From our list of ailments, see what Coriander can be used for:
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- Gas Flatulence
Natural Remedies using Coriander

Gonorrhea ; Gout ; Hemoptysis ; Hemorrhoid ; Hepatosis ; Immunodepression ; Infection ; Inflammation ; Nausea ; Neurosis ; Ophthalmia ; Ozoena ; Pain ; Proctosis ; Respirosis ; Rheumatism ; Rhinosis ; Salivation ; Scabies ; Snakebite ; Splenosis ; Spermatorrhea ; Toothache ; Toxemia ; Vomiting ; Water Retention ; Womb ; Worm ; Xerostoma .
Gas Flatulence
The Benefit of using Coriander as a natural cure
Activities (Black Cohosh) – Abortifacient ; Alterative ; Analgesic ; Antibacterial ; Antidotal ; Antiinflammatory ; Antipyretic ; Antirheumatic ; Antiserotonin ; Antispasmodic ; Antitumor-Proliferation ; Antitussive ; Antiulcer ; Aphrodisiac ; Astringent ; Bitter ; CNS-Depressant ; Depurative ; Diaphoretic ; Diuretic ; Emmenagogue ; Estrogenic ; Expectorant ; Hypoglycemic ; Hypotensive ; Immunodepressant ; Lactagogue ; Mucolytic ; Narcotic ; Peripheral Vasodilator ; Sedative ; Stomachic ; Luteinizing-Hormone Suppressant ; Tonic ; Tranquilizer ; Uterocontractant ; Uterotonic .
The mix of glycosides, called vincetoxin, in high doses in animals causes apnea, cardiac paralysis, and vomiting.
Physiological respiration refers to the exchange of gasses through the act of breathing. When you inhale, this draws air into your lungs. Within the lungs are millions of tiny structures called alveoli, and these structures transfer gasses – oxygen and carbon dioxide – between the lungs and the blood.
Helps heal wounds In stronger external appli-cations, chaparral works well for hemorrhoids, boils, bedsores, bruises, or wounds. Applying a fomentation 2 or 3 times per day can ease pain and expedite healing. Chaparral has also long been used to treat tumors and growths. Contraindications Induces vomiting with large internal doses. ose with liver disease should not take chaparral.