From our list of ailments, see what Cats Claw can be used for:
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- Anti-Inflammatory
- Antioxidant
- Arthritis
- Circulation
- Colds and Flu
- Diarrhea
- Digestion
- Flu Virus
- Hives
- Immune System
- Immunity
- Influenza
- Mononucleosis
- Ulcers
- Viral Conditions Infections
Natural Remedies using Cats Claw

Activities (Salpani) – Alexeteric ; Alterative ; Antibacterial ; Anticholinesterase ; Antiinflammatory ; Antipyretic ; Aphrodisiac ; Astringent ; Bitter ; Cardiodepressant ; Curare ; Diuretic ; Enterorelaxant ; Estrogenic ; Expectorant ; Fungicide ; Immunostimulant ; Lipogenic ; Myorelaxant ; Sedative ; Tonic ; Tranquilizer (f; S
Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidant, Arthritis, Circulation, Colds and Flu, Diarrhea, Digestion, Flu Virus, Hives, Immune System, Immunity, Influenza, Mononucleosis, Ulcers, Viral Conditions Infections
The Benefit of using Cats Claw as a natural cure
Dosages (Gumweed) – 4-6 g gumweed or 3-6 g gumweed fluid extract (KOM; PH2); 2-4 g fluid extract (MAD); 2-3 tsp(1.8-2.1 g) herb/cup tea (MAD).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Solomon’s-Seal) – Not covered (AHP). “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PHR; PH2). Overdoses may lead to diarrhea, gastrosis, nausea, and queasiness.
This type of anxiety disorder afflicts up to 15% of all Americans during their lifetimes. People who suffer from this illness feel terror, dread, or panic when confronted with the feared object, situation, or activity, and they cannot give a reasonable explanation for why they fear the object of their dread. Many have such an overwhelming desire to avoid the source of their fear that it interferes with their jobs, family life, and social relationships. They may lose their jobs because they can’t go to business lunches for fear of eating in front of others. They may quit a job in a high-rise office in order to work on the ground floor because they fear elevators. They may become so fearful of leaving their homes that they live like hermits.
Colds and Flu
Flu Virus
Immune System
Viral Conditions Infections
The most commonly-used screening tests are the determination of the fasting blood glucose level and the two-hour postprandial, that is after a meal. The normal fasting blood sugar content is 80 to 120 mg. per 100 ml. of blood and this can go up to a level of 180 mg. per 100 ml. of blood two hours after meals. Anything above these norms can be termed diabetic levels.