From our list of ailments, see what Aloe Vera Leaf can be used for:
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- Arteriosclerosis
- Atherosclerosis
- Cholesterol High
- Constipation
- Diabetes
- Diaper Rash
- Gastritis
- Hardening of the Arteries
- Heart Disease
- Kidneys
- Psoriasis
- Rash
- Shingles
- Skin Conditions
- Tetters
- Wounds
Natural Remedies using Aloe Vera Leaf

Both dandelion root and leaves are used medicinally, but for digestive complaints the root is the part you need. Dandelion root stimulates the liver to produce more bile, which in turn means better digestion of fatty food. If you find that fatty food, such as bacon or full-fat cheese, makes you feel heavy and bloated, then taking dandelion will help. Of course, fatty food is not good for us and it is best to avoid it; nevertheless you should be able to digest such food without trouble; if you don’t, then your liver may be a bit sluggish.
Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Cholesterol High, Constipation, Diabetes, Diaper Rash, Gastritis, Hardening of the Arteries, Heart Disease, Kidneys, Psoriasis, Rash, Shingles, Skin Conditions, Tetters, Wounds
The Benefit of using Aloe Vera Leaf as a natural cure
Indications (Basil) – Acne ; Acrochordon ; Aging ; Alcoholism ; Alzheimer’s ; Amenorrhea ; Anasarca ; Anorexia ; Aphtha ; Arthrosis ; Asthma ; Bacteria ; Bleeding ; Boredom ; Bronchosis ; Bruise ; Cancer ; Cancer, diaphragm ; Cancer, eye ; Cancer, liver ; Cancer, spleen ; Cancer, stomach ; Candida ; Cardiopathy ; Cataract ; Catarrh ; Childbirth ; Chill ; Cholera ; Cold ; Colic ; Collapse ; Conjunctivosis ; Constipation ; Contusion ; Convulsion ; Cough ; Cramp ; Croup ; Deafness ; Delirium ; Depression ; Dermatosis ; Diarrhea ; Dropsy ; Dysentery ; Dysmenorrhea ; Dyspepsia (f; APA;
Antimicrobial activity against Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. Mucilage can protect irritated mucous membranes and digestive, respiratory, and urinary tract as well as skin (SKY). Did not show antiedemic or antiinflammatory activity in carrageenan tests (CAN).
Chamomile ( Matricaria species) was used as an herbal remedy by the ancient Egyptians and Romans, and the herb’s mild-flavored tea has been recommended for menstrual cramps, stomach pain, indigestion, and fever. The tea, made with a tiny bit of honey, is excellent for treating an upset stomach. Used topically, chamomile poultices, lotions, and creams can have cosmetic and dermatologic benefits as well.
Cholesterol High
Diaper Rash
Hardening of the Arteries
Heart Disease
Skin Conditions
Dosages (Indian Sarsaparilla) – 1-4 g powdered root (KAP); 28-56 ml root decoction ; 3-6 ml (1:2) extract/day (KEB).