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- Lack of Appetite
Natural Remedies using Allspice

The other useful measures are plenty of rest, complete freedom from worries and mental stress and plenty of fresh, pure air.
Lack of Appetite
The Benefit of using Allspice as a natural cure
Chill, fever, rapid pulse and breathing, nausea, local pain and discharge are the symptoms of acute metritis. This is a very rare case, but it may occur after confinement on account of infection. Chronic metritis may occur for many reasons and is probably the most common diseases among women. The symptoms are disorders of menstruation, more or less profuse leucorrhoea, constipation, lack of vitality, weakness in the back and the limbs, pain in the lower portion of the back and a tendency to abortion.
Synonyms: C. scoparius var. andreanus (Puiss.) Dippel, C. scoparius var. prostratus (C. Bailey) F. Hanb. ex. A. K. Jacks., C. scoparius var. sulphureus Goldring, Genista andreana Puiss., Saroth-S
Controlled breathing is also a great help in inducing sleep. The method is to lie on your side in bed, and then take three deep breaths expanding the abdomen completely. Then hold your brath as long as you can. Next, take three more breaths and repeat the breath-holding. While you hold your breath, carbon dioxide accumulates in the body and induces natural sleep.
Combined with the Biblical chicory and peppermint, hops documentably relieves pain in chronic cholecystosis (calculous and noncalculous).