini 9-Grain Wheat Bread

On a Diet? Subway Bread is high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Mini 9-Grain Wheat Bread is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Mini 9-Grain Wheat Bread unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Mini 9-Grain Wheat Bread’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Mini 9-Grain Wheat Bread Continue Reading →

Subway Fresh Melt Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Melt Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Melt Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Fresh Melt Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Fresh Melt Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Meatball Marinara Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Meatball Marinara Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Meatball Marinara Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Meatball Marinara Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Meatball Marinara Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Meatball Marinara Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Meatball Marinara Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Meatball Marinara Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Meatball Marinara Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Meatball Marinara Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Meatball Marinara Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Meatball Marinara Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Meatball Marinara Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Meatball Marinara Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Meatball Marinara Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Melt Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Melt Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Melt Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Melt Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Melt Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Melt Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Melt Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Melt Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Melt Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Melt Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Melt Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Melt Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Melt Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Melt Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Melt Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Mini Italian Bread

On a Diet? Subway Bread is high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Mini Italian Bread is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Mini Italian Bread unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Mini Italian Bread’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Mini Italian Bread Continue Reading →

Subway Oven Roasted Turkey and Ham Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Oven Roasted Turkey And Ham Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Oven Roasted Turkey And Ham Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Oven Roasted Turkey and Ham Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Oven Roasted Turkey and Ham Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Little Cheesesteak Slider Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Little Cheesesteak Slider Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Little Cheesesteak Slider Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Little Cheesesteak Slider Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Little Cheesesteak Slider Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Italian Bmt Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Italian Bmt Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Italian Bmt Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Italian Bmt Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Italian Bmt Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Italian Bmt Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Italian Bmt Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Italian Bmt Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Italian Bmt Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Italian Bmt Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Italian Bmt Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Italian Bmt Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Italian Bmt Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Italian Bmt Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Italian Bmt Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Italian Herbs and Cheese Bread

On a Diet? Subway Bread is high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Italian Herbs And Cheese Bread is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Italian Herbs And Cheese Bread unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Italian Herbs and Cheese Bread’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Italian Herbs and Cheese Bread Continue Reading →

Subway Light Mayonnaise Sauce

Sauces on a Diet? Subway Sauces can be high in fat, carbs and sugars so some sauces are not so great on a diet. If eating at home, your Subway Light Mayonnaise Sauce can be diluted with lemon juice and shared. This makes the Subway Light Mayonnaise Sauce suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Light Mayonnaise Sauce’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Light Mayonnaise Sauce Continue Reading →

Subway Little Turkey Slider Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Little Turkey Slider Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Little Turkey Slider Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Little Turkey Slider Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Little Turkey Slider Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Mayonnaise Sauce

Sauces on a Diet? Subway Sauces can be high in fat, carbs and sugars so some sauces are not so great on a diet. If eating at home, your Subway Mayonnaise Sauce can be diluted with lemon juice and shared. This makes the Subway Mayonnaise Sauce suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Mayonnaise Sauce’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Mayonnaise Sauce Continue Reading →

Subway Meatball Marinara Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Meatball Marinara Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Meatball Marinara Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Meatball Marinara Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Meatball Marinara Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Meatball Marinara Melt Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Meatball Marinara Melt Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Meatball Marinara Melt Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Meatball Marinara Melt Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Meatball Marinara Melt Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Hearty Multigrain Bread

On a Diet? Subway Bread is high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Hearty Multigrain Bread is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Hearty Multigrain Bread unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Hearty Multigrain Bread’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Hearty Multigrain Bread Continue Reading →

Subway Italian Bmt Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Italian Bmt Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Italian Bmt Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Italian Bmt Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Italian Bmt Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Italian Bmt Melt Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Italian Bmt Melt Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Italian Bmt Melt Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Italian Bmt Melt Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Italian Bmt Melt Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Ham and Cheese Melt Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Ham And Cheese Melt Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Ham And Cheese Melt Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Ham and Cheese Melt Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Ham and Cheese Melt Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Ham and Jack Slider Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Ham And Jack Slider Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Ham And Jack Slider Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Ham and Jack Slider Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Ham and Jack Slider Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Honey Mustard Rotisserie Chicken Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Honey Mustard Sauce

Sauces on a Diet? Subway Sauces can be high in fat, carbs and sugars so some sauces are not so great on a diet. If eating at home, your Subway Honey Mustard Sauce can be diluted with lemon juice and shared. This makes the Subway Honey Mustard Sauce suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Honey Mustard Sauce’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Honey Mustard Sauce Continue Reading →

Subway Draypotle Steak Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Draypotle Steak Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Draypotle Steak Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Draypotle Steak Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Draypotle Steak Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Cold Cut Combo Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Cold Cut Combo Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Cold Cut Combo Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Cold Cut Combo Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Cold Cut Combo Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Cold Cut Combo Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Cold Cut Combo Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Cold Cut Combo Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Cold Cut Combo Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Cold Cut Combo Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Cold Cut Combo Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Cold Cut Combo Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Cold Cut Combo Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Cold Cut Combo Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Cold Cut Combo Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Egg and Cheese Breakfast

Are Subway Breakfasts Good for Weight Loss? Subway Breakfast are all high in carbs so not great on a diet. Your Subway Egg And Cheese Breakfast will certainly knock you out of ketosis. This makes The Subway Egg And Cheese Breakfast unsuitable for keto and low-carb diets. The calories and fat content may be acceptable for weight loss if not too strict a diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Egg and Cheese Breakfast’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Egg and Cheese Breakfast Continue Reading →

Subway Chicken Pizziola Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Chicken Pizziola Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Chicken Pizziola Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Chicken Pizziola Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Chicken Pizziola Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Chicken Vindaloo Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Chicken Vindaloo Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Chicken Vindaloo Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Chicken Vindaloo Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Chicken Vindaloo Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Cold Cut Combo Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Cold Cut Combo Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Cold Cut Combo Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Cold Cut Combo Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Cold Cut Combo Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Chicken Pesto Panini

On a Diet? Subway Bread is high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Chicken Pesto Panini is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Chicken Pesto Panini unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Chicken Pesto Panini’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Chicken Pesto Panini Continue Reading →

Subway Chicken Tikka Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Chicken Tikka Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Chicken Tikka Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Chicken Tikka Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Chicken Tikka Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Chipotle Southwest Sauce

Sauces on a Diet? Subway Sauces can be high in fat, carbs and sugars so some sauces are not so great on a diet. If eating at home, your Subway Chipotle Southwest Sauce can be diluted with lemon juice and shared. This makes the Subway Chipotle Southwest Sauce suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Chipotle Southwest Sauce’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Chipotle Southwest Sauce Continue Reading →

Subway Club Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Club Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Club Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Club Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Club Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Club Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Club Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Club Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Club Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Club Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Club Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Club Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Club Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Club Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Club Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Club Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Club Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Club Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Club Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Club Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Buffalo Chicken Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Buffalo Chicken Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Buffalo Chicken Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Buffalo Chicken Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Buffalo Chicken Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Buffalo Chicken Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Buffalo Chicken Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Buffalo Chicken Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Buffalo Chicken Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Buffalo Chicken Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Buffalo Chicken Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Buffalo Chicken Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Buffalo Chicken Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Buffalo Chicken Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Buffalo Chicken Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Caesar Sauce

Sauces on a Diet? Subway Sauces can be high in fat, carbs and sugars so some sauces are not so great on a diet. If eating at home, your Subway Caesar Sauce can be diluted with lemon juice and shared. This makes the Subway Caesar Sauce suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Caesar Sauce’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Caesar Sauce Continue Reading →

Subway Chicken and Bacon Ranch Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Chicken And Bacon Ranch Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Chicken And Bacon Ranch Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Chicken and Bacon Ranch Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Chicken and Bacon Ranch Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Chicken and Bacon Ranch Melt Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Chicken And Bacon Ranch Melt Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Chicken And Bacon Ranch Melt Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Chicken and Bacon Ranch Melt Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Chicken and Bacon Ranch Melt Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Chicken and Bacon Ranch Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Chicken And Bacon Ranch Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Chicken And Bacon Ranch Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Chicken and Bacon Ranch Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Chicken and Bacon Ranch Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Chicken and Bacon Ranch Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Chicken And Bacon Ranch Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Chicken And Bacon Ranch Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Chicken and Bacon Ranch Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Chicken and Bacon Ranch Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Chicken and Bacon Ranch Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Chicken And Bacon Ranch Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Chicken And Bacon Ranch Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Chicken and Bacon Ranch Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Chicken and Bacon Ranch Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Chicken Mango Curry Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Chicken Mango Curry Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Chicken Mango Curry Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Chicken Mango Curry Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Chicken Mango Curry Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Bread Nutrition

On a Diet? Subway Bread is high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Bread is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Bread unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Bread Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Bread Continue Reading →

Subway Breakfast Nutrition

Are Subway Breakfasts Good for Weight Loss? Subway Breakfast are all high in carbs so not great on a diet. Your Subway Breakfast will certainly knock you out of ketosis. This makes The Subway Breakfast unsuitable for keto and low-carb diets. The calories and fat content may be acceptable for weight loss if not too strict a diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Breakfast Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Breakfast Continue Reading →

Subway Buffalo Chicken Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Buffalo Chicken Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Buffalo Chicken Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Buffalo Chicken Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Buffalo Chicken Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Buffalo Chicken Melt Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Buffalo Chicken Melt Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Buffalo Chicken Melt Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Buffalo Chicken Melt Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Buffalo Chicken Melt Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Black Forest Ham Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Black Forest Ham Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Black Forest Ham Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Black Forest Ham Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Black Forest Ham Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Black Forest Ham Egg Cheese Breakfast

Are Subway Breakfasts Good for Weight Loss? Subway Breakfast are all high in carbs so not great on a diet. Your Subway Black Forest Ham Egg Cheese Breakfast will certainly knock you out of ketosis. This makes The Subway Black Forest Ham Egg Cheese Breakfast unsuitable for keto and low-carb diets. The calories and fat content may be acceptable for weight loss if not too strict a diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Black Forest Ham Egg Cheese Breakfast’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Black Forest Ham Egg Cheese Breakfast Continue Reading →

Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Bbq Chicken Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Bbq Chicken Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Bbq Chicken Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Bbq Chicken Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Bbq Chicken Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Bbq Rib Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Bbq Rib Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Bbq Rib Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Bbq Rib Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Bbq Rib Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Black Forest Ham Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Black Forest Ham Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Black Forest Ham Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Black Forest Ham Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Black Forest Ham Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Black Forest Ham Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Black Forest Ham Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Black Forest Ham Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Black Forest Ham Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Black Forest Ham Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Black Forest Ham Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Black Forest Ham Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Black Forest Ham Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Black Forest Ham Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Black Forest Ham Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Blt Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Blt Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Blt Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Blt Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Blt Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Baja Chicken and Bacon Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Baja Chicken And Bacon Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Baja Chicken And Bacon Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Baja Chicken and Bacon Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Baja Chicken and Bacon Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Baja Chicken and Bacon Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Baja Chicken And Bacon Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Baja Chicken And Bacon Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Baja Chicken and Bacon Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Baja Chicken and Bacon Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Baja Chicken and Bacon Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Baja Chicken And Bacon Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Baja Chicken And Bacon Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Baja Chicken and Bacon Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Baja Chicken and Bacon Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Baja Steak and Jack Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Baja Steak And Jack Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Baja Steak And Jack Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Baja Steak and Jack Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Baja Steak and Jack Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Baja Steak and Jack Melt Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Baja Steak And Jack Melt Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Baja Steak And Jack Melt Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Baja Steak and Jack Melt Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Baja Steak and Jack Melt Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Baja Steak and Jack Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Baja Steak And Jack Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Baja Steak And Jack Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Baja Steak and Jack Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Baja Steak and Jack Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Baja Steak and Jack Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Baja Steak And Jack Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Baja Steak And Jack Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Baja Steak and Jack Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Baja Steak and Jack Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Baja Steak and Jack Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Baja Steak And Jack Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Baja Steak And Jack Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Baja Steak and Jack Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Baja Steak and Jack Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Baja Turkey Avocado Salad Continue Reading →

Subway Artisan Flatbread

On a Diet? Subway Bread is high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Artisan Flatbread is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Artisan Flatbread unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Artisan Flatbread’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Artisan Flatbread Continue Reading →

Subway Bacon Tatum Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Bacon Tatum Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Bacon Tatum Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Bacon Tatum Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Bacon Tatum Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway Baja Chicken and Bacon Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Baja Chicken And Bacon Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway Baja Chicken And Bacon Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Baja Chicken and Bacon Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Baja Chicken and Bacon Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway Artisan Italian Bread

On a Diet? Subway Bread is high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway Artisan Italian Bread is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway Artisan Italian Bread unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Artisan Italian Bread’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Artisan Italian Bread Continue Reading →

Subway Baja Chicken and Bacon Melt Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway Baja Chicken And Bacon Melt Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway Baja Chicken And Bacon Melt Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Baja Chicken and Bacon Melt Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Baja Chicken and Bacon Melt Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway All-American Club Bowl

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway All-Ameri Club Bowl is loaded with high quality protein and low in carbs. This makes the Subway All-Ameri Club Bowl suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway All-American Club Bowl’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway All-American Club Bowl Continue Reading →

Subway All-American Club Salad

On a Diet? Subway Wraps and Breads are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad is a much better choice. Your Subway All-Ameri Club Salad is loaded with nutrients and low in carbs. This makes the Subway All-Ameri Club Salad suitable for keto, low-carb diet as well as low calorie and low fat diets. See also Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway All-American Club Salad’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway All-American Club Salad Continue Reading →

Subway All-American Club Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway All-Ameri Club Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway All-Ameri Club Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway All-American Club Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway All-American Club Sandwich Continue Reading →

Subway All-American Club Wrap

On a Diet? Subway Bread and Wraps are high in carbs and sugars, so a salad or protein bowl is a much better choice. Your Subway All-Ameri Club Wrap is not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Subway All-Ameri Club Wrap unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Subway Wraps and Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway All-American Club Wrap’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway All-American Club Wrap Continue Reading →

Subway Bacon Egg Cheese Breakfast

Are Subway Breakfasts Good for Weight Loss? Subway Breakfast are all high in carbs so not great on a diet. Your Subway Bacon Egg Cheese Breakfast will certainly knock you out of ketosis. This makes The Subway Bacon Egg Cheese Breakfast unsuitable for keto and low-carb diets. The calories and fat content may be acceptable for weight loss if not too strict a diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway Bacon Egg Cheese Breakfast’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway Bacon Egg Cheese Breakfast Continue Reading →

