From our list of ailments, see what Cramp Bark can be used for:
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- Backache
- Excessive Menstruation
- Menstrual Problems
- Muscle Cramps Spasms
- Sciatica
Natural Remedies using Cramp Bark

Appendicitis is caused by a toxic bowel condition. An excessive amount of poisonous waste material is accumulated in the calcium. As a result, the appendix is irritated and over-worked and becomes inflammed. It is an attempt on the part of nature to localise and “burn up” the toxins.
Backache, Excessive Menstruation, Menstrual Problems, Muscle Cramps Spasms, PMS, Sciatica
The Benefit of using Cramp Bark as a natural cure
Activities (Chinese Motherwort) – Alterative ; Antiaggregant ; Antibacterial ; Antiedemic ; Antifertility ; Antiinflammatory ; Aphrodisiac ; Bitter ; Cardiotonic ; Circulotonic ; CNS-Stimulant ; Diuretic ; Emmenagogue ; Fungicide ; Hypotensive ; Inflammation ; Peristaltic ; Sedative ; Spermatogenic ; Uterocontractant ; Uterotonic ; Vasoconstrictor ; Vasodilator ; Vulnerary .
Major sources of this amino acids are nuts, and most vegetables. Lack of tryptophan causes symptoms similar to those of vitamin A deficiency.
Excessive Menstruation
Menstrual Problems
Muscle Cramps Spasms