From our list of ailments, see what Clove Oil can be used for:
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- Indigestion
- Toothache
Natural Remedies using Clove Oil

Dosages (Wild Yam) – 250-500 mg root/day (APA); 2-4 g powdered root (HHB); 40-400 mg powdered root (MAD); 1-2 tsp fresh root (PED); 2-4 g dry root (PED); 3 g dry root:15 ml alcohol/15 ml water (PED); 2-3 ml root tincture 3-4 ×/day (SKY); 0.5 tsp root tincture 2 ×/day (APA); 20-60 drops root tincture (FEL); 2-4 ml liquid root extract/day (APA); 2 (505 mg) capsules/day; 1 (505 mg) StX capsule/day (JAD); 2-4 fluid oz decoction.
Indigestion, Toothache
The Benefit of using Clove Oil as a natural cure
Several home remedies have been found useful in the prevention and treatment of the loss of the hair. The most effective among these remedies is a vigorous rubbing of the scalp with fingers after washing the hair with cold water. The scalp should be rubbed vigorously till it starts to tingle with the heat. It will activate the sebaceous glands and energise the circulation of blood in the affected area, making the hair grow healthy.
In many ways, The Inflammation Syndrome expands on the concepts described in my previous book Syndrome X: The Complete Nutritional Program to Prevent and Reverse Insulin Resistance. Far more than genes, poor eating habits are at the core of most modern degenerative disorders, including chronic inflammation. The Inflammation Syndrome is supported by hundreds of scientific studies and by successful clinical experiences, many of which you will read. Some of my scientific references are at the back of this book, and I encourage you to share all of them with your physician.
Herein are described certain yogic kriyas, asanas and pranayama which have specific therapeutic values and are highly beneficial in the maintenance of health and the healing of diseases.
Serotonin levels are increased during the intake of addictive substances, such as alcohol, tobacco, certain narcotics, and caffeine. When individuals attempt to kick these habits, they often develop a chemical withdrawal syndrome when serotonin levels plummet.