Subway All American Club Melt Sandwich

On a Diet? The bread in Subway Sandwiches is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Your Subway All Ameri Club Melt Sandwich is enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Subway All Ameri Club Melt Sandwich can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Try Subway Wraps or Subway Bowls Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Subway All American Club Melt Sandwich’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Subway All American Club Melt Sandwich Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Strawberries

The fiber in strawberries helps reduce cholesterol and control blood sugar levels. If you want to lose weight, you need a healthy digestive system and strawberries can help you achieve this. Along with other berries like blueberries, strawberries are an easy low carb choice for keto dieters. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Strawberries’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Strawberries Continue Reading →

Nutritional Value of Strawberries

The fiber in strawberries helps reduce cholesterol and control blood sugar levels. If you want to lose weight, you need a healthy digestive system and strawberries can help you achieve this. Along with other berries like blueberries, strawberries are an easy low carb choice for keto dieters. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutritional Value of Strawberries’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Strawberries Continue Reading →

Steak Nutrition

Myth: Steak is bad for you Not true!  Compare these 2 alternatives and see why that steak gets a bad rep. Example 1 – grilled steak, broccoli, 3 small boiled new potatoes. Example 2 – steak and chips with creamy sauce and sides. Nuff said? Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Steak Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Steak Continue Reading →

Steak Nutrition Facts

Myth: Steak is bad for you Not true!  Compare these 2 alternatives and see why that steak gets a bad rep. Example 1 – grilled steak, broccoli, 3 small boiled new potatoes. Example 2 – steak and chips with creamy sauce and sides. Nuff said? Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Steak Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Steak Continue Reading →

Strawberry Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Strawberry Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Strawberry Continue Reading →

Strawberry Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Strawberry Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Strawberry Continue Reading →

Squash Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Squash Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Squash Continue Reading →

Squash Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Squash Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Squash Continue Reading →

Squid Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Squid Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Squid Continue Reading →

Sprite Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Sprite Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Sprite Continue Reading →

Spirulina Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Spirulina Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Spirulina Continue Reading →

Spirulina Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Spirulina Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Spirulina Continue Reading →

Spinach Nutrition

Are Salads Keto? Most salad items are keto-friendly. Mostly water,it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ salad on any diet. Spinach has much to offer on all diets but watch those salad dressings and if low-carb, watch carrots and sweetcorn. Spinach has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Spinach Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Spinach Continue Reading →

Spinach Nutrition 100g

Are Salads Keto? Most salad items are keto-friendly. Mostly water,it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ salad on any diet. Spinach has much to offer on all diets but watch those salad dressings and if low-carb, watch carrots and sweetcorn. Spinach has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition Spinach 100g 100g’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Spinach 100g Continue Reading →

Spinach Nutrition Facts

Are Salads Keto? Most salad items are keto-friendly. Mostly water,it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ salad on any diet. Spinach has much to offer on all diets but watch those salad dressings and if low-carb, watch carrots and sweetcorn. Spinach has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Spinach Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Spinach Continue Reading →

Spinach Nutritional Value

Are Salads Keto? Most salad items are keto-friendly. Mostly water,it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ salad on any diet. Spinach has much to offer on all diets but watch those salad dressings and if low-carb, watch carrots and sweetcorn. Spinach has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Spinach Nutritional Value’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Spinach Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Spinach

Are Salads Keto? Most salad items are keto-friendly. Mostly water,it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ salad on any diet. Spinach has much to offer on all diets but watch those salad dressings and if low-carb, watch carrots and sweetcorn. Spinach has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Spinach’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Spinach Continue Reading →

Spaghetti Squash Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Spaghetti Squash Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Spaghetti Squash Continue Reading →

Spaghetti Squash Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Spaghetti Squash Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Spaghetti Squash Continue Reading →

Spaghetti Nutrition

Can you have Spaghetti on keto? Absolutely NOT – whilst many articles manage to find some good in pasta, it frankly is best avoided. Any nutritional value can be found elsewhere in your diet. Healthy Spaghetti? Way too many starchy carbs! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Spaghetti Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Spaghetti Continue Reading →

Spaghetti Nutrition Facts

Can you have Spaghetti on keto? Absolutely NOT – whilst many articles manage to find some good in pasta, it frankly is best avoided. Any nutritional value can be found elsewhere in your diet. Healthy Spaghetti? Way too many starchy carbs! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Spaghetti Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Spaghetti Continue Reading →

Soy Sauce Nutrition

Legumes(Beans,Peas,Lentils)) are a great source of fiber, minerals, vitamins and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Soy Sauce is great for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Soy Sauce carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Soy Sauce in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Soy Sauce Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Soy Sauce Continue Reading →

Soy Milk Nutrition

Legumes(Beans,Peas,Lentils)) are a great source of fiber, minerals, vitamins and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Soy Milk is great for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Soy Milk carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Soy Milk in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Soy Milk Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Soy Milk Continue Reading →

Soy Milk Nutrition Facts

Legumes(Beans,Peas,Lentils)) are a great source of fiber, minerals, vitamins and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Soy Milk is great for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Soy Milk carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Soy Milk in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Soy Milk Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Soy Milk Continue Reading →

Sour Cream Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Sour Cream Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Sour Cream Continue Reading →

Sour Cream Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Sour Cream Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Sour Cream Continue Reading →

Snap Peas Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Snap Peas Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Snap Peas Continue Reading →

Smoked Salmon Nutrition

Salmon is an excellent source of protein, low in fat and calories and a good source of essential vitamins and minerals, including omega 3. Pink salmon has a softer texture and milder flavor than red salmon. Canned salmon packed in oil tends to be higher in calories and fat than canned salmon packed in water. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Smoked Salmon Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Smoked Salmon Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Shrimp

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Shrimp’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Shrimp Continue Reading →

Nutrition Shakes

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition Shakes’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Shakes Continue Reading →

Scallops Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Scallops Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Scallops Continue Reading →

Salmon Nutrition

Salmon is an excellent source of protein, low in fat and calories and a good source of essential vitamins and minerals, including omega 3. Pink salmon has a softer texture and milder flavor than red salmon. Canned salmon packed in oil tends to be higher in calories and fat than canned salmon packed in water. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Salmon Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Salmon Continue Reading →

Salmon Nutrition Facts

Salmon is an excellent source of protein, low in fat and calories and a good source of essential vitamins and minerals, including omega 3. Pink salmon has a softer texture and milder flavor than red salmon. Canned salmon packed in oil tends to be higher in calories and fat than canned salmon packed in water. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Salmon Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Salmon Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Salmon

Salmon is an excellent source of protein, low in fat and calories and a good source of essential vitamins and minerals, including omega 3. Pink salmon has a softer texture and milder flavor than red salmon. Canned salmon packed in oil tends to be higher in calories and fat than canned salmon packed in water. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Salmon’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Salmon Continue Reading →

Salad Nutrition Facts

Are Salads Keto? Most salad items are keto-friendly. Mostly water,it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ salad on any diet. Salad has much to offer on all diets but watch those salad dressings and if low-carb, watch carrots and sweetcorn. Salad has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Salad Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Salad Continue Reading →

Russet Potato Nutrition

Myth: Sweet Potato is better than Potato It’s is commonly suggested that potatoes are the baddies and sweet potato is a good alternative. So not true!  Russet Potato contains less calories and carbohydrates than sweet potato but sadly is still NOT keto friendly. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Russet Potato Nutrition Russet Potato’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Russet Potato Continue Reading →

Rutabaga Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Rutabaga Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Rutabaga Continue Reading →

Rotisserie Chicken Nutrition

Is Chicken Good for Weight Loss? Chicken is low in calories and high in protein, with hardly any carbs or fat (skin is fatty though!) so it’s great for weight loss. Rotisserie Chicken is a good choice for those on a diet as it has the least fat of the popular meats. However fat content in Rotisserie Chicken can be very variable and those calories have to be estimated for weight loss.  Eat Rotisserie Chicken in preference to fattier meats. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Rotisserie Chicken Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Rotisserie Chicken Continue Reading →

Romaine Lettuce Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Romaine Lettuce Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Romaine Lettuce Continue Reading →

Romaine Lettuce Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Romaine Lettuce Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Romaine Lettuce Continue Reading →

Roma Tomato Nutrition

Where would we be without our beloved tomatoes, the second most widely eaten vegetable (or fruit if you prefer) in the United States, second only to potatoes. Good for pretty much all diets, used for everything from stews to salads, Roma Tomatos may just be the most versatile of all fruit/vegetables. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Roma Tomato Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Roma Tomato Continue Reading →

Ritz Crackers Nutrition

How Healthy are Ritz Crackers? Let’s be honest, Ritz Crackers are not the best choice, tasty as they are. You can minimize the damage by eating less and loading them with a tasty healthy dips like hummus. If you are eating a whole sleeve of ritz crackers then be sure to work off those extra calories. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Ritz Crackers Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Ritz Crackers Continue Reading →

Ricotta Cheese Nutrition

Can I have Cheese on Keto? Cheese is something I find hard to reduce on a diet, even for a healthy diet rather than weight loss.  I find low carb or low fat cheeses defeat the objective in that the taste is different. A great way to keep the taste of your Ricotta Cheese is to increase the volume up to double by adding lemon juice or greek yogurt to eat as a sandwich filler or dip Then share! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Ricotta Cheese Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Ricotta Cheese Continue Reading →

Rice Noodles Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Rice Noodles Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Rice Noodles Continue Reading →

Rice Cake Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Rice Cake Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Rice Cake Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Rice

White rice doesn’t have the same health benefits as brown rice but it still has nutritional value. In most countries world wide, white rice is consumed far more than brown rice. Is rice good for weight loss? For those on a keto or low carb diet it’s a bad idea. For everyone else small quantities are a must due to its starch content. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Rice’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Rice Continue Reading →

Nutritional Value of Rice

White rice doesn’t have the same health benefits as brown rice but it still has nutritional value. In most countries world wide, white rice is consumed far more than brown rice. Is rice good for weight loss? For those on a keto or low carb diet it’s a bad idea. For everyone else small quantities are a must due to its starch content. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutritional Value of Rice’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Rice Continue Reading →

Rice Nutrition

White rice doesn’t have the same health benefits as brown rice but it still has nutritional value. In most countries world wide, white rice is consumed far more than brown rice. Is rice good for weight loss? For those on a keto or low carb diet it’s a bad idea. For everyone else small quantities are a must due to its starch content. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Rice Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Rice Continue Reading →

Rice Nutrition Facts

White rice doesn’t have the same health benefits as brown rice but it still has nutritional value. In most countries world wide, white rice is consumed far more than brown rice. Is rice good for weight loss? For those on a keto or low carb diet it’s a bad idea. For everyone else small quantities are a must due to its starch content. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Rice Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Rice Continue Reading →

Ribeye Steak Nutrition

Myth: Red Meat is bad for you Not true!  Truly most Ribeye Steak you could call nutritious and full of protein and for a keto diet we don’t have to worry about the fat content. However, Ribeye Steak can be variable in fat content and these calories need watching for weight loss.  Eat Ribeye Steak in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Ribeye Steak Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Ribeye Steak Continue Reading →

Ribeye Nutrition

Myth: Red Meat is bad for you Not true!  Truly most Ribeye you could call nutritious and full of protein and for a keto diet we don’t have to worry about the fat content. However, Ribeye can be variable in fat content and these calories need watching for weight loss.  Eat Ribeye in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Ribeye Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Ribeye Continue Reading →

Refried Beans Nutrition

Beans are a great source of fiber, minerals and vitamin B, and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Refried Beans are good for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Refried Beans carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Refried Beans in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Refried Beans Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Refried Beans Continue Reading →

Raw Almonds Nutrition

Nuts contain beneficial unsaturated fats and other nutrients. Contrary to popular myths, Almondss are perfectly safe as long as not over eaten. Many foods like Almondss can cause problems if eaten in large quantities. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Raw Almonds Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Raw Almonds Continue Reading →

Raspberry Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Raspberry Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Raspberry Continue Reading →

Raspberry Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Raspberry Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Raspberry Continue Reading →

Ranch Dressing Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Ranch Dressing Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Ranch Dressing Continue Reading →

Ranch Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Ranch Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Ranch Continue Reading →

Ramen Noodles Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Ramen Noodles Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Ramen Noodles Continue Reading →

Raisins Nutrition

Raisins are a good source of potassium which can help bring down high blood pressure. Raisins and citrus fruits are fine for weight loss in moderation although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Eat a small handul each day as part of a healthy diet but NOT on a low carb diet. Berries are lower in carbs than Raisins. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Raisins Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Raisins Continue Reading →

Raisins Nutrition Facts

Raisins are a good source of potassium which can help bring down high blood pressure. Raisins and citrus fruits are fine for weight loss in moderation although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Eat a small handul each day as part of a healthy diet but NOT on a low carb diet. Berries are lower in carbs than Raisins. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Raisins Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Raisins Continue Reading →

Ramen Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Ramen Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Ramen Continue Reading →

Radish Nutrition

Are Salads Keto? Most salad items are keto-friendly. Mostly water,it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ salad on any diet. Radish has much to offer on all diets but watch those salad dressings and if low-carb, watch carrots and sweetcorn. Radish has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Radish Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Radish Continue Reading →

Radish Nutrition Facts

Are Salads Keto? Most salad items are keto-friendly. Mostly water,it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ salad on any diet. Radish has much to offer on all diets but watch those salad dressings and if low-carb, watch carrots and sweetcorn. Radish has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Radish Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Radish Continue Reading →

Quinoa Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Quinoa Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Quinoa Continue Reading →

Quinoa Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Quinoa Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Quinoa Continue Reading →

Quinoa Nutritional Value

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Quinoa Nutritional Value’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Quinoa Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Quinoa

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Quinoa’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Quinoa Continue Reading →

Quaker Oats Nutrition

Quaker Oats- a great fiber and energy source. People often search for ‘Quaker Oats are a carb?’. The answer is yes, almost totally carbs and if you are on a keto diet (or low carb) then you simply can’t eat Quaker Oats! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Quaker Oats Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Quaker Oats Continue Reading →

Pumpkin Seeds Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pumpkin Seeds Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pumpkin Seeds Continue Reading →

Pumpkin Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pumpkin Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pumpkin Continue Reading →

Pumpkin Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pumpkin Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pumpkin Continue Reading →

