Home Remedies Diabetic Ulcers

From our list of herbs and spices, the following are recommended for Diabetic Ulcers:

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  • Comfrey

Natural Cures and Remedies for Diabetic Ulcers


HH3; PH2); Obesity ; Pain ; Pregnancy ; Pulmonosis ; Respirosis ; Rheumatism ; Rhinosis ; Salmonella ; Sclerosis ; Snakebite ; Spasm ; Spermatorrhea ; Splenosis ; Staphylococcus ; Stomatosis ; Streptococcus ; Swelling ; Ulcer ; Uterosis ; Vibrio ; Wart ; Wound .

Activities (Goldenseal) – Alterative ; Amebicide ; Analgesic ; Antiacetylcholinesterase ; Antibacterial ; Antialzheimeran ; Antiarthritic ; Anticancer ; Anticariogenic ; Anticonvulsant ; Antihelicobacter ; Antiinflammatory ; Antimitotic ; Antiperiodic ; Antiperistaltic ; Antipyretic ; Antisecretory ; Antiseptic ; Antitrypanosomic ; Antitussive ; Antiulcer ; Aperient ; Aperitif ; Astringent ; Bilirubinolytic ; Bitter ; Cardiotonic ; Choleretic ; Collyrium ; Deliriant ; Depurative ; Detergent ; Digestive ; Diuretic ; Emetic ; Emmenagogue ; Fungicide ; Hallucinogen ; Hemostat ; Hepatotonic ; Hypertensive ; Hypoglycemic ; Hypotensive ; Immunostimulant ; Insectifuge ; Laxative ; Leukocytosis ; Mycosis ; Myostimulant ; Oxytocic ; Protisticide ; Panacea ; Secretagogue ; Sedative ; Sialagogue ; Stomachic ; Tonic ; Trophorestorative ; Uterotonic ; Vasoconstrictor ; Vibriocide ; Vulnerary .


Dr. William Davis, who became quite popular through his book “Wheat Belly” used this fact about wheat to help him cure his diabetic patients.  Yes, his patients were cured of diabetes which many doctors believed can only be managed but not cured.  After only three months of wheat free diet, his diabetic patients became non-diabetics.  Most of his patients lost a minimum of 20 pounds.  Others were reported to have lost as much as 40 pounds in three months.

Jaundice ; Kidney Stone ; Metrorrhagia ; Nephrosis ; Pain ; Pulmonosis ; Rash ; Scurvy ; Sore ; Sore Throat ; Stomachache ; Sunburn ; Tartar ; Ulcer ; Water Retention .

Indications (Brazilian Peppertree) – Adenopathy ; Arthrosis ; Atony ; Bacteria ; Bronchosis ; Bruise ; Cancer ; Chill ; Dermatosis ; Diarrhea ; Enterosis ; Frigidity ; Ganglion ; Gout ; Hemoptysis ; Impotence ; Infection ; Pain ; Rheumatism ; Sciatica ; Sore ; Swelling ; Syphilis ; Tendinitis ; Tumor ; Ulcer ; Virus ; Water Retention ; Wound .


Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Licorice) – Class 2b, 2c, 2d. “Contraindicated in heart disease, diabetics, hypertensives, hepatoses, and nephroses” (O’Brien, 1998). Commission E reports contraindications: cholestatic liver diseases, liver cirrhosis, hypertension, hypokalemia, severe renal insufficiency, and pregnancy. May potentiate thiazide diuretics, stimulant laxatives, cardiac glycosides, and cortisol (AHP; WAM). Too much (>50 g/day) can raise the blood pressure, cause sodium and water retention, and lower potassium levels too far. May result in pseudoaldosterianism. Adverse effects reported in M30: amenorrhea, cardiac arrest, congestive

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