From our list of ailments, see what Feverfew can be used for:
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- Allergies
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Cancer
- Diarrhea
- Ear Ache
- Fever
- Flu Virus
- Headache
- Lack of Appetite
- Migraine
- Migraine Headaches
- Nausea
- Skin Issues
- Stomach
- Swelling Issues
Natural Remedies using Feverfew

4. Prescription and over-the-counter drugs can dull an elderly person’s personality and will to be active, and can cause lethargic mental processes, to again mimic Alzheimers disease. The average healthy elderly adult takes five pills per day. The average ill elderly adult takes 11 pills per day. Too many nursing homes feel that a tranquilized patient is a good patient and thus distribute drugs to dull their senses and their sense. All medications should be reviewed with a physician periodically and those that are not absolutely necessary should be stopped.
Allergies, Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer, Diarrhea, Ear Ache, Fever, Flu Virus, Headache, Lack of Appetite, Migraine, Migraine Headaches, Nausea, PMS, Skin Issues, Stomach, Swelling Issues
The Benefit of using Feverfew as a natural cure
Organs or systems affected Lungs, central nervous system Therapeutic actions Sedative, astringent Nature Bitter, pungent, cool Plant constituents Isoflavones, organic acids, beta-sitosterol, tannins Flower essence Promotes a sense of freedom and opening within the body when one is feeling confined or constricted
The seeds of eggplant ( baingan ) are stimulant. According to Dr. Sanyal of Calcutta, intake of half a gram to one gram of these seeds daily for three days will help develop immunity against measles for one year.
Because sweet hot paprika is a blend, it offers the characteristics of both hot and sweet types. It adds just a touch of heat without being overpowering and brings a bit of sweetness and color, too. This blend is a good choice for garnishes and light seasoning.
Ear Ache
Flu Virus
Lack of Appetite
Migraine Headaches
Skin Issues
Swelling Issues
Dosages (Gardenia Oleander) – Don’t take except with physician guidance! (JAD); cymarin 0.6-0.9 mg ivn man/day, 2.3-2.5 mg orl man (HDN); ouabain 0.25-0.65 mg ivn man/day, 12-48