Powerade Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Powerade Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Powerade Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Potatoes

Myth: Sweet Potato is better than Potato It’s is commonly suggested that potatoes are the baddies and sweet potato is a good alternative. So not true!  Potatoes contain less calories and carbohydrates than sweet potato but sadly is still NOT keto friendly. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Potatoes’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Potatoes Continue Reading →

Potato Nutrition

Myth: Sweet Potato is better than Potato It’s is commonly suggested that potatoes are the baddies and sweet potato is a good alternative. So not true!  Potato contains less calories and carbohydrates than sweet potato but sadly is still NOT keto friendly. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Potato Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Potato Continue Reading →

Potato Nutrition Facts

Myth: Sweet Potato is better than Potato It’s is commonly suggested that potatoes are the baddies and sweet potato is a good alternative. So not true!  Potato contains less calories and carbohydrates than sweet potato but sadly is still NOT keto friendly. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Potato Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Potato Continue Reading →

Potato Nutritional Value

Myth: Sweet Potato is better than Potato It’s is commonly suggested that potatoes are the baddies and sweet potato is a good alternative. So not true!  Potato contains less calories and carbohydrates than sweet potato but sadly is still NOT keto friendly. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Potato Nutritional Value’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Potato Continue Reading →

Portobello Mushroom Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Portobello Mushroom Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Portobello Mushroom Continue Reading →

Pork Tenderloin Nutrition

Myth: Pork is bad for you Not true!  Truly most Pork Tenderloin you could call nutritious and full of protein and for a keto diet we don’t have to worry about the fat content. However, Pork Tenderloin can be variable in fat content and these calories need watching for weight loss.  Eat Pork Tenderloin in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pork Tenderloin Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pork Tenderloin Continue Reading →

Pork Rinds Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pork Rinds Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pork Rinds Continue Reading →

Pork Loin Nutrition

Myth: Pork is bad for you Not true!  Truly most Pork Loin you could call nutritious and full of protein and for a keto diet we don’t have to worry about the fat content. However, Pork Loin can be variable in fat content and these calories need watching for weight loss.  Eat Pork Loin in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pork Loin Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pork Loin Continue Reading →

Popeyes Chicken Nutrition

Is Chicken Good for Weight Loss? Chicken is low in calories and high in protein, with hardly any carbs or fat (skin is fatty though!) so it’s great for weight loss. Popeyes Chicken is a good choice for those on a diet as it has the least fat of the popular meats. However fat content in Popeyes Chicken can be very variable and those calories have to be estimated for weight loss.  Eat Popeyes Chicken in preference to fattier meats. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Popeyes Chicken Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Popeyes Chicken Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Popcorn

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Popcorn’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Popcorn Continue Reading →

Pomegranate Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pomegranate Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pomegranate Continue Reading →

Pomegranate Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pomegranate Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pomegranate Continue Reading →

Polenta Nutrition

Polenta- a great fiber and energy source. People often search for ‘Polenta is a carb?’. The answer is yes, almost totally carbs and if you are on a keto diet (or low carb) then you simply can’t eat Polenta! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Polenta Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Polenta Continue Reading →

Plum Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Plum Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Plum Continue Reading →

Plum Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Plum Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Plum Continue Reading →

Plantain Nutrition

Plantains are a good source of potassium which can help bring down high blood pressure. Plantain and citrus fruits are fine for weight loss in moderation although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Eat max one small banana or plantain a day as part of a healthy diet but NOT on a low carb diet. Berries are lower in carbs than Plantains. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Plantain Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Plantain Continue Reading →

Pizza Express Nutrition

Most pizzas are high in calories and salt, mainly due to the toppings. Stuffed crust or deep-dish pizzas are a killer.  Bad idea for Low-Carb or Keto Diets, the base alone is too many carbs. Not good for weight either unless you can restrict yourself to an occasional pizza slice. Mock pizza can be made using a vegetable or egg (or egg white) base in place of the dough. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pizza Express Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pizza Express Continue Reading →

Pizza Nutrition

Most pizzas are high in calories and salt, mainly due to the toppings. Stuffed crust or deep-dish pizzas are a killer.  Bad idea for Low-Carb or Keto Diets, the base alone is too many carbs. Not good for weight either unless you can restrict yourself to an occasional pizza slice. Mock pizza can be made using a vegetable or egg (or egg white) base in place of the dough. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pizza Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pizza Continue Reading →

Pizza Nutrition Facts

Most pizzas are high in calories and salt, mainly due to the toppings. Stuffed crust or deep-dish pizzas are a killer.  Bad idea for Low-Carb or Keto Diets, the base alone is too many carbs. Not good for weight either unless you can restrict yourself to an occasional pizza slice. Mock pizza can be made using a vegetable or egg (or egg white) base in place of the dough. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pizza Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pizza Continue Reading →

Pistachio Nutrition

Nuts contain beneficial unsaturated fats and other nutrients. Contrary to popular myths, Pistachios are perfectly safe as long as not over eaten. Many foods like Pistachios can cause problems if eaten in large quantities. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pistachio Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pistachio Continue Reading →

Pistachio Nutrition Facts

Nuts contain beneficial unsaturated fats and other nutrients. Contrary to popular myths, Pistachios are perfectly safe as long as not over eaten. Many foods like Pistachios can cause problems if eaten in large quantities. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pistachio Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pistachio Continue Reading →

Pinto Beans Nutrition

Beans are a great source of fiber, minerals and vitamin B, and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Pinto Beans are good for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Pinto Beans carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Pinto Beans in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pinto Beans Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pinto Beans Continue Reading →

Pinto Beans Nutrition Facts

Beans are a great source of fiber, minerals and vitamin B, and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Pinto Beans are good for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Pinto Beans carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Pinto Beans in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pinto Beans Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pinto Beans Continue Reading →

Nutrients in Pineapple

Pineapple is good for your digestion having fiber and nutrients as is similar fruits. Consuming Pineapple every day as part of a healthy diet is good for weight loss but NOT on a keto diet as Pineapple is a bit high in carbs just like all sweeter fruits and cooked products. Berries are lower in carbs and sugar. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrients in Pineapple’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pineapple Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Pineapple

Pineapple is good for your digestion having fiber and nutrients as is similar fruits. Consuming Pineapple every day as part of a healthy diet is good for weight loss but NOT on a keto diet as Pineapple is a bit high in carbs just like all sweeter fruits and cooked products. Berries are lower in carbs and sugar. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Pineapple’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pineapple Continue Reading →

Pine Nuts Nutrition

Nuts contain beneficial unsaturated fats and other nutrients. Contrary to popular myths, Pine Nutss are perfectly safe as long as not over eaten. Many foods like Pine Nutss can cause problems if eaten in large quantities. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pine Nuts Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pine Nuts Continue Reading →

Philadelphia Cream Cheese Nutrition

Can I have Cheese on Keto? Cheese is something I find hard to reduce on a diet, even for a healthy diet rather than weight loss.  I find low carb or low fat cheeses defeat the objective in that the taste is different. A great way to keep the taste of your Philadelphia Cream Cheese is to increase the volume up to double by adding lemon juice or greek yogurt to eat as a sandwich filler or dip Then share! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Philadelphia Cream Cheese Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Philadelphia Cream Cheese Continue Reading →

Pho Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pho Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pho Continue Reading →

Persimmon Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Persimmon Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Persimmon Continue Reading →

Pepsi Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pepsi Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pepsi Continue Reading →

Pepper Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pepper Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pepper Continue Reading →

Dr Pepper Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Dr Pepper Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Dr Pepper Continue Reading →

Pepitas Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pepitas Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pepitas Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Peas

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Peas’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Peas Continue Reading →

Peas Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Peas Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Peas Continue Reading →

Peas Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Peas Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Peas Continue Reading →

Pear Nutrition Facts

Pear is good for your digestion having fiber and nutrients as is similar fruits. Consuming Pear every day as part of a healthy diet is good for weight loss but NOT on a keto diet as Pear is a bit high in carbs just like all sweeter fruits and cooked products. Berries are lower in carbs and sugar. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pear Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pear Continue Reading →

Pear Nutrition

Pear is good for your digestion having fiber and nutrients as is similar fruits. Consuming Pear every day as part of a healthy diet is good for weight loss but NOT on a keto diet as Pear is a bit high in carbs just like all sweeter fruits and cooked products. Berries are lower in carbs and sugar. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pear Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pear Continue Reading →

Peanuts Nutrition

Nuts contain beneficial unsaturated fats and other nutrients. Contrary to popular myths, Peanutss are perfectly safe as long as not over eaten. Many foods like Peanutss can cause problems if eaten in large quantities. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Peanuts Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Peanuts Continue Reading →

Peanuts Nutrition Facts

Nuts contain beneficial unsaturated fats and other nutrients. Contrary to popular myths, Peanutss are perfectly safe as long as not over eaten. Many foods like Peanutss can cause problems if eaten in large quantities. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Peanuts Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Peanuts Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Peanuts

Nuts contain beneficial unsaturated fats and other nutrients. Contrary to popular myths, Peanutss are perfectly safe as long as not over eaten. Many foods like Peanutss can cause problems if eaten in large quantities. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Peanuts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Peanuts Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Peanut Butter

Is peanut butter good for weight loss? Peanut butter can be included in a healthy diet. However peanut butter is high in calories and fat, so unless you are on a keto diet, eat it only in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Peanut Butter’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Peanut Butter Continue Reading →

Peanut Butter Nutrition

Is peanut butter good for weight loss? Peanut butter can be included in a healthy diet. However peanut butter is high in calories and fat, so unless you are on a keto diet, eat it only in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Peanut Butter Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Peanut Butter Continue Reading →

Peanut Butter Nutrition Facts

Is peanut butter good for weight loss? Peanut butter can be included in a healthy diet. However peanut butter is high in calories and fat, so unless you are on a keto diet, eat it only in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Peanut Butter Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Peanut Butter Continue Reading →

Peaches Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Peaches Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Peaches Continue Reading →

Pasta Nutrition

Can you have Pasta on keto? Absolutely NOT – whilst many articles manage to find some good in pasta, it frankly is best avoided. Any nutritional value can be found elsewhere in your diet. Healthy Pasta? Way too many starchy carbs! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pasta Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pasta Continue Reading →

Pasta Nutrition Facts

Can you have Pasta on keto? Absolutely NOT – whilst many articles manage to find some good in pasta, it frankly is best avoided. Any nutritional value can be found elsewhere in your diet. Healthy Pasta? Way too many starchy carbs! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Pasta Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pasta Continue Reading →

Parmesan Cheese Nutrition

Can I have Cheese on Keto? Cheese is something I find hard to reduce on a diet, even for a healthy diet rather than weight loss.  I find low carb or low fat cheeses defeat the objective in that the taste is different. A great way to keep the taste of your Parmesan Cheese is to increase the volume up to double by adding lemon juice or greek yogurt to eat as a sandwich filler or dip Then share! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Parmesan Cheese Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Parmesan Cheese Continue Reading →

Parsnip Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Parsnip Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Parsnip Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Papaya

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Papaya’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Papaya Continue Reading →

Papaya Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Papaya Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Papaya Continue Reading →

Papaya Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Papaya Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Papaya Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Paneer

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Paneer’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Paneer Continue Reading →

Oreo Nutrition Facts

On a Diet? Bread and baked products are high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Most baked goods like Oreo are enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Oreos can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Oreo Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Oreo Continue Reading →

Orange Nutrition

Oranges are high in vitamin C which is vital for a healthy immune system and well known for preventing colds or assisting recovery. Oranges and other citrus fruits are fine for weight loss although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Berries are lower in carbs than Oranges. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Orange Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Orange Continue Reading →

Orange Nutrition Facts

Oranges are high in vitamin C which is vital for a healthy immune system and well known for preventing colds or assisting recovery. Oranges and other citrus fruits are fine for weight loss although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Berries are lower in carbs than Oranges. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Orange Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Orange Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Orange

Oranges are high in vitamin C which is vital for a healthy immune system and well known for preventing colds or assisting recovery. Oranges and other citrus fruits are fine for weight loss although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Berries are lower in carbs than Oranges. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Orange’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Orange Continue Reading →

Nutritional Value of Onions

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutritional Value of Onions’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Onions Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Onion

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Onion’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Onion Continue Reading →

Onion Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Onion Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Onion Continue Reading →

Onion Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Onion Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Onion Continue Reading →

Olives Nutrition

Contrary to popular belief, Olive Oil does not have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids although it has flavonoids which have similar effects. The ratio of Omega-3 though, is almost perfect in olive oil and the ratio of fatty acids is important. Studies show that diets rich in olive oil help prevent heart attacks and stroke. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Olives Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Olives Continue Reading →

Olives Nutrition Facts

Contrary to popular belief, Olive Oil does not have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids although it has flavonoids which have similar effects. The ratio of Omega-3 though, is almost perfect in olive oil and the ratio of fatty acids is important. Studies show that diets rich in olive oil help prevent heart attacks and stroke. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Olives Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Olives Continue Reading →

Olive Oil Nutrition Facts

Contrary to popular belief, Olive Oil does not have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids although it has flavonoids which have similar effects. The ratio of Omega-3 though, is almost perfect in olive oil and the ratio of fatty acids is important. Studies show that diets rich in olive oil help prevent heart attacks and stroke. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Olive Oil Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Olive Oil Continue Reading →

Okra Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Okra Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Okra Continue Reading →

Okra Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Okra Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Okra Continue Reading →

Octopus Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Octopus Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Octopus Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Oats

Oats- a great fiber and energy source. People often search for ‘Oats are a carb?’. The answer is yes, almost totally carbs and if you are on a keto diet (or low carb) then you simply can’t eat Oats! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Oats’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Oats Continue Reading →

Oats Nutrition

Oats- a great fiber and energy source. People often search for ‘Oats is a carb?’. The answer is yes, almost totally carbs and if you are on a keto diet (or low carb) then you simply can’t eat Oats! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Oats Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Oats Continue Reading →

Oats Nutrition Facts

Oats- a great fiber and energy source. People often search for ‘Oats is a carb?’. The answer is yes, almost totally carbs and if you are on a keto diet (or low carb) then you simply can’t eat Oats! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Oats Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Oats Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Oatmeal

Oatmeal- a great fiber and energy source. People often search for ‘Oatmeal is a carb?’. The answer is yes, almost totally carbs and if you are on a keto diet (or low carb) then you simply can’t eat Oatmeal! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Oatmeal’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Oatmeal Continue Reading →

Nutella Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutella Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Nutella Continue Reading →

Nutella Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutella Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Nutella Continue Reading →

Noodles Nutrition

Can you have Noodles on keto? Absolutely NOT – whilst many articles manage to find some good in pasta, it frankly is best avoided. Any nutritional value can be found elsewhere in your diet. Healthy Noodles? Way too many starchy carbs! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Noodles Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Noodles Continue Reading →

Nectarine Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nectarine Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Nectarine Continue Reading →

Mussels Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Mussels Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mussels Continue Reading →

Mustard Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Mustard Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mustard Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Mushrooms

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Mushrooms’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mushrooms Continue Reading →

Nutritional Value of Mushrooms

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutritional Value of Mushrooms’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mushrooms Continue Reading →

Mushroom Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Mushroom Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mushroom Continue Reading →

Mushroom Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Mushroom Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mushroom Continue Reading →

Mung Beans Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Mung Beans Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mung Beans Continue Reading →

Mozzarella Cheese Nutrition

Can I have Cheese on Keto? Cheese is something I find hard to reduce on a diet, even for a healthy diet rather than weight loss.  I find low carb or low fat cheeses defeat the objective in that the taste is different. A great way to keep the taste of your Mozzarella Cheese is to increase the volume up to double by adding lemon juice or greek yogurt to eat as a sandwich filler or dip Then share! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Mozzarella Cheese Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mozzarella Cheese Continue Reading →

Mozzarella Nutrition

Can I have Cheese on Keto? Cheese is something I find hard to reduce on a diet, even for a healthy diet rather than weight loss.  I find low carb or low fat cheeses defeat the objective in that the taste is different. A great way to keep the taste of your Mozzarella is to increase the volume up to double by adding lemon juice or greek yogurt to eat as a sandwich filler or dip Then share! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Mozzarella Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mozzarella Continue Reading →

Mountain Dew Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Mountain Dew Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mountain Dew Continue Reading →

Moong Dal Nutrition

Legumes(Beans,Peas,Lentils)) are a great source of fiber, minerals, vitamins and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Moong Dal is great for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Moong Dal carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Moong Dal in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Moong Dal Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Moong Dal Continue Reading →

Miso Soup Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Miso Soup Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Miso Soup Continue Reading →

Miller Lite Nutrition

Can you have Miller Lite on keto? Absolutely NOT – you need to choose spirits really. The higher the proof the less sugar and carbs. Spirits have almost none and don’t affect ketosis for most people. Miller Lite has just too much sugar and carbs! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Miller Lite Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Miller Lite Continue Reading →

Millet Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Millet Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Millet Continue Reading →

Milk Nutrition

The Milk Diet involves drinking only skimmed milk for a month. Allegedly excessive calcium leads to weight loss, as it helps the body get rid of fat in particular, abdominal fat. Personally, I think this scientifically very unsound, unproven and potentially very dangerous to health. Yes milk is very nutritious but it is far from a complete diet! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Milk Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Milk Continue Reading →

Milk Nutrition Facts

The Milk Diet involves drinking only skimmed milk for a month. Allegedly excessive calcium leads to weight loss, as it helps the body get rid of fat in particular, abdominal fat. Personally, I think this scientifically very unsound, unproven and potentially very dangerous to health. Yes milk is very nutritious but it is far from a complete diet! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Milk Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Milk Continue Reading →

Nutritional Value of Milk

The Milk Diet involves drinking only skimmed milk for a month. Allegedly excessive calcium leads to weight loss, as it helps the body get rid of fat in particular, abdominal fat. Personally, I think this scientifically very unsound, unproven and potentially very dangerous to health. Yes milk is very nutritious but it is far from a complete diet! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutritional Value of Milk’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Milk Continue Reading →

Whole Milk Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Whole Milk Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Whole Milk Continue Reading →

Whole Milk Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Whole Milk Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Whole Milk Continue Reading →

2% Milk Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘2% Milk Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with 2% Milk Continue Reading →

2% Milk Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘2% Milk Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with 2% Milk Continue Reading →

Michelob Ultra Nutrition

Can you have Michelob Ultra on keto? Absolutely NOT – you need to choose spirits really. The higher the proof the less sugar and carbs. Spirits have almost none and don’t affect ketosis for most people. Michelob Ultra has just too much sugar and carbs! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Michelob Ultra Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Michelob Ultra Continue Reading →

Michelob Ultra Nutrition Facts

Can you have Michelob Ultra on keto? Absolutely NOT – you need to choose spirits really. The higher the proof the less sugar and carbs. Spirits have almost none and don’t affect ketosis for most people. Michelob Ultra has just too much sugar and carbs! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Michelob Ultra Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Michelob Ultra Continue Reading →

Nutrients in Meat

Is White Meat Best? On the whole yes with exceptions!  The skin on your Meat is full of fat (keto dieters don’t have to worry) and duck and goose, for example, are very fatty indeed. However fat content in , Meat can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Meat in preference to fattier meats. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrients in Meat’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Meat Continue Reading →

McDouble Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘McDouble Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with McDouble Continue Reading →

McDonalds Breakfast Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘McDonalds Breakfast Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with McDonalds Breakfast Continue Reading →

Mcchicken Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Mcchicken Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mcchicken Continue Reading →

Mango Nutrition

Is Mango OK on a Diet? Mango is high in carbs and sugars and often has added sugar if canned, frozen or prepacked. Most Mango is nutritious and full of fibre but for a keto diet the carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Mango can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Mango Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mango Continue Reading →

Mango Nutrition Facts

Is Mango OK on a Diet? Mango is high in carbs and sugars and often has added sugar if canned, frozen or prepacked. Most Mango is nutritious and full of fibre but for a keto diet the carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Mango can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Mango Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mango Continue Reading →

Mango Nutritional Value

Is Mango OK on a Diet? Mango is high in carbs and sugars and often has added sugar if canned, frozen or prepacked. Most Mango is nutritious and full of fibre but for a keto diet the carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Mango can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Mango Nutritional Value’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mango Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Mango

Is Mango OK on a Diet? Mango is high in carbs and sugars and often has added sugar if canned, frozen or prepacked. Most Mango is nutritious and full of fibre but for a keto diet the carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Mango can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Mango’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mango Continue Reading →

Mandarin Orange Nutrition

Mandarin Oranges are high in vitamin C which is vital for a healthy immune system and well known for preventing colds or assisting recovery. Mandarin Oranges and other citrus fruits are fine for weight loss although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Berries are lower in carbs than Mandarin Oranges. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Mandarin Orange Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mandarin Orange Continue Reading →

Mandarin Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Mandarin Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mandarin Continue Reading →

Mackerel Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Mackerel Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mackerel Continue Reading →

Mahi Mahi Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Mahi Mahi Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mahi Mahi Continue Reading →

Macadamia Nuts Nutrition

Nuts contain beneficial unsaturated fats and other nutrients. Contrary to popular myths, Macadamia Nutss are perfectly safe as long as not over eaten. Many foods like Macadamia Nutss can cause problems if eaten in large quantities. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Macadamia Nuts Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Macadamia Nuts Continue Reading →

Liver Nutrition

Offal and Animal By-Products On a regular basis these are best avoided but they do contain important nutrition. You need a good Liver recipe to suit your diet type. Liver fat and carb content is low but those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Liver in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Liver Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Liver Continue Reading →

Lime Juice Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Lime Juice Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Lime Juice Continue Reading →

Lime Nutrition

Limes are high in vitamin C which is vital for a healthy immune system and well known for preventing colds or assisting recovery. Limes and other citrus fruits are fine for weight loss although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Berries are lower in carbs than Limes. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Lime Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Lime Continue Reading →

Lima Beans Nutrition

Beans are a great source of fiber, minerals and vitamin B, and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Lima Beans are good for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Lima Beans carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Lima Beans in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Lima Beans Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Lima Beans Continue Reading →

Lettuce Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Lettuce Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Lettuce Continue Reading →

Lettuce Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Lettuce Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Lettuce Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Lettuce

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Lettuce’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Lettuce Continue Reading →

Nutritional Value of Lettuce

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutritional Value of Lettuce’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Lettuce Continue Reading →

Lentils Nutrition

Legumes(Beans,Peas,Lentils)) are a great source of fiber, minerals, vitamins and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Lentils are great for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Lentils carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Lentils in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Lentils Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Lentils Continue Reading →

Lentils Nutrition Facts

Legumes(Beans,Peas,Lentils)) are a great source of fiber, minerals, vitamins and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Lentils are great for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Lentils carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Lentils in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Lentils Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Lentils Continue Reading →

Lemon Juice Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Lemon Juice Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Lemon Juice Continue Reading →

Lemon Nutrition Facts

Lemons are high in vitamin C which is vital for a healthy immune system and well known for preventing colds or assisting recovery. Lemons and other citrus fruits are fine for weight loss although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Berries are lower in carbs than Lemons. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Lemon Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Lemon Continue Reading →

Lemon Nutrition

Lemons are high in vitamin C which is vital for a healthy immune system and well known for preventing colds or assisting recovery. Lemons and other citrus fruits are fine for weight loss although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Berries are lower in carbs than Lemons. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Lemon Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Lemon Continue Reading →

Krispy Kreme Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Krispy Kreme Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Krispy Kreme Continue Reading →

Kiwi Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Kiwi Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Kiwi Continue Reading →

Kiwi Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Kiwi Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Kiwi Continue Reading →

Kimchi Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Kimchi Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Kimchi Continue Reading →

Kidney Beans Nutrition

Beans are a great source of fiber, minerals and vitamin B, and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Kidney Beans are good for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Kidney Beans carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Kidney Beans in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Kidney Beans Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Kidney Beans Continue Reading →

Ketchup Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Ketchup Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Ketchup Continue Reading →

Kale Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Kale Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Kale Continue Reading →

Kale Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Kale Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Kale Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Kale

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Kale’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Kale Continue Reading →

Jif Peanut Butter Nutrition

Is peanut butter good for weight loss? Peanut butter can be included in a healthy diet. However peanut butter is high in calories and fat, so unless you are on a keto diet, eat it only in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Jif Peanut Butter Nutrition Jif Peanut Butter’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Jif Peanut Butter Continue Reading →

Jicama Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Jicama Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Jicama Continue Reading →

Jasmine Rice Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Jasmine Rice Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Jasmine Rice Continue Reading →

Jalapeno Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Jalapeno Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Jalapeno Continue Reading →

Jackfruit Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Jackfruit Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Jackfruit Continue Reading →

Jackfruit Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Jackfruit Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Jackfruit Continue Reading →

Ihop Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Ihop Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Ihop Continue Reading →

Iceberg Lettuce Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Iceberg Lettuce Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Iceberg Lettuce Continue Reading →

Ice Cream Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Ice Cream Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Ice Cream Continue Reading →

Huel Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Huel Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Huel Continue Reading →

Honeydew Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Honeydew Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Honeydew Continue Reading →

Honeycrisp Apple Nutrition

Honeycrisp Apple is good for your digestion having fiber and nutrients as is similar fruits. Consuming Honeycrisp Apple every day as part of a healthy diet is good for weight loss but NOT on a keto diet as Honeycrisp Apple is a bit high in carbs just like all sweeter fruits and cooked products. Berries are lower in carbs and sugar. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Honeycrisp Apple Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Honeycrisp Apple Continue Reading →

Honey Bunches of Oats Nutrition

Honey Bunches Oats- a great fiber and energy source. People often search for ‘Honey Bunches Oats are a carb?’. The answer is yes, almost totally carbs and if you are on a keto diet (or low carb) then you simply can’t eat Honey Bunches Oats! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Honey Bunches of Oats Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Honey Bunches Oats Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Honey

Although honey is high in sugar, carbs and calories, it’s still better than refined sugar as honey provides antioxidants, including phenolic acids and flavonoids. It won’t help with weight loss though. Eat Honey sparingly. Some common types include: -Alfalfa Honey-Avocado Honey-Blueberry Honey-Buckwheat Honey-Clover Honey-Eucalyptus Honey-Fireweed Honey-Orange Blossom Honey-Sage Honey-Tupelo Honey-Wildflower Honey- Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Honey’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Honey Continue Reading →

Honey Nutrition

Although honey is high in sugar, carbs and calories, it’s still better than refined sugar as honey provides antioxidants, including phenolic acids and flavonoids. It won’t help with weight loss though. Eat Honey sparingly. Some common types include: -Alfalfa Honey-Avocado Honey-Blueberry Honey-Buckwheat Honey-Clover Honey-Eucalyptus Honey-Fireweed Honey-Orange Blossom Honey-Sage Honey-Tupelo Honey-Wildflower Honey- Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Honey Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Honey Continue Reading →

Honey Nutrition Facts

Although honey is high in sugar, carbs and calories, it’s still better than refined sugar as honey provides antioxidants, including phenolic acids and flavonoids. It won’t help with weight loss though. Eat Honey sparingly. Some common types include: -Alfalfa Honey-Avocado Honey-Blueberry Honey-Buckwheat Honey-Clover Honey-Eucalyptus Honey-Fireweed Honey-Orange Blossom Honey-Sage Honey-Tupelo Honey-Wildflower Honey- Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Honey Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Honey Continue Reading →

Herbalife Protein Shake

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Herbalife Protein Shake’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Herbalife Protein Shake Continue Reading →

Hemp Hearts Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Hemp Hearts Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Hemp Hearts Continue Reading →

Hemp Seeds Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Hemp Seeds Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Hemp Seeds Continue Reading →

Heavy Whipping Cream Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Heavy Whipping Cream Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Heavy Whipping Cream Continue Reading →

Heavy Cream Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Heavy Cream Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Heavy Cream Continue Reading →

Halo Top Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Halo Top Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Halo Top Continue Reading →

Halo Top Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Halo Top Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Halo Top Continue Reading →

Halloumi Nutrition

Can I have Cheese on Keto? Cheese is something I find hard to reduce on a diet, even for a healthy diet rather than weight loss.  I find low carb or low fat cheeses defeat the objective in that the taste is different. A great way to keep the taste of your Halloumi is to increase the volume up to double by adding lemon juice or greek yogurt to eat as a sandwich filler or dip Then share! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Halloumi Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Halloumi Continue Reading →

