From our list of ailments, see what Boswellia Frankincense can be used for:
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Natural Remedies using Boswellia Frankincense

Activities (Wild Sunflower) – Antiasthmatic ; Antibacterial ; Antiedemic ; Antiinflammatory ; Antispasmodic ; Expectorant .
The Benefit of using Boswellia Frankincense as a natural cure
Synonyms – Phoradendron flavescens Nutt. ex Engelm., P. serotinum (Raf). M.C. Johnston, Viscum leucarpum Raf.
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Japanese Atractylodes) – Not covered (AHP; KOM). Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2).
Exercise regularly. Although you may think sweating worsens acne, it is important for cleansing the blood and opening up channels to release toxicity.
As our richest source of selenium, I think those who are not allergic to Brazilnuts or worried about heavy metals might benefit from three average Brazilnuts a day, which should provide 210 µg selenium. Therefore, I have entered many of the following indications based on the assumption that three Brazilnuts provide 200 µg selenium.