Home Remedies High Blood Sugar

From our list of herbs and spices, the following are recommended for High Blood Sugar:

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  • Fenugreek

Natural Cures and Remedies for High Blood Sugar


The inability to convert blood sugar to vitamin C may very well predispose people to adult-onset diabetes; excess glucose remains in the blood instead of being converted to vitamin C. Indeed, the chemical similarities between blood sugