Home Remedies For Cough

From our list of herbs and spices, the following are recommended for Cough:

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  • Eucalyptus

Natural Cures and Remedies for Cough


stress often presents as the overworked, com-pletely exhausted person who has been on the go (physically or emotionally) for a long time. At times, a chronically fatigued person will present with melancholy and depression. Treating with borage in such cases can give them a bit of spark. Soothes respiratory issues Borage contains mucilage, a wonderful ingredient to add to throat and cough syrups to soothe the respiratory tract. Overall, in small doses borage fortifies the entire respiratory system.

Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Rubber Vine) – “All parts may cause severe stomach and intestinal upset. Cases of death have been reported from India. The leaf is toxic. Dry vine emits an eye-irritating dust which may induce coughing and swelling” (CRC).

American Ginseng, Bromelain, Cayenne, Citrus Bioflavonoids, Coltsfoot, Elderberry, Evening Primrose, Fenugreek, Horehound, Inula, Lemon Balm, Lobelia, Mullein Leaf, Myrrh, Nettle, Orris Root, Quercetin, Wild Cherry Bark

Two herbs with similar properties often combine successfully: for example, two relaxing herbs or two cough herbs will mix well.

Due to the severity of bouts of cough, bleeding can occur into the eyes, from the nose, the lung, and , in rare cases, into the brain, resulting in convulsions. In many young children, lung complications such as collapse of a part of the lung are common because of the thick sticky nature of the secretions blocking the passage of air to a part of the lung. Secondary infection may result in pneumonia. They may be convulsions, and, in rare cases, inflammation of the brain.

Indications (Boswellia) – Allergy ; Alzheimer’s ; Arthrosis ; Asthma ; Biliousness ; Boil ; Bronchosis ; Bursitis ; Cancer ; Cancer, skin ; Carbuncle ; Colitis ; Convulsion ; Cough ; Crohns Disease ; Dermatosis ; Diabetes ; Diarrhea ; Dysentery ; Dysmenorrhea ; Dyspepsia ; Edema ; Fever (f; KAB; KAP;


Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Longleaf Pine) – Commission E reports contraindications for EO: whooping cough; adverse effects: local irritation, exacerbation of bronchospasms (AEH). Though approving pure turpentine for “Chronic disease of the bronchii with heavy secretion” (which I translate to bronchosis), Commission E contraindicates for acute inflammation of the respiratory tract. Inhaled turpentine may reduce bronchial secretion (KOM). Even topical application to too much surface area may damage the CNS and kidneys (KOM). Turpentine is a counterirritant and rubefacient. Though also taken internally, turpentine might best be relegated to topical uses, if any.

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