From our list of ailments, see what Blackberry can be used for:
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- Cancer
Natural Remedies using Blackberry

Extracts (Burdock) – High inulin and mucilage may explain GI soothing effect (SKY). The bitter compound artipicrin kills Gram-positive bacteria (CAN). Bitter constituents explain digestive properties (SKY); polyacetylenes are antimicrobial (SKY). Lignans have antileukemic, antilymphomic, antimutagenic, and antitumor activities. (FNF). The burdock fiber (root can be 50% inulin) at 5%
The Benefit of using Blackberry as a natural cure
For cold beverages, stick with sparkling mineral or still waters and a wedge of lemon, lime, or orange. Many sparkling mineral waters, such as Gerolsteiner, have substantial calcium and magnesium levels-good for your health. For hot beverages, a herbal tea or a green tea is a good choice.
Dosages (Myrtle) – 15-40 grains powdered myrtle for catarrh, nephrosis, and phthisis (FEL); 1-2 drops several ×/day (MAD); 15-30 g leaf/liter water for tea, but take only 0.2 g leaf per day (PH2).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Ergot) – “Ergot is now contraindicated for all therapeutic use” (PH2). Not covered nor recommended any more, though ergotamine is still used for migraine (prescription only, I suppose).
I lost twenty pounds and four inches from my waist after giving up pasta.) In addition, you might curtail your intake of legumes, because they also contain substantial amounts of carbohydrates.