From our list of ailments, see what False Unicorn can be used for:
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- Endometriosis
Natural Remedies using False Unicorn

Pelvic inflammatory disease: strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory herbs need to be used, so this is best done under supervision.
The Benefit of using False Unicorn as a natural cure
Holding the breath on inhalation or exhalation is unlikely to put a great deal of stress on the lungs, if one is not hyperventilating.
They usually appear as emotional upsets and can pass almost unnoticed. These spells of emotional upsets gradually increase in duration, when other symptoms also appear. These include loss of power of concentration, depression and weeping. The patient appears to be very easily irritated. The approach of a nervous breakdown is often suspended.
Dissolves blood clots Matthew Wood (2008) has used sage in his clinical practice to treat blood clots. His experience is that sage dissolves clots safely without dislodging them, which would be the biggest concern with such treatment. Sage has a strong cardiovascular e?ect and has also been used to reduce painful varicose veins. Although I have no clinical experience with this, I would find it interesting to see its results on pathologies such as hemorrhagic cysts or endo-metriosis. It is also considered a heart tonic. Calms anxiety Sage has traditionally been used to calm overly excited states such as nervousness, anxiety, and tremors. It promotes a calming sen – sation to the brain, which is particularly helpful for overthinkers.