Guava Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Guava Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Guava Continue Reading →

Guacamole Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Guacamole Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Guacamole Continue Reading →

Ground Turkey Nutrition

Is White Meat Best? On the whole yes with exceptions!  The skin on your Ground Turkey is full of fat (keto dieters don’t have to worry) and duck and goose, for example, are very fatty indeed. However fat content in , Ground Turkey can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Ground Turkey in preference to fattier meats. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Ground Turkey Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Ground Turkey Continue Reading →

Ground Beef Nutrition

Myth: Red Meat is bad for you Not true!  Truly most Ground Beef you could call nutritious and full of protein and for a keto diet we don’t have to worry about the fat content. However, Ground Beef can be variable in fat content and these calories need watching for weight loss.  Eat Ground Beef in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Ground Beef Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Ground Beef Continue Reading →

Ground Beef Nutrition Facts

Myth: Red Meat is bad for you Not true!  Truly most Ground Beef you could call nutritious and full of protein and for a keto diet we don’t have to worry about the fat content. However, Ground Beef can be variable in fat content and these calories need watching for weight loss.  Eat Ground Beef in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Ground Beef Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Ground Beef Continue Reading →

Grits Nutrition

Grits- a great fiber and energy source. People often search for ‘Grits are a carb?’. The answer is yes, almost totally carbs and if you are on a keto diet (or low carb) then you simply can’t eat Grits! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Grits Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Grits Continue Reading →

Green Peas Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Green Peas Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Green Peas Continue Reading →

Green Olives Nutrition

Contrary to popular belief, Olive Oil does not have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids although it has flavonoids which have similar effects. The ratio of Omega-3 though, is almost perfect in olive oil and the ratio of fatty acids is important. Studies show that diets rich in olive oil help prevent heart attacks and stroke. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Green Olives Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Green Olives Continue Reading →

Green Onion Nutrition

Are Salads Keto? Most salad items are keto-friendly. Mostly water,it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ salad on any diet. Green Onion has much to offer on all diets but watch those salad dressings and if low-carb, watch carrots and sweetcorn. Green Onion has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Green Onion Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Green Onion Continue Reading →

Green Grapes Nutrition

Green Grapes are a good source of potassium which can help bring down high blood pressure. Green Grapes and citrus fruits are fine for weight loss in moderation although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Eat a small handul each day as part of a healthy diet but NOT on a low carb diet. Berries are lower in carbs than Green Grapes. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Green Grapes Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Green Grapes Continue Reading →

Green Beans Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Green Beans Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Green Beans Continue Reading →

Green Apple Nutrition

Green Apple is good for your digestion having fiber and nutrients as is similar fruits. Consuming Green Apple every day as part of a healthy diet is good for weight loss but NOT on a keto diet as Green Apple is a bit high in carbs just like all sweeter fruits and cooked products. Berries are lower in carbs and sugar. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Green Apple Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Green Apple Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Grapes

Grapes are a good source of potassium which can help bring down high blood pressure. Grapes and citrus fruits are fine for weight loss in moderation although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Eat a small handul each day as part of a healthy diet but NOT on a low carb diet. Berries are lower in carbs than Grapes. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Grapes’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Grapes Continue Reading →

Nutritional Value of Grapes

Grapes are a good source of potassium which can help bring down high blood pressure. Grapes and citrus fruits are fine for weight loss in moderation although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Eat a small handul each day as part of a healthy diet but NOT on a low carb diet. Berries are lower in carbs than Grapes. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutritional Value of Grapes’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Grapes Continue Reading →

Grapes Nutrition

Grapes are a good source of potassium which can help bring down high blood pressure. Grapes and citrus fruits are fine for weight loss in moderation although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Eat a small handul each day as part of a healthy diet but NOT on a low carb diet. Berries are lower in carbs than Grapes. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Grapes Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Grapes Continue Reading →

Grapes Nutrition Facts

Grapes are a good source of potassium which can help bring down high blood pressure. Grapes and citrus fruits are fine for weight loss in moderation although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Eat a small handul each day as part of a healthy diet but NOT on a low carb diet. Berries are lower in carbs than Grapes. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Grapes Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Grapes Continue Reading →

Grapefruit Nutrition

Grapefruits are high in vitamin C which is vital for a healthy immune system and well known for preventing colds or assisting recovery. Grapefruits and other citrus fruits are fine for weight loss although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Berries are lower in carbs than Grapefruits. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Grapefruit Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Grapefruit Continue Reading →

Grapefruit Nutrition Facts

Grapefruits are high in vitamin C which is vital for a healthy immune system and well known for preventing colds or assisting recovery. Grapefruits and other citrus fruits are fine for weight loss although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Berries are lower in carbs than Grapefruits. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Grapefruit Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Grapefruit Continue Reading →

Grape Tomatoes Nutrition

Where would we be without our beloved tomatoes, the second most widely eaten vegetable (or fruit if you prefer) in the United States, second only to potatoes. Good for pretty much all diets, used for everything from stews to salads, Grape Tomatoes may just be the most versatile of all fruit/vegetables. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Grape Tomatoes Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Grape Tomatoes Continue Reading →

Granola Nutrition

Granola- a great fiber and energy source. People often search for ‘Granola is a carb?’. The answer is yes, almost totally carbs and if you are on a keto diet (or low carb) then you simply can’t eat Granola! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Granola Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Granola Continue Reading →

Goat Cheese Nutrition

Can I have Cheese on Keto? Cheese is something I find hard to reduce on a diet, even for a healthy diet rather than weight loss.  I find low carb or low fat cheeses defeat the objective in that the taste is different. A great way to keep the taste of your Goat Cheese is to increase the volume up to double by adding lemon juice or greek yogurt to eat as a sandwich filler or dip Then share! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Goat Cheese Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Goat Cheese Continue Reading →

Gatorade Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Gatorade Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Gatorade Continue Reading →

Garlic Nutrition

On a Diet? Bread and baked products are high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Most baked goods like Garlic are enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Garlics can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Garlic Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Garlic Continue Reading →

Garlic Nutrition Facts

On a Diet? Bread and baked products are high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Most baked goods like Garlic are enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Garlics can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Garlic Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Garlic Continue Reading →

Garbanzo Beans Nutrition

Beans are a great source of fiber, minerals and vitamin B, and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Garbanzo Beans are good for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Garbanzo Beans carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Garbanzo Beans in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Garbanzo Beans Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Garbanzo Beans Continue Reading →

Gala Apple Nutrition

Gala Apple is good for your digestion having fiber and nutrients as is similar fruits. Consuming Gala Apple every day as part of a healthy diet is good for weight loss but NOT on a keto diet as Gala Apple is a bit high in carbs just like all sweeter fruits and cooked products. Berries are lower in carbs and sugar. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Gala Apple Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Gala Apple Continue Reading →

Nutrients in Fruits

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrients in Fruits’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Fruits Continue Reading →

Fruit in Keto Diet

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘In Keto Fruit in Diet’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Fruit Diet Continue Reading →

Nutrition for Chicken Breast

Is Chicken Good for Weight Loss? Chicken is low in calories and high in protein, with hardly any carbs or fat (skin is fatty though!) so it’s great for weight loss. For Chicken Breast is a good choice for those on a diet as it has the least fat of the popular meats. However fat content in For Chicken Breast can be very variable and those calories have to be estimated for weight loss.  Eat For Chicken Breast in preference to fattier meats. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition for Chicken Breast’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with For Chicken Breast Continue Reading →

Flour Tortilla Nutrition

On a Diet? Bread and baked products are high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Most baked goods like Flour Tortilla are enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Flour Tortillas can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Flour Tortilla Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Flour Tortilla Continue Reading →

Flour Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Flour Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Flour Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Flour

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Flour’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Flour Continue Reading →

Flaxseed Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Flaxseed Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Flaxseed Continue Reading →

Flaxseed Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Flaxseed Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Flaxseed Continue Reading →

Flank Steak Nutrition

Myth: Red Meat is bad for you Not true!  Truly most Flank Steak you could call nutritious and full of protein and for a keto diet we don’t have to worry about the fat content. However, Flank Steak can be variable in fat content and these calories need watching for weight loss.  Eat Flank Steak in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Flank Steak Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Flank Steak Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Fish

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Fish’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Fish Continue Reading →

Filet Mignon Nutrition

Myth: Red Meat is bad for you Not true!  Truly most Filet Mignon you could call nutritious and full of protein and for a keto diet we don’t have to worry about the fat content. However, Filet Mignon can be variable in fat content and these calories need watching for weight loss.  Eat Filet Mignon in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Filet Mignon Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Filet Mignon Continue Reading →

Fig Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Fig Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Fig Continue Reading →

Feta Cheese Nutrition

Can I have Cheese on Keto? Cheese is something I find hard to reduce on a diet, even for a healthy diet rather than weight loss.  I find low carb or low fat cheeses defeat the objective in that the taste is different. A great way to keep the taste of your Feta Cheese is to increase the volume up to double by adding lemon juice or greek yogurt to eat as a sandwich filler or dip Then share! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Feta Cheese Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Feta Cheese Continue Reading →

Ezekiel Bread Nutrition Facts

Is Bread Bad for You? Bread is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Most Ezekiel Breads are enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Ezekiel Breads can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Ezekiel Bread Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Ezekiel Bread Continue Reading →

Falafel Nutrition

Legumes(Beans,Peas,Lentils)) are a great source of fiber, minerals, vitamins and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Falafel is great for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Falafel carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Falafel in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Falafel Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Falafel Continue Reading →

English Muffin Nutrition

On a Diet? Bread and baked products are high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Most baked goods like English Muffin are enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, English Muffins can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘English Muffin Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with English Muffin Continue Reading →

Einstein Bagels Nutrition

On a Diet? Bread and baked products are high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Most baked goods like Einstein Bagels are enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Einstein Bagelss can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Einstein Bagels Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Einstein Bagels Continue Reading →

Nutrition Facts in Eggs

Eggs are highly nutritious and high in protein. If you want to lose weight, eat Eggs as part of a healthy breakfast with fruits or vegetables. Egg yolks are a source of Vitamin D, which plays a role in bone health and immunity. Opt for Eggs as a well balanced food with much to offer for weight loss. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition Facts in Eggs’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Eggs Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Eggs

Eggs are highly nutritious and high in protein. If you want to lose weight, eat Eggs as part of a healthy breakfast with fruits or vegetables. Egg yolks are a source of Vitamin D, which plays a role in bone health and immunity. Opt for Eggs as a well balanced food with much to offer for weight loss. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Eggs’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Eggs Continue Reading →

Nutritional Value of Eggs

Eggs are highly nutritious and high in protein. If you want to lose weight, eat Eggs as part of a healthy breakfast with fruits or vegetables. Egg yolks are a source of Vitamin D, which plays a role in bone health and immunity. Opt for Eggs as a well balanced food with much to offer for weight loss. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutritional Value of Eggs’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Eggs Continue Reading →

Eggplant Nutrition Facts

Eggs are highly nutritious and high in protein. If you want to lose weight, eat Eggplant as part of a healthy breakfast with fruits or vegetables. Egg yolks are a source of Vitamin D, which plays a role in bone health and immunity. Opt for Eggplant as a well balanced food with much to offer for weight loss. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Eggplant Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Eggplant Continue Reading →

Eggplant Nutrition

Eggs are highly nutritious and high in protein. If you want to lose weight, eat Eggplant as part of a healthy breakfast with fruits or vegetables. Egg yolks are a source of Vitamin D, which plays a role in bone health and immunity. Opt for Eggplant as a well balanced food with much to offer for weight loss. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Eggplant Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Eggplant Continue Reading →

Egg Yolk Nutrition

Eggs are highly nutritious and high in protein. If you want to lose weight, eat Egg Yolk as part of a healthy breakfast with fruits or vegetables. Egg yolks are a source of Vitamin D, which plays a role in bone health and immunity. Opt for Egg Yolk as a well balanced food with much to offer for weight loss. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Egg Yolk Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Egg Yolk Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Egg White

Eggs are highly nutritious and high in protein. If you want to lose weight, eat Egg White as part of a healthy breakfast with fruits or vegetables. Egg yolks are a source of Vitamin D, which plays a role in bone health and immunity. Opt for Egg White as a well balanced food with much to offer for weight loss. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Egg White’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Egg White Continue Reading →

Egg White Nutrition

Eggs are highly nutritious and high in protein. If you want to lose weight, eat Egg White as part of a healthy breakfast with fruits or vegetables. Egg yolks are a source of Vitamin D, which plays a role in bone health and immunity. Opt for Egg White as a well balanced food with much to offer for weight loss. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Egg White Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Egg White Continue Reading →

Egg White Nutrition Facts

Eggs are highly nutritious and high in protein. If you want to lose weight, eat Egg White as part of a healthy breakfast with fruits or vegetables. Egg yolks are a source of Vitamin D, which plays a role in bone health and immunity. Opt for Egg White as a well balanced food with much to offer for weight loss. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Egg White Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Egg White Continue Reading →

Egg Mcmuffin Nutrition

Eggs are highly nutritious and high in protein. If you want to lose weight, eat Egg Mcmuffin as part of a healthy breakfast with fruits or vegetables. Egg yolks are a source of Vitamin D, which plays a role in bone health and immunity. Opt for Egg Mcmuffin as a well balanced food with much to offer for weight loss. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Egg Mcmuffin Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Egg Mcmuffin Continue Reading →

Nutrition in one Egg

Eggs are highly nutritious and high in protein. If you want to lose weight, eat Egg as part of a healthy breakfast with fruits or vegetables. Egg yolks are a source of Vitamin D, which plays a role in bone health and immunity. Opt for Egg as a well balanced food with much to offer for weight loss. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in one One Egg’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with One Egg Continue Reading →

Egg Nutrition

Eggs are highly nutritious and high in protein. If you want to lose weight, eat Egg as part of a healthy breakfast with fruits or vegetables. Egg yolks are a source of Vitamin D, which plays a role in bone health and immunity. Opt for Egg as a well balanced food with much to offer for weight loss. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Egg Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Egg Continue Reading →

