From our list of ailments, see what Corn Silk can be used for:
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- Bedwetting
- Cystitis
- Genito-Urinary Ailments
- Kidneys
- Prostate
- Urinary Tract Problems
- Venereal Disease
- Water Retention
Natural Remedies using Corn Silk

Nature Bitter, cool Plant constituents Anthraqui – nones, quercitrin, tannins, volatile oils, calcium oxalate, acids, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B, and C Flower essence Helps to create powerful centering energy in crisis situations
Bedwetting, Cystitis, Genito-Urinary Ailments, Kidneys, PMS, Prostate, Urinary Tract Problems, Venereal Disease, Water Retention
The Benefit of using Corn Silk as a natural cure
To begin with, the patient should forgo all solid foods and subsist on water only for two or three days. The intake of water should be as plentiful as possible. Nothing should be added to the water except a little lemon juice, if desired. The water may be taken cold or hot and it should be taken every hour or so when awake. This will greatly increase the flow of urine.
If the doorbell or phone ringing causes an adrenaline rush and gets you upset, that is a far cry from jumping when some one unexpectedly bursts a balloon and causes you to react. Overreaction once in a while is quite within normal limits, but when overreaction becomes your norm, that’s not normal.
Genito-Urinary Ailments
Urinary Tract Problems
Venereal Disease
Water Retention