
From our list of ailments, see what Cabbage can be used for:

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  • Prostate

Natural Remedies using Cabbage


After an evaluation, Lieberman suspected that gluten intolerance was at the core of Roberta’s problems and that dairy was likely a contributing factor. In gluten-sensitive people this protein triggers an autoimmune reaction that often leads to wide-ranging food sensitivities. Roberta was also under considerable stress related to family issues, and Lieberman made a referral to help Roberta cope with these problems.


The Benefit of using Cabbage as a natural cure

1. The older adult experiences numerous brief arousals during the night. In men, this is partly due to the need to evacuate the bladder, especially if the person has benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), or enlargement of the prostate gland.

Diaphoretic ; Diuretic ; Mydriatic ; Myodepressant ; Respirastimulant ; Stomachic ; Tonic ; Uterocontractant ; Vasoconstrictor .

Indications (Black Dot) – Alcoholism ; Ameba ; Anxiety ; Arthrosis ; Asthma ; Atherosclerosis ; Backache ; Bacteria ; Biliousness ; Bite ; BPH ; Bronchosis ; Callus ; Cancer ; Cancer, uterus ; Cardiopathy ; Caries ;


M E D I C I N E C A B I N E T Infusion 2 or 3 teaspoons per cup, steep 5 to 8 minutes, 1 to 3 cups per day Poultice Apply as needed Tincture 5 to 60 drops, 1 to 3 times per day, or externally as needed

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