Egg Nutrition Facts

Eggs are highly nutritious and high in protein. If you want to lose weight, eat Egg as part of a healthy breakfast with fruits or vegetables. Egg yolks are a source of Vitamin D, which plays a role in bone health and immunity. Opt for Egg as a well balanced food with much to offer for weight loss. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Egg Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Egg Continue Reading →

1 Egg Nutrition

Eggs are highly nutritious and high in protein. If you want to lose weight, eat Egg as part of a healthy breakfast with fruits or vegetables. Egg yolks are a source of Vitamin D, which plays a role in bone health and immunity. Opt for Egg as a well balanced food with much to offer for weight loss. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘1 1 Egg Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with 1 Egg Continue Reading →

1 Egg Nutrition Facts

Eggs are highly nutritious and high in protein. If you want to lose weight, eat Egg as part of a healthy breakfast with fruits or vegetables. Egg yolks are a source of Vitamin D, which plays a role in bone health and immunity. Opt for Egg as a well balanced food with much to offer for weight loss. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘1 1 Egg Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with 1 Egg Continue Reading →

Edamame Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Edamame Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Edamame Continue Reading →

Edamame Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Edamame Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Edamame Continue Reading →

Dunkin Donuts Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Dunkin Donuts Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Dunkin Donuts Continue Reading →

Dried Apricots Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Dried Apricots Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Dried Apricots Continue Reading →

Doritos Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Doritos Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Doritos Continue Reading →

Diet Coke Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Diet Coke Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Diet Coke Continue Reading →

Diet Coke Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Diet Coke Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Diet Coke Continue Reading →

Dates Nutrition

Dates are a good source of potassium which can help bring down high blood pressure. Dates and citrus fruits are fine for weight loss in moderation although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Eat a small handul each day as part of a healthy diet but NOT on a low carb diet. Berries are lower in carbs than Dates. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Dates Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Dates Continue Reading →

Dates Nutrition Facts

Dates are a good source of potassium which can help bring down high blood pressure. Dates and citrus fruits are fine for weight loss in moderation although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Eat a small handul each day as part of a healthy diet but NOT on a low carb diet. Berries are lower in carbs than Dates. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Dates Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Dates Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Dates

Dates are a good source of potassium which can help bring down high blood pressure. Dates and citrus fruits are fine for weight loss in moderation although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Eat a small handul each day as part of a healthy diet but NOT on a low carb diet. Berries are lower in carbs than Dates. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Dates’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Dates Continue Reading →

Nutritional Value of Dates

Dates are a good source of potassium which can help bring down high blood pressure. Dates and citrus fruits are fine for weight loss in moderation although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Eat a small handul each day as part of a healthy diet but NOT on a low carb diet. Berries are lower in carbs than Dates. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutritional Value of Dates’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Dates Continue Reading →

Dark Chocolate Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Dark Chocolate Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Dark Chocolate Continue Reading →

Dark Chocolate Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Dark Chocolate Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Dark Chocolate Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Cucumber

Is Cucumber Good for Weight Loss? Absolutely! Cucumber is low in carbs and sugars, fibre-rich and has a high water content. All Cucumber is nutrient rich and great on keto diets, low carb dets and paleo. In fact, Cucumber can be eaten by almost anyone on any diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Cucumber’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cucumber Continue Reading →

Nutritional Value of Cucumber

Is Cucumber Good for Weight Loss? Absolutely! Cucumber is low in carbs and sugars, fibre-rich and has a high water content. All Cucumber is nutrient rich and great on keto diets, low carb dets and paleo. In fact, Cucumber can be eaten by almost anyone on any diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutritional Value of Cucumber’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cucumber Continue Reading →

Cucumber Nutrition

Is Cucumber Good for Weight Loss? Absolutely! Cucumber is low in carbs and sugars, fibre-rich and has a high water content. All Cucumber is nutrient rich and great on keto diets, low carb dets and paleo. In fact, Cucumber can be eaten by almost anyone on any diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cucumber Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cucumber Continue Reading →

Cucumber Nutrition Facts

Is Cucumber Good for Weight Loss? Absolutely! Cucumber is low in carbs and sugars, fibre-rich and has a high water content. All Cucumber is nutrient rich and great on keto diets, low carb dets and paleo. In fact, Cucumber can be eaten by almost anyone on any diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cucumber Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cucumber Continue Reading →

Cream of Wheat Nutrition

Cream Wheat- a great fiber and energy source. People often search for ‘Cream Wheat is a carb?’. The answer is yes, almost totally carbs and if you are on a keto diet (or low carb) then you simply can’t eat Cream Wheat! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cream of Wheat Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cream Wheat Continue Reading →

Cream Cheese Nutrition

Can I have Cheese on Keto? Cheese is something I find hard to reduce on a diet, even for a healthy diet rather than weight loss.  I find low carb or low fat cheeses defeat the objective in that the taste is different. A great way to keep the taste of your Cream Cheese is to increase the volume up to double by adding lemon juice or greek yogurt to eat as a sandwich filler or dip Then share! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cream Cheese Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cream Cheese Continue Reading →

Cream Cheese Nutrition Facts

Can I have Cheese on Keto? Cheese is something I find hard to reduce on a diet, even for a healthy diet rather than weight loss.  I find low carb or low fat cheeses defeat the objective in that the taste is different. A great way to keep the taste of your Cream Cheese is to increase the volume up to double by adding lemon juice or greek yogurt to eat as a sandwich filler or dip Then share! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cream Cheese Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cream Cheese Continue Reading →

Cranberry Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cranberry Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cranberry Continue Reading →

Couscous Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Couscous Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Couscous Continue Reading →

Couscous Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Couscous Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Couscous Continue Reading →

Cottage Cheese Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cottage Cheese Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cottage Cheese Continue Reading →

Cottage Cheese Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cottage Cheese Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cottage Cheese Continue Reading →

Cornstarch Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cornstarch Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cornstarch Continue Reading →

Corn Tortilla Nutrition

On a Diet? Bread and baked products are high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Most baked goods like Corn Tortilla are enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Corn Tortillas can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Corn Tortilla Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Corn Tortilla Continue Reading →

Corn Flakes Nutrition

Corn Flakes- a great fiber and energy source. People often search for ‘Corn Flakes are a carb?’. The answer is yes, almost totally carbs and if you are on a keto diet (or low carb) then you simply can’t eat Corn Flakes! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Corn Flakes Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Corn Flakes Continue Reading →

Nutritional Value of Corn

Is Corn Bad for You? Corn (sweetcorn) is high in carbs and sugars and often has added sugar if canned, frozen or prepacked. Most Corn is nutritious and full of fibre but for a keto diet the carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Corn can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutritional Value of Corn’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Corn Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Corn

Is Corn Bad for You? Corn (sweetcorn) is high in carbs and sugars and often has added sugar if canned, frozen or prepacked. Most Corn is nutritious and full of fibre but for a keto diet the carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Corn can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Corn’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Corn Continue Reading →

Corn Nutrition

Is Corn Bad for You? Corn (sweetcorn) is high in carbs and sugars and often has added sugar if canned, frozen or prepacked. Most Corn is nutritious and full of fibre but for a keto diet the carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Corn can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Corn Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Corn Continue Reading →

Corn Nutrition Facts

Is Corn Bad for You? Corn (sweetcorn) is high in carbs and sugars and often has added sugar if canned, frozen or prepacked. Most Corn is nutritious and full of fibre but for a keto diet the carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Corn can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Corn Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Corn Continue Reading →

Coors Light Nutrition

Can you have Coors Light on keto? Absolutely NOT – you need to choose spirits really. The higher the proof the less sugar and carbs. Spirits have almost none and don’t affect ketosis for most people. Coors Light has just too much sugar and carbs! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Coors Light Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Coors Light Continue Reading →

Cooked Spinach Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cooked Spinach Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cooked Spinach Continue Reading →

Collard Greens Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Collard Greens Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Collard Greens Continue Reading →

Coke Nutrition Facts

Coke (Coca Cola) is high in high fructose, refined salts and caffeine. Regular consumption in high quantities can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Coke and other colas are a poor choice for weight loss and health in general, but a small glass now and then won’t hurt. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Coke Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Coke Continue Reading →

Coffee Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Coffee Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Coffee Continue Reading →

Coffee Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Coffee Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Coffee Continue Reading →

Cod Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cod Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cod Continue Reading →

Coconut Water Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Coconut Water Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Coconut Water Continue Reading →

Nutrients in Coconut Water

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrients in Coconut Water’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Coconut Water Continue Reading →

Coconut Milk Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Coconut Milk Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Coconut Milk Continue Reading →

Coconut Milk Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Coconut Milk Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Coconut Milk Continue Reading →

Cocoa Powder Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cocoa Powder Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cocoa Powder Continue Reading →

Coconut Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Coconut Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Coconut Continue Reading →

Coconut Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Coconut Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Coconut Continue Reading →

Coca Cola Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Coca Cola Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Coca Cola Continue Reading →

Clif Bar Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Clif Bar Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Clif Bar Continue Reading →

Clementine Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Clementine Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Clementine Continue Reading →

Cinnamon Toast Crunch Nutrition

Cinnamon Toast Crunch- a great fiber and energy source. People often search for ‘Cinnamon Toast Crunch is a carb?’. The answer is yes, almost totally carbs and if you are on a keto diet (or low carb) then you simply can’t eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cinnamon Toast Crunch Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cinnamon Toast Crunch Continue Reading →

Cinnabon Nutrition

On a Diet? Bread and baked products are high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Most baked goods like Cinnabon are enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Cinnabons can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cinnabon Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cinnabon Continue Reading →

Chipotle Mayo

What did you mean by Chipotle Mayo?  Chipotle Grill doesn’t do mayo. The nutrition data below is for Chipotle Sour Cream. Try Chipotle Sauce Calories or Is Chipotle Mexican Grill Healthy? Sour cream can be used as is, or with other ingredients, in dressings, for salads and for sandwiches, substituting directly for mayonnaise. Sour cream contains less fat than mayonnaise. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chipotle Mayo’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chipotle Mayo Continue Reading →

Chipotle Peppers

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chipotle Peppers’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chipotle Peppers Continue Reading →

Chipotle Peppers in Adobo Sauce

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chipotle Peppers in Adobo Sauce’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chipotle Peppers in Adobo Sauce Continue Reading →

Chipotle Sauce

What did you mean by Chipotle Sauce?  The nutrition data below is for Chipotle Sauce. Try Chipotle Sauce Calories or Is Chipotle Mexican Grill Healthy? Chipotle has an excellent calorie counter where you can add whatever you want for a total calorie count plus the rest of the nutritional info. You can find it here: Chipotle Calorie Counter Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chipotle Sauce’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chipotle Sauce Continue Reading →

Chipotle Sour Cream

What did you mean by Chipotle Sour Cream?  The nutrition data below is for Chipotle Sour Cream. Try Chipotle Sauce Calories or Is Chipotle Mexican Grill Healthy? Chipotle has an excellent calorie counter where you can add whatever you want for a total calorie count plus the rest of the nutritional info. You can find it here: Chipotle Calorie Counter Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chipotle Sour Cream’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chipotle Sour Cream Continue Reading →

Chipotle Tacos

On a Diet? Chipotle Burritos and Tacos are high in carbs and sugars, so a Chipotle Lifestyle Bowl or Salad is a much better choice. Your Chipotle Tacos are not exactly loaded with high quality protein,low in carbs unless you make an effort. This makes the Chipotle Tacos unsuitable for keto, low-carb diets as well as low calorie and low fat diets. Spinach wraps, weight for weight, are only slightly lower in carbs. See also Chipotle Nutrition Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chipotle Tacos’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chipotle Tacos Continue Reading →

Chipotle Burrito

What did you mean by Chipotle Burrito?  The nutrition data below is for Fast Foods Burrito With Beans. Try Chipotle Sauce Calories or Is Chipotle Mexican Grill Healthy? Chipotle has an excellent calorie counter where you can add whatever you want for a total calorie count plus the rest of the nutritional info. You can find it here: Chipotle Calorie Counter Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chipotle Burrito’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chipotle Burrito Continue Reading →

Chipotle Chicken

What did you mean by Chipotle Chicken?  The nutrition data below is for Kfc Fried Chicken Original Recipe Breast Meat Only Skin And Breading Removed. Try Chipotle Sauce Calories or Is Chipotle Mexican Grill Healthy? Chipotle has an excellent calorie counter where you can add whatever you want for a total calorie count plus the rest of the nutritional info. You can find it here: Chipotle Calorie Counter Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chipotle Chicken’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chipotle Chicken Continue Reading →

Chipotle in Adobo Sauce

What did you mean by Adobo Sauce?  The nutrition data below is for Adobo Sauce Nutrition. Try Adobo Sauce Recipes. Adobo typically refers to the sauce, intense red sauce containing chipotle chiles. Adobo Sauce is sold in jars or cans at most grocery stores, for example, Chipotle Peppers in Adobo Sauce. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chipotle in Adobo Sauce’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chipotle in Adobo Sauce Continue Reading →

Chipotle Nutrition

Dips and Sauces can kill your diet! Most dips and sauces are laden with fat, carbs and sugar. It’s critical to check before you plan your diet. There are low calorie, low fat or low carb options but you need to work at it. Nutrition for Chipotle Nutrition is below. Chipotle Bowl Chicken Salad recipes can be found at Keto Friendly Dips And Sauces Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chipotle Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chipotle Continue Reading →

Chipotle Nutrition Facts

Dips and Sauces can kill your diet! Most dips and sauces are laden with fat, carbs and sugar. It’s critical to check before you plan your diet. There are low calorie, low fat or low carb options but you need to work at it. Nutrition for Chipotle Nutrition Facts is below. Chipotle Burrito recipes can be found at Keto Friendly Dips And Sauces Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chipotle Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chipotle Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Chickpeas

Legumes(Beans,Peas,Lentils)) are a great source of fiber, minerals, vitamins and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Chickpeas are great for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Chickpeas carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Chickpeas in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Chickpeas’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chickpeas Continue Reading →

