
From our list of ailments, see what Bayberry can be used for:

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  • Fever
  • Halitosis

Natural Remedies using Bayberry


The formation of stones in the kidneys is the result of defects in the general metabolism. They usually occur when the urine becomes highly concentrated due to heavy perspiration or insufficient intake of fluids. They are aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle. The other causes are wrong diet, excess intake of acid-forming foods, white flour and sugar products, meat, tea, coffee, condiments and spices, rich foods and overeating. Lack of vitamin A and an excessive intake of vitamin B may also lead to formation of stones.

Fever, Halitosis

The Benefit of using Bayberry as a natural cure

Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Wormwood) – Class 2b, 2d (AHP). Emmenagogue and uterotonic. Not for prolonged use. Do not exceed recommended dose (AHP). Do not use more than 4 consecutive weeks (SKY). None known (KOM). Contraindications of GI ulcer.

In this chapter we have explored a variety of vitamins, vitaminlike nutrients, and herbs that have documented anti-inflammatory and healing properties. These nutrients and herbs should be added to the core Anti-Inflammation Syndrome Diet Plan and supplement recommendations, but obviously you cannot take or use all of them all the time. In the next section we will focus on preventing and reversing some of the most common inflammatory disorders.

Finally, magnesium deficiencies can contribute to acidic states, leading to hyperventilation. Unfortunately, hyperventilation also leads to increased magnesium excretion, which is a vicious cycle. Reportedly, for many people supplemental magnesium can be helpful initially. As the breath normalizes, the need for supplemental magnesium will decrease, since the body won’t be excreting so much. Most people find that chelated magnesium as magnesium citrate, malate, or glycinate is best tolerated. Do not take too much because excess magnesium will cause gastrointestinal upset and a laxative effect. Some people also report that soaking in Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) baths is helpful as a way to absorb magnesium, and it may be better tolerated if oral supplementation is too laxative.


Vigirous exercise of any kind should not be taken for an hour and a half after eating, nor immediately before meals. Weak patients and those suffering from serious diseases like cancer, heart trouble, tuberculosis and asthama should not undertake vigious exercise except under the supervision of a competent physician. If exercising makes you tired, stop immediately . The purpose of exercise should be to make you feel refreshed and relaxed and not tired.

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