From our list of ailments, see what Holy Basil can be used for:
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- Kidney
- Memory
- Skin Issues
Natural Remedies using Holy Basil

Dosages (Cranesbill) – 0.5 tsp in cold water for hemoptysis (CEB); 60-300 mg dry extract (MAD); 0.5-2 ml liquid extract (MAD); 1-2 ml liquid extract 3 ×/day (PH2); 1-2 g 3 ×/day (PH2); 2-4 ml tincture 3 ×/day (PH2).
Kidney, Memory, Skin Issues
The Benefit of using Holy Basil as a natural cure
Massage tea tree essential oil into the painful areas over the eyebrows and on the cheeks (for precautions see page 118). Adults: dilute 5 drops of the essential oil in 10ml of almond oil, massage 1-3 times a day.
However, your body’s immune system almost immediately recognizes these bacteria as foreign and unleashes a coordinated attack to contain and stop the infection. Inflammation encourages tiny blood vessels in your finger to dilate, allowing a variety of white blood cells to leak out, track, and engulf bacteria. Some of these white blood cells also pick up and destroy cells damaged by the cut. In addition, inflammation signals the body to grow new cells to seal the cut. Within a day or two your cut finger becomes less inflamed, and a few days later it is completely healed.
On the other hand the urine should be kept alkaline if oxalate and uric acid stones are being formed. In this diet, fruits and vegetables should be liberally used and acid-forming foods should be kept to the minimum necessary for satisfactory nutrition. When the stones contain oxalate, foods with high oxalic acid content should be avoided. These foods include almonds, beetroots, brinjal, brown bread, cabbage, cherry, chocolate, French Beans, potatoes, radish, spinach and soyabeans.
Multiply 28.3 (grams) × 5 (dried herb to men-struum ratio is 1 part herb to 5 parts menstruum): 28.3 × 5 = 141.5 ml, the total amount of men-struum (vodka in this case) required for macer-ating the dried herb. (If you are new to the metric measurements, you may be scratching your head, thinking, I thought we were just in grams?” And