From our list of ailments, see what Eyebright can be used for:
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- Allergies
- Asthma
- Chest Congestion
- Colds and Flu
- Emphysema
- Eye Issues
- Eyes
- Flu Virus
- Glaucoma
- Hay Fever
- Influenza
- Lungs
- Postnasal Drip
- Respiratory Problems
- Sinus
- Tuberculosis
Natural Remedies using Eyebright

Bayberry has a medium salt tolerance, and grows well in sandy, well-drained soils. The berries have been used in candle making, the leaves to flavor meats and stews, and the dried root made into powders. Learn more about growing bayberry varieties. Bayberry is also called Wax Myrtle.
Allergies, Asthma, Chest Congestion, Colds and Flu, Emphysema, Eye Issues, Eyes, Flu Virus, Glaucoma, Hay Fever, Influenza, Lungs, Postnasal Drip, Respiratory Problems, Sinus, Tuberculosis
The Benefit of using Eyebright as a natural cure
Bacteria ; Bite ; Bronchosis ; Cancer ; Cancer, groin ; Cancer, liver ; Cancer, tongue ; Chorea ; Neurovegetative Ailment ; Cold ; Constipation ; Cough ; Cramp ; Diabetes (1; APA;
The first thing that I cover in this book is how breathing actually works. I believe this information can offer important insights that will enable you to understand why many breathing practices are harmful, and why restoring normal, healthy breathing is beneficial.
Dosages (Watercress) – Food farmacy, eat some almost every day but don’t overdo it. 4-6 g dry herb/day (KOM); 2 g fresh herb/cup tea (APA); 20-30 g fresh herb/day (APA; KOM); 20-30
Chest Congestion
Colds and Flu
Eye Issues
Flu Virus
Hay Fever
Postnasal Drip
Respiratory Problems
Gliadin, the glutelin component in gluten, is unfortunately detrimental to health as well. Dr. Alessio Fasano received the Linus Pauling Award for his research on the effect of gliadin. When gliadin is present, substances foreign to the body can escape the intestinal tract and enter the bloodstream. An increased intestinal permeability is signaled by the protein zonulin and high levels of it are increased in a lot of people without celiac disease but even more so in those that have it. Thus an autoimmune reaction (whereby an immune response targets the body’s own organs) can take place. There are plenty of autoimmune disorders that can come with consumption of gliadin rich food, i.e. wheat, such as autoimmune pancreatitis, autoimmune hepatitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes among many others. So you should be aware that gluten is not the only problem. None of this leading to autoimmunity requires the presence of celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. The abnormal intestinal permeability induced by gliadin develops in 80-90% of the people, so you are very likely to be affected as well.