From our list of ailments, see what Damiana can be used for:
Scroll down for links
- Bedwetting
- Cystitis
- Depression Mild
- Fatigue
- Frigidity
- Impaired Sexual Desire
- Impotence
- Menopause
- Urinary Tract Problems
- Virility
Natural Remedies using Damiana

Arnica, comfrey and rosemary (see pages 68, 69 and 71): examples of aids in recovery from physical strain.
Bedwetting, Cystitis, Depression Mild, Fatigue, Frigidity, Impaired Sexual Desire, Impotence, Menopause, Urinary Tract Problems, Virility
The Benefit of using Damiana as a natural cure
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.’ It is also called paradosical or dreaming sleep and it comes in episodes of about 20 minutes duration about five times in a night. It involves dreaming, irregular heart rates, raised blood pressure and erection of the penis. It is in this phase of sleep that normal healthy young men may have wet dreams. Both forms of sleep are considered equally important, being normal sleeping rhythms.
Dosages (Yarrow) – 1-2 tsp herb/cup water 3-4 ×/day (APA); 4.5 g herb (KOM); 2-4 tbsp fresh herb (PED); 3-6 g dry herb (PED); 2-4 ml liquid herb extract (PNC); 2-4 ml liquid herb extract (1:1 in 25% ethanol) 3 ×/day (CAN); 2-4 ml herb tincture (1:5 in 45% ethanol) 3 ×/day (CAN); 0.5-1 tsp herb tincture (APA); 3 tsp herb juice (APA, KOM); 2-4 g flower head, or in tea, 3 ×/day (CAN); 1 g flower (KOM); 4.5 g dry flower:22 ml alcohol/23 ml water (PED).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Wild Cherry) – Class 2d. Cyanogenic glycosides (prunasin yielding up to 1500 ppm (HCN)). In pediatrics, do not use high doses or for more than 1 week (WAM). Not for long-term use. Do not exceed recommended dose (2-4 g bark) (AHP). Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) (but PH2
Depression Mild
Impaired Sexual Desire
Urinary Tract Problems
Well, I hope these yoga stretches will help you to make your day more productive and more pain free. When we spend all those hours in front of our computer or driving, all the sitting can take it’s toll on our bodies. So, it is very important to stretch every hour, while being at your desk. Even it is is just for a few minutes.