Chickpeas Nutrition

Legumes(Beans,Peas,Lentils)) are a great source of fiber, minerals, vitamins and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Chickpeas are great for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Chickpeas carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Chickpeas in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chickpeas Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chickpeas Continue Reading →

Chickpeas Nutrition Facts

Legumes(Beans,Peas,Lentils)) are a great source of fiber, minerals, vitamins and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Chickpeas are great for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Chickpeas carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Chickpeas in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chickpeas Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chickpeas Continue Reading →

Chick-Fil-a Sauce Nutrition

Dips and Sauces can kill your diet! Most dips and sauces are laden with fat, carbs and sugar. It’s critical to check before you plan your diet. There are low calorie, low fat or low carb options but you need to work at it. Nutrition for Chick-Fil-A Sauce is below. Chick-Fil-A Sauce recipes can be found at Keto Friendly Dips And Sauces Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chick-Fil-a Sauce Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chick-Fil-a Sauce Continue Reading →

Chick-Fil-a Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chick-Fil-a Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chick-Fil-a Continue Reading →

Chick-Fil-a Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chick-Fil-a Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chick-Fil-a Continue Reading →

Chicken Salad Chick Nutrition

Is Chicken Good for Weight Loss? Chicken is low in calories and high in protein, with hardly any carbs or fat (skin is fatty though!) so it’s great for weight loss. Chicken Salad Chick is a good choice for those on a diet as it has the least fat of the popular meats. However fat content in Chicken Salad Chick can be very variable and those calories have to be estimated for weight loss.  Eat Chicken Salad Chick in preference to fattier meats. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chicken Salad Chick Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chicken Salad Chick Continue Reading →

Chicken Liver Nutrition

Offal and Animal By-Products On a regular basis these are best avoided but they do contain important nutrition. You need a good Chicken Liver recipe to suit your diet type. Chicken Liver fat and carb content is low but those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Chicken Liver in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chicken Liver Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chicken Liver Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Chicken Breast

Is Chicken Good for Weight Loss? Chicken is low in calories and high in protein, with hardly any carbs or fat (skin is fatty though!) so it’s great for weight loss. Chicken Breast is a good choice for those on a diet as it has the least fat of the popular meats. However fat content in Chicken Breast can be very variable and those calories have to be estimated for weight loss.  Eat Chicken Breast in preference to fattier meats. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Chicken Breast’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chicken Breast Continue Reading →

Chicken Breast Nutrition

Is Chicken Good for Weight Loss? Chicken is low in calories and high in protein, with hardly any carbs or fat (skin is fatty though!) so it’s great for weight loss. Chicken Breast is a good choice for those on a diet as it has the least fat of the popular meats. However fat content in Chicken Breast can be very variable and those calories have to be estimated for weight loss.  Eat Chicken Breast in preference to fattier meats. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chicken Breast Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chicken Breast Continue Reading →

Chicken Breast Nutrition 100g

Is Chicken Good for Weight Loss? Chicken is low in calories and high in protein, with hardly any carbs or fat (skin is fatty though!) so it’s great for weight loss. Chicken Breast is a good choice for those on a diet as it has the least fat of the popular meats. However fat content in Chicken Breast can be very variable and those calories have to be estimated for weight loss.  Eat Chicken Breast in preference to fattier meats. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition Chicken Breast 100g 100g’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chicken Breast 100g Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Chicken

Is Chicken Good for Weight Loss? Chicken is low in calories and high in protein, with hardly any carbs or fat (skin is fatty though!) so it’s great for weight loss. Chicken is a good choice for those on a diet as it has the least fat of the popular meats. However fat content in Chicken can be very variable and those calories have to be estimated for weight loss.  Eat Chicken in preference to fattier meats. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Chicken’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chicken Continue Reading →

Chia Seeds Nutrition 1 Tablespoon

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition Chia Seeds 1 Tablespoon 1 Tablespoon’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chia Seeds 1 Tablespoon Continue Reading →

Chestnut Nutrition

Nuts contain beneficial unsaturated fats and other nutrients. Contrary to popular myths, Chestnuts are perfectly safe as long as not over eaten. Many foods like Chestnuts can cause problems if eaten in large quantities. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Chestnut Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chestnut Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Cherries

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Cherries’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cherries Continue Reading →

Cherries Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cherries Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cherries Continue Reading →

Cherries Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cherries Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cherries Continue Reading →

Cheesecake Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cheesecake Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cheesecake Continue Reading →

Cheese in Keto Diet

Can I have Cheese on Keto? Cheese is something I find hard to reduce on a diet, even for a healthy diet rather than weight loss.  I find low carb or low fat cheeses defeat the objective in that the taste is different. A great way to keep the taste of your Cheese Diet is to increase the volume up to double by adding lemon juice or greek yogurt to eat as a sandwich filler or dip Then share! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘In Keto Cheese in Diet’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cheese Diet Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Cheese

Can I have Cheese on Keto? Cheese is something I find hard to reduce on a diet, even for a healthy diet rather than weight loss.  I find low carb or low fat cheeses defeat the objective in that the taste is different. A great way to keep the taste of your Cheese is to increase the volume up to double by adding lemon juice or greek yogurt to eat as a sandwich filler or dip Then share! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Cheese’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cheese Continue Reading →

Cheese Nutrition

Can I have Cheese on Keto? Cheese is something I find hard to reduce on a diet, even for a healthy diet rather than weight loss.  I find low carb or low fat cheeses defeat the objective in that the taste is different. A great way to keep the taste of your Cheese is to increase the volume up to double by adding lemon juice or greek yogurt to eat as a sandwich filler or dip Then share! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cheese Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cheese Continue Reading →

Cheese Nutrition Facts

Can I have Cheese on Keto? Cheese is something I find hard to reduce on a diet, even for a healthy diet rather than weight loss.  I find low carb or low fat cheeses defeat the objective in that the taste is different. A great way to keep the taste of your Cheese is to increase the volume up to double by adding lemon juice or greek yogurt to eat as a sandwich filler or dip Then share! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cheese Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cheese Continue Reading →

Cheddars Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cheddars Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cheddars Continue Reading →

Cheddar Cheese Nutrition

Can I have Cheese on Keto? Cheese is something I find hard to reduce on a diet, even for a healthy diet rather than weight loss.  I find low carb or low fat cheeses defeat the objective in that the taste is different. A great way to keep the taste of your Cheddar Cheese is to increase the volume up to double by adding lemon juice or greek yogurt to eat as a sandwich filler or dip Then share! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cheddar Cheese Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cheddar Cheese Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Celery

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Celery’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Celery Continue Reading →

Nutritional Value of Celery

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutritional Value of Celery’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Celery Continue Reading →

Celery Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Celery Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Celery Continue Reading →

Celery Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Celery Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Celery Continue Reading →

Cava Nutrition

Can you have alcohol on keto? Absolutely but you need to choose spirits really. The higher the proof the less sugar and carbs. Spirits have almost none and don’t affect ketosis for most people. Alcohol, including Cava is still calories though (7 cals per gram) so take care! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cava Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cava Continue Reading →

Nutrients in Cauliflower

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrients in Cauliflower’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cauliflower Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Cauliflower

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Cauliflower’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cauliflower Continue Reading →

Cashew Nuts Nutrition

Nuts contain beneficial unsaturated fats and other nutrients. Contrary to popular myths, Cashew Nutss are perfectly safe as long as not over eaten. Many foods like Cashew Nutss can cause problems if eaten in large quantities. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cashew Nuts Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cashew Nuts Continue Reading →

Cashew Nutrition

Nuts contain beneficial unsaturated fats and other nutrients. Contrary to popular myths, Cashews are perfectly safe as long as not over eaten. Many foods like Cashews can cause problems if eaten in large quantities. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cashew Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cashew Continue Reading →

Cashew Nutrition Facts

Nuts contain beneficial unsaturated fats and other nutrients. Contrary to popular myths, Cashews are perfectly safe as long as not over eaten. Many foods like Cashews can cause problems if eaten in large quantities. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cashew Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cashew Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Carrots

Are Salads Keto? Most salad items are keto-friendly. Mostly water,it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ salad on any diet. Carrots have much to offer on all diets but watch those salad dressings and if low-carb, watch carrots and sweetcorn. Carrots have an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Carrots’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Carrots Continue Reading →

Nutritional Value of Carrots

Are Salads Keto? Most salad items are keto-friendly. Mostly water,it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ salad on any diet. Carrots have much to offer on all diets but watch those salad dressings and if low-carb, watch carrots and sweetcorn. Carrots have an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutritional Value of Carrots’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Carrots Continue Reading →

Carrots Nutrition

Are Salads Keto? Most salad items are keto-friendly. Mostly water,it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ salad on any diet. Carrots have much to offer on all diets but watch those salad dressings and if low-carb, watch carrots and sweetcorn. Carrots have an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Carrots Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Carrots Continue Reading →

Carrot Nutrition Facts

Are Salads Keto? Most salad items are keto-friendly. Mostly water,it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ salad on any diet. Carrot has much to offer on all diets but watch those salad dressings and if low-carb, watch carrots and sweetcorn. Carrot has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Carrot Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Carrot Continue Reading →

Cantaloupe Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cantaloupe Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cantaloupe Continue Reading →

Canned Tuna Nutrition

Tuna is an excellent source of protein, low in fat and calories. Whether fresh or canned, tuna (packed in oil or water) is a good source of essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D, selenium, and iodine – and of course, it’s rich in omega 3 oil. Canned tuna packed in oil tends to be higher in calories and fat than tinned tuna packed in water. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Canned Tuna Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Canned Tuna Continue Reading →

Cantaloupe Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cantaloupe Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cantaloupe Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Cabbage

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Cabbage’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cabbage Continue Reading →

Cabbage Nutritional Value

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cabbage Nutritional Value’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cabbage Continue Reading →

Cabbage Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cabbage Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cabbage Continue Reading →

Cabbage Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Cabbage Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cabbage Continue Reading →

Butternut Squash Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Butternut Squash Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Butternut Squash Continue Reading →

Butternut Squash Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Butternut Squash Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Butternut Squash Continue Reading →

Buttermilk Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Buttermilk Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Buttermilk Continue Reading →

Buffalo Wild Wings Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Buffalo Wild Wings Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Buffalo Wild Wings Continue Reading →

Buffalo Wild Wings Menu Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Buffalo Wild Wings Menu Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Buffalo Wild Wings Continue Reading →

Buckwheat Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Buckwheat Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Buckwheat Continue Reading →

Brussel Sprout Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Brussel Sprout Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Brussel Sprout Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Broccoli

Health Benefits of Broccoli Broccoli is another superfood, low in calories but rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Antioxidants can help prevent the development of various conditions. Research has suggested that eating broccoli may help people with type 2 diabetes manage their blood sugar levels. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Broccoli’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Broccoli Continue Reading →

Nutritional Value of Broccoli

Health Benefits of Broccoli Broccoli is another superfood, low in calories but rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Antioxidants can help prevent the development of various conditions. Research has suggested that eating broccoli may help people with type 2 diabetes manage their blood sugar levels. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutritional Value of Broccoli’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Broccoli Continue Reading →

Broccoli Nutrition

Health Benefits of Broccoli Broccoli is another superfood, low in calories but rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Antioxidants can help prevent the development of various conditions. Research has suggested that eating broccoli may help people with type 2 diabetes manage their blood sugar levels. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Broccoli Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Broccoli Continue Reading →

Broccoli Nutrition Facts

Health Benefits of Broccoli Broccoli is another superfood, low in calories but rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Antioxidants can help prevent the development of various conditions. Research has suggested that eating broccoli may help people with type 2 diabetes manage their blood sugar levels. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Broccoli Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Broccoli Continue Reading →

Bread Nutrition

Is Bread Bad for You? Bread is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Most Breads are enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Breads can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Bread Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Bread Continue Reading →

Brazil Nuts Nutrition

Nuts contain beneficial unsaturated fats and other nutrients. Contrary to popular myths, Brazil Nutss are perfectly safe as long as not over eaten. Many foods like Brazil Nutss can cause problems if eaten in large quantities. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Brazil Nuts Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Brazil Nuts Continue Reading →

Boost Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Boost Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Boost Continue Reading →

Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Nutrition

Is Chicken Good for Weight Loss? Chicken is low in calories and high in protein, with hardly any carbs or fat (skin is fatty though!) so it’s great for weight loss. Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast is a good choice for those on a diet as it has the least fat of the popular meats. However fat content in Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast can be very variable and those calories have to be estimated for weight loss.  Eat Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast in preference to fattier meats. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Continue Reading →

Boiled Potato Nutrition

Myth: Sweet Potato is better than Potato It’s is commonly suggested that potatoes are the baddies and sweet potato is a good alternative. So not true!  Potato contains less calories and carbohydrates than sweet potato but sadly is still NOT keto friendly. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Boiled Potato Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Boiled Potato Continue Reading →

Boiled Egg Nutrition

Eggs are highly nutritious and high in protein. If you want to lose weight, eat Egg as part of a healthy breakfast with fruits or vegetables. Egg yolks are a source of Vitamin D, which plays a role in bone health and immunity. Opt for Egg as a well balanced food with much to offer for weight loss. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Boiled Egg Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Boiled Egg Continue Reading →

Boiled Egg Nutrition Facts

Eggs are highly nutritious and high in protein. If you want to lose weight, eat Egg as part of a healthy breakfast with fruits or vegetables. Egg yolks are a source of Vitamin D, which plays a role in bone health and immunity. Opt for Egg as a well balanced food with much to offer for weight loss. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Boiled Egg Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Boiled Egg Continue Reading →

Blueberry Nutrition

Blueberries are not called a superfood without good reason. Very low calories, fat-free and almost carb-free, blueberries are the ideal snack on any diet. 10 blueberries a day provide so many vitamins and nutrients this super-fruit is top of my shopping list! Check out some ideas with our Blueberry Recipes and for those on a keto diet, we have Keto Blueberry Recipes. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Blueberry Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Blueberry Continue Reading →

Blueberry Nutrition Facts

Blueberries are not called a superfood without good reason. Very low calories, fat-free and almost carb-free, blueberries are the ideal snack on any diet. 10 blueberries a day provide so many vitamins and nutrients this super-fruit is top of my shopping list! Check out some ideas with our Blueberry Recipes and for those on a keto diet, we have Keto Blueberry Recipes. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Blueberry Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Blueberry Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Blueberries

Blueberries are not called a superfood without good reason. Very low calories, fat-free and almost carb-free, blueberries are the ideal snack on any diet. 10 blueberries a day provide so many vitamins and nutrients this super-fruit is top of my shopping list! Check out some ideas with our Blueberry Recipes and for those on a keto diet, we have Keto Blueberry Recipes. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Blueberries’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Blueberries Continue Reading →

Blackberries Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Blackberries Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Blackberries Continue Reading →

Blackberry Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Blackberry Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Blackberry Continue Reading →

Black Rice Nutrition

White rice doesn’t have the same health benefits as brown rice but it still has nutritional value. In most countries world wide, white rice is consumed far more than brown rice. Is rice good for weight loss? For those on a keto or low carb diet it’s a bad idea. For everyone else small quantities are a must due to its starch content. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Black Rice Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Black Rice Continue Reading →

Black Olives Nutrition

Contrary to popular belief, Olive Oil does not have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids although it has flavonoids which have similar effects. The ratio of Omega-3 though, is almost perfect in olive oil and the ratio of fatty acids is important. Studies show that diets rich in olive oil help prevent heart attacks and stroke. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Black Olives Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Black Olives Continue Reading →

Black Beans Nutrition

Beans are a great source of fiber, minerals and vitamin B, and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Black Beans are good for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Black Beans carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Black Beans in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Black Beans Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Black Beans Continue Reading →

Black Beans Nutrition Facts

Beans are a great source of fiber, minerals and vitamin B, and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Black Beans are good for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Black Beans carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Black Beans in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Black Beans Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Black Beans Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Beets

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Beets’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Beets Continue Reading →

Bell Pepper Nutrition Facts

Are Salads Keto? Most salad items are keto-friendly. Mostly water,it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ salad on any diet. Bell Pepper has much to offer on all diets but watch those salad dressings and if low-carb, watch carrots and sweetcorn. Bell Pepper has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Bell Pepper Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Bell Pepper Continue Reading →

Beetroot Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Beetroot Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Beetroot Continue Reading →

Beet Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Beet Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Beet Continue Reading →

Beef Liver Nutrition

Myth: Red Meat is bad for you Not true!  Truly most Beef Liver you could call nutritious and full of protein and for a keto diet we don’t have to worry about the fat content. However, Beef Liver can be variable in fat content and these calories need watching for weight loss.  Eat Beef Liver in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Beef Liver Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Beef Liver Continue Reading →

Beef Nutrition Facts

Myth: Red Meat is bad for you Not true!  Truly most Beef you could call nutritious and full of protein and for a keto diet we don’t have to worry about the fat content. However, Beef can be variable in fat content and these calories need watching for weight loss.  Eat Beef in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Beef Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Beef Continue Reading →

Beans Nutrition

Beans are a great source of fiber, minerals and vitamin B, and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Beans are good for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Beans carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Beans in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Beans Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Beans Continue Reading →

Beans Nutrition Facts

Beans are a great source of fiber, minerals and vitamin B, and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Beans are good for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Beans carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Beans in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Beans Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Beans Continue Reading →

Basmati Rice Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Basmati Rice Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Basmati Rice Continue Reading →

Barley Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Barley Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Barley Continue Reading →

Barley Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Barley Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Barley Continue Reading →

Nutrition Bar

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition Bar’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Bar Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Banana

Bananas are a good source of potassium which can help bring down high blood pressure. Banana and citrus fruits are fine for weight loss in moderation although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Eat max one small banana or plantain a day as part of a healthy diet but NOT on a low carb diet. Berries are lower in carbs than Bananas. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Banana’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Banana Continue Reading →

Banana Nutrition

Bananas are a good source of potassium which can help bring down high blood pressure. Banana and citrus fruits are fine for weight loss in moderation although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Eat max one small banana or plantain a day as part of a healthy diet but NOT on a low carb diet. Berries are lower in carbs than Bananas. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Banana Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Banana Continue Reading →

Banana Nutrition Facts

Bananas are a good source of potassium which can help bring down high blood pressure. Banana and citrus fruits are fine for weight loss in moderation although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Eat max one small banana or plantain a day as part of a healthy diet but NOT on a low carb diet. Berries are lower in carbs than Bananas. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Banana Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Banana Continue Reading →

Banana Nutritional Value

Bananas are a good source of potassium which can help bring down high blood pressure. Banana and citrus fruits are fine for weight loss in moderation although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Eat max one small banana or plantain a day as part of a healthy diet but NOT on a low carb diet. Berries are lower in carbs than Bananas. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Banana Nutritional Value’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Banana Continue Reading →

1 Banana Nutrition

Bananas are a good source of potassium which can help bring down high blood pressure. Banana and citrus fruits are fine for weight loss in moderation although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Eat max one small banana or plantain a day as part of a healthy diet but NOT on a low carb diet. Berries are lower in carbs than Bananas. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘1 1 Banana Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with 1 Banana Continue Reading →

Balsamic Vinegar Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Balsamic Vinegar Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Balsamic Vinegar Continue Reading →

Baked Potato Nutrition

Myth: Sweet Potato is better than Potato It’s is commonly suggested that potatoes are the baddies and sweet potato is a good alternative. So not true!  Baked Potato contains less calories and carbohydrates than sweet potato but sadly is still NOT keto friendly. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Baked Potato Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Baked Potato Continue Reading →

Baked Beans Nutrition

Beans are a great source of fiber, minerals and vitamin B, and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Baked Beans are good for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Baked Beans carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Baked Beans in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Baked Beans Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Baked Beans Continue Reading →

Bagel Nutrition Facts

On a Diet? Bread and baked products are high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Most baked goods like Bagel are enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Bagels can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Bagel Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Bagel Continue Reading →

Bagel Nutrition

On a Diet? Bread and baked products are high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Most baked goods like Bagel are enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Bagels can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Bagel Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Bagel Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Bacon

Sausages and Bacon on a Diet? On the whole processed meats are best avoided. To some degree there will be a carb and/or fat overload and Bacon may not be the best choice dedending on your diet type. Bacon fat and carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Bacon in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Bacon’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Bacon Continue Reading →

Baby Spinach Nutrition

Are Salads Keto? Most salad items are keto-friendly. Mostly water,it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ salad on any diet. Baby Spinach has much to offer on all diets but watch those salad dressings and if low-carb, watch carrots and sweetcorn. Baby Spinach has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Baby Spinach Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Baby Spinach Continue Reading →

Baby Carrots Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Baby Carrots Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Baby Carrots Continue Reading →

Nutrition Facts in Avocado

Avocados are a great source of potassium which helps regulate nerve function and to move nutrients into cells while taking away waste. Avocados help to combat high blood pressure and they’re packed with monounsaturated fats. They are also high in fiber and folate, a B vitamin that is important for proper brain function and healthy pregnancies. Avocado is a superfood! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition Facts in Avocado’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Avocado Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Avocado

Avocados are a great source of potassium which helps regulate nerve function and to move nutrients into cells while taking away waste. Avocados help to combat high blood pressure and they’re packed with monounsaturated fats. They are also high in fiber and folate, a B vitamin that is important for proper brain function and healthy pregnancies. Avocado is a superfood! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Avocado’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Avocado Continue Reading →

Nutritional Value of Avocado

Avocados are a great source of potassium which helps regulate nerve function and to move nutrients into cells while taking away waste. Avocados help to combat high blood pressure and they’re packed with monounsaturated fats. They are also high in fiber and folate, a B vitamin that is important for proper brain function and healthy pregnancies. Avocado is a superfood! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutritional Value of Avocado’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Avocado Continue Reading →

1 Avocado Nutrition

Avocados are a great source of potassium which helps regulate nerve function and to move nutrients into cells while taking away waste. Avocados help to combat high blood pressure and they’re packed with monounsaturated fats. They are also high in fiber and folate, a B vitamin that is important for proper brain function and healthy pregnancies. Avocado is a superfood! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘1 1 Avocado Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with 1 Avocado Continue Reading →

Avocado Nutrition

Avocados are a great source of potassium which helps regulate nerve function and to move nutrients into cells while taking away waste. Avocados help to combat high blood pressure and they’re packed with monounsaturated fats. They are also high in fiber and folate, a B vitamin that is important for proper brain function and healthy pregnancies. Avocado is a superfood! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Avocado Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Avocado Continue Reading →

Avocado Nutrition Facts

Avocados are a great source of potassium which helps regulate nerve function and to move nutrients into cells while taking away waste. Avocados help to combat high blood pressure and they’re packed with monounsaturated fats. They are also high in fiber and folate, a B vitamin that is important for proper brain function and healthy pregnancies. Avocado is a superfood! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Avocado Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Avocado Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Asparagus

Asparagus is full of folate, a B vitamin, and studies have shown a connection between levels of folate / vitamin B12 in those suffering from depression. Asparagus also contains high levels of tryptophan, an amino acid that is used in medication for depression and anxiety. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Asparagus’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Asparagus Continue Reading →

Asparagus Nutrition

Asparagus is full of folate, a B vitamin, and studies have shown a connection between levels of folate / vitamin B12 in those suffering from depression. Asparagus also contains high levels of tryptophan, an amino acid that is used in medication for depression and anxiety. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Asparagus Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Asparagus Continue Reading →

Asparagus Nutrition Facts

Asparagus is full of folate, a B vitamin, and studies have shown a connection between levels of folate / vitamin B12 in those suffering from depression. Asparagus also contains high levels of tryptophan, an amino acid that is used in medication for depression and anxiety. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Asparagus Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Asparagus Continue Reading →

Arugula Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Arugula Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Arugula Continue Reading →

Artichoke Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Artichoke Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Artichoke Continue Reading →

Apricot Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Apricot Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Apricot Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Apple

Apple is good for your digestion having fiber and nutrients as is similar fruits. Consuming Apple every day as part of a healthy diet is good for weight loss but NOT on a keto diet as Apple is a bit high in carbs just like all sweeter fruits and cooked products. Berries are lower in carbs and sugar. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Apple’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Apple Continue Reading →

Nutritional Value of Apple

Apple is good for your digestion having fiber and nutrients as is similar fruits. Consuming Apple every day as part of a healthy diet is good for weight loss but NOT on a keto diet as Apple is a bit high in carbs just like all sweeter fruits and cooked products. Berries are lower in carbs and sugar. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutritional Value of Apple’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Apple Continue Reading →

Apple Nutrition

Apple is good for your digestion having fiber and nutrients as is similar fruits. Consuming Apple every day as part of a healthy diet is good for weight loss but NOT on a keto diet as Apple is a bit high in carbs just like all sweeter fruits and cooked products. Berries are lower in carbs and sugar. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Apple Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Apple Continue Reading →

Apple Nutrition Facts

Apple is good for your digestion having fiber and nutrients as is similar fruits. Consuming Apple every day as part of a healthy diet is good for weight loss but NOT on a keto diet as Apple is a bit high in carbs just like all sweeter fruits and cooked products. Berries are lower in carbs and sugar. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Apple Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Apple Continue Reading →

Nutrition in Almonds

Nuts contain beneficial unsaturated fats and other nutrients. Contrary to popular myths, Almondss are perfectly safe as long as not over eaten. Many foods like Almondss can cause problems if eaten in large quantities. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutrition in Almonds’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Almonds Continue Reading →

Nutritional Value of Almonds

Nuts contain beneficial unsaturated fats and other nutrients. Contrary to popular myths, Almondss are perfectly safe as long as not over eaten. Many foods like Almondss can cause problems if eaten in large quantities. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Nutritional Value of Almonds’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Almonds Continue Reading →

Amaranth Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Amaranth Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Amaranth Continue Reading →

American Cheese Nutrition

Can I have Cheese on Keto? Cheese is something I find hard to reduce on a diet, even for a healthy diet rather than weight loss.  I find low carb or low fat cheeses defeat the objective in that the taste is different. A great way to keep the taste of your American Cheese is to increase the volume up to double by adding lemon juice or greek yogurt to eat as a sandwich filler or dip Then share! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘American Cheese Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with American Cheese Continue Reading →

Almonds Nutrition Facts

Nuts contain beneficial unsaturated fats and other nutrients. Contrary to popular myths, Almondss are perfectly safe as long as not over eaten. Many foods like Almondss can cause problems if eaten in large quantities. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Almonds Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Almonds Continue Reading →

Almond Milk Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Almond Milk Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Almond Milk Continue Reading →

Almond Flour Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Almond Flour Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Almond Flour Continue Reading →

Almond Flour Nutrition Facts

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Almond Flour Nutrition Facts’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Almond Flour Continue Reading →

Almond Nutrition

Nuts contain beneficial unsaturated fats and other nutrients. Contrary to popular myths, Almonds are perfectly safe as long as not over eaten. Many foods like Almonds can cause problems if eaten in large quantities. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Almond Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Almond Continue Reading →

Adobo Sauce

What did you mean by Adobo Sauce?  The nutrition data below is for Adobo Sauce Nutrition. Try Adobo Sauce Recipes. Adobo typically refers to the sauce, intense red sauce containing chipotle chiles. Adobo Sauce is sold in jars or cans at most grocery stores, for example, Chipotle Peppers in Adobo Sauce. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Adobo Sauce’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Adobo Sauce Continue Reading →

Acorn Squash Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Acorn Squash Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Acorn Squash Continue Reading →

Acai Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘Acai Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Acai Continue Reading →

1up Nutrition

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘1up Nutrition’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with 1up Continue Reading →

In Keto Fruit in Diet

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘In Keto Fruit in Diet’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Fruit Diet Continue Reading →

In Keto Cheese in Diet

Can I have Cheese on Keto? Cheese is something I find hard to reduce on a diet, even for a healthy diet rather than weight loss.  I find low carb or low fat cheeses defeat the objective in that the taste is different. A great way to keep the taste of your Cheese Diet is to increase the volume up to double by adding lemon juice or greek yogurt to eat as a sandwich filler or dip Then share! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘In Keto Cheese in Diet’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cheese Diet Continue Reading →