From our list of ailments, see what Caraway Seed can be used for:
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- Constipation
- Gas Flatulence
- Nausea
- Vomiting
Natural Remedies using Caraway Seed

The hot foot bath stimulates the involuntary muscles of the uterus, intestines, bladder and other pelvic and abdominal organs. It also relieves sprains and ankle joint pains, headaches caused by cerebral congestion and colds. In women, it helps restore menstruation , if suspended, by increasing supply of blood especially to the uterus and ovaries.
Constipation, Gas Flatulence, Nausea, Vomiting
The Benefit of using Caraway Seed as a natural cure
The common cold results from exposure to a virus. Its inten- sity however, depends upon the state of health of the person and by environmental factors. Lowered vitality, allergic disorders of the nose and throat, chilling of the body, lack of sleep, depression, fatigue and factors such as sudden changes in temperature, dust and other irritating inhalations are important contributory causes for the development of a cold.
The amazing part of the story is how 5-HTP then performs in the body. And that is where biochemistry and cellular chemistry come into the picture. The biochemical or chemical functions of 5-HTP occur at the intracellular and intercellular levels in our bodies. Thus, we are mostly concerned with cellular chemistry and physiology, or cellular pathology in the case of illnesses.
This should be followed for a week or two even a month or two, in chronic cases of long standing. The patient should begin the grape cure with a small quantity of 30, 60, to 90 grams per meal, gradually increasing this to double the quantity. In course of time, about 250 grams may safely be taken as a meal.
Gas Flatulence
In some people, sleepwalking occurs less than once per month and does not result in harm to either the sleepwalker or others, while other people experience episodes more than once a month, but not nightly, and the activity does not harm anyone. However, in the most severe form of sleepwalking, the episodes occur almost nightly and can result in physical injury. Further more, the sleepwalker may feel embarrassment, shame, guilt, anxiety, and confusion when told about his sleepwalking behavior. If the problem becomes so severe that the sleepwalker exits the house or is having frequent episodes and injuries are occurring, it is time to seek professional help.