
Blepharoplasty is a medical procedure that involves changes to the eyelid or eyelids typically using surgical techniques. There are some alternatives to surgical blepharoplasty, but the vast majority of the time surgery is used. This article will go over the basics of blepharoplasty, and the situations in which blepharoplasty procedures are performed.

What is Blepharoplasty?

The Mayo Clinic describes blepharoplasty as “a surgery that includes repairing droopy eyelids by removing excess skin, muscle and fat.” Typically, blepharoplasty procedures are performed on individuals who are experiencing drooping eyelids, “bags” under the eyes, and saggy eyebrows. Usually these conditions are caused by the natural process of aging, though in some cases, they are due to accidents or medical problems. Blepharoplasty is performed for both cosmetic and health reasons. Cosmetic blepharoplasty is performed to remove the signs of aging around the eyes and eyelids, while medical blepharoplasty is often performed due to vision problems caused by excess fat or skin around the eyes and eyelids. Insurance companies will usually cover the surgery for health reasons, but typically not for cosmetic appearance enhancing. Blepharoplasties are performed by cosmetic dermatologists, and when searching for a doctor to perform the surgery, you should always vet the candidates beforehand.

What are the Risks Associated With Blepharoplasty?

There are a number of risks associated with any surgical procedure and blepharoplasty is no different. Infection around the surgical area can be a major problem, especially if the area is exposed to bacteria or viruses. Another common problem resulting from a blepharoplasty procedure happens when some patients have an adverse reaction to the anesthesia required during surgery. If the patient has had eyelid surgery before these risks increase. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are other less common side effects including, but not limited to, “temporary numbness of the eyelid skin, Dry, irritated eyes, temporary vision changes, such as double vision, impaired eyelid function, scarring, injury to eye muscles and a very small risk of blindness due to bleeding behind the eye.”(1) As long as you find a dermatologist who is licensed and well trained, these risks should be kept to a minimum.

What are the Benefits of Blepharoplasty?

If you are receiving this procedure for health reasons, a blepharoplasty can greatly increase your field of vision and erase any sight problems that have resulted from excess skin or fat. This can help to improve the quality of life for many patients. If you are looking for cosmetic benefits due to age or other appearance related problems, blepharoplasty can have numerous benefits. First of all, you will be able to reduce or eliminate pesky droopiness around the eyes and eyelids. You will also be able to remove any bags or dark spots underneath your eyes and eyelids. Blepharoplasty is often used to lessen or eliminate the outward effects of aging. While surgery can be risky, the rewards can also be very great when it comes to blepharoplasty.


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