Black Cohosh

From our list of ailments, see what Black Cohosh can be used for:

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  • Arthritis
  • Blood Pressure
  • Excessive Menstruation
  • Frigidity
  • Heart Disease
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Hot Flashes
  • Hypertension
  • Impaired Sexual Desire
  • Menopause
  • Menstruation
  • Night Sweats

Natural Remedies using Black Cohosh


Tincture 1 to 4 dropperfuls per day, not to be consumed long-term. For warts, cover with tincture 2 times per day until gone.

Arthritis, Blood Pressure, Excessive Menstruation, Frigidity, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Hot Flashes, Hypertension, Impaired Sexual Desire, Menopause, Menstruation, Night Sweats

The Benefit of using Black Cohosh as a natural cure

Certain remedies have been found highly beneficial in the treatment of neuritis. One such remedy is soyabean milk. A cupful of soyabean milk mixed with a teaspoonful of honey should be taken every night in this condition. It tones up the nervous system due to its rich concentration of lecithin, vitamin B1 and glutanic acid. Soyabean milk is prepared by soaking the beans in water for about 12 hours. The skin of the beans is then removed and after a thorough wash, they are turned into a fine paste in a grinding machine. The paste is mixed with water, three times its quantity. The milk should then be boiled on a slow fire, stirring it frequently. After it becomes little cooler, it should be strained through a cheese cloth and sugar added.

Like a fish that does not realize it is living in polluted waters, many people with asthma and many allergists don’t understand that they are essentially swimming in a polluted diet. The modern diet, which is high in pro-inflammatory omega-6 and trans fatty acids and low in antioxidants, sets the stage for asthmatic reactions. In effect, asthma is one of many diseases of modern civilization and modern eating habits.

Although vitamin C became controversial after Nobel laureate Linus Pauling, Ph.D., recommended supplements to treat the common cold and influenza, the vitamin has many varied and essential roles in maintaining health.

Blood Pressure
Excessive Menstruation
Heart Disease
High Blood Pressure
Hot Flashes
Impaired Sexual Desire
Night Sweats

Activities (Orange) – Antibilious ; Anticancer ; Antigastric ; Antihistaminic ; Antihomocysteine ; Antiinflammatory ; Antioxidant ; Antiseptic ; Antispasmodic ; Antitussive ; Antiulcer ; Antiviral ; Cardioprotective ; Carminative ; Depurative ; Diaphoretic ; Digestive ; Gastrostimulant

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