From our list of herbs and spices, the following are recommended for Blood Cleansers:
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- Dong Quai
- Quercetin
Natural Cures and Remedies for Blood Cleansers
alterative gradually restores proper functioning of the body, increasing health and vitality; sometimes referred to as a blood cleanser.
Persons suffering from low blood sugar should take six to eight small meals a day instead of two or three large ones. Eating raw nuts and seeds such as pumpkin or sunflower seeds or drinking milk, butter milk or fruit juices between meals will be highly beneficial. All refined and processed foods , white sugar, white flour and their by-products should be completely eliminated from the diet. Coffee, alcohol and soft drinks should also be avoided. The consumption of salt should be reduced as an excessive intake of salt causes loss of blood potassium, which causes blood sugar to drop. The following is the menu suggested for hypoglycemia.
Dong Quai, Quercetin
and rapid heart rate. Poor circulation can lead to a host of issues, including varicose veins, cold hands and feet, and poor memory or decreased cognitive function. Hawthorn is indicated with any of these as a good choice to increase blood flow to areas that need it.
Arnica is not suitable for internal use as it can be quite toxic, unless it is in a homeopathic form. For the same reason you should not apply it to open wounds and cuts, as too much arnica can then be absorbed into the bloodstream. However, applying the ointment well away from the cut is acceptable: keep a 2-3cm gap between the margin of the cut and the cream application, and apply arnica in a thinner layer than you would to unbroken skin, where it can be applied quite liberally. There is little point in applying arnica to injuries that are more than one day old – arnica is very much a first-aid item that must be applied as soon as possible after the injury to prevent local haemorrhage and swelling.
In January 2002 researchers reported in the journal Circulation that repeated infections greatly increased a person’s risk of dying from coronary artery disease. Literally, the more infections people experienced, the more likely they were to develop and die from heart disease. It wasn’t that the bacteria and viruses were directly infecting the heart. More likely, repeated infections maintained a heightened activity of immune cells, which unleashed part of their damage on blood vessel walls.
Bear and tobacco, which can cause constriction of blood vessels, should also be avoided. Tea should be taken only in moderation. The patient should not take excessive fluids, whether it is juice, milk or water at any time. He may drink small amounts several times with at least one hour intervals.