From our list of ailments, see what Coltsfoot can be used for:
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- Bronchitis
- Coughs
- Emphysema
- Lungs
- Tuberculosis
Natural Remedies using Coltsfoot

IN the beginning of the treatment, it would be advisable to raise the head end of the bed by placing bricks below the legs of the bed. This will prevent the regurgitation of food during the night. More pillow can also be used for the same purpose.
Bronchitis, Coughs, Emphysema, Lungs, Tuberculosis
The Benefit of using Coltsfoot as a natural cure
provided no additional benefits. However, 15 percent of the people taking antioxidants alone (no antibiotics) were cured of their H. pylori infection.
Camphor, derived from the camphor tree, causes dilation of the capillaries and increases blood circulation.
The best overall treatment is onion syrup, but you may need other syrups as well. Herbal syrups are very pure – they contain only herbs and sugar or honey – and therefore they do not cause drowsiness. They work by reducing irritation in the airways as well as by having a mild disinfectant action. You may need to approach your local herbalist if you want to keep any of them in stock, or make your own.
Extracts (Lemonbalm) – Hot water extracts have antiviral properties. Creams containing extracts proven effective for cutaneous lesions of the Herpes simplex virus (antiviral activity confirmed in vitro and via clinical trials). Aqueous extracts inhibit cell division of tumor cells; tannin-free extracts inhibit protein synthesis in cell-free systems of rat liver (PNC). Spirits of Melissa” demonstrated effective in psychiatric disorders (dystonia, headache, hyperexcitability, palpitation, restlessness) (PNC). Recent British studies indicate that extracts inhibit breakdown of acetylcholine in human brain cell cultures (Perry et al.). Constituents block attachment to thyroid cells of the antibodies that cause Graves disease; the brain’s signal to the thyroid (TSH) is blocked from further overstimulating the thyroid (SKY). Whole EO is more spasmolytic than isolated ingredients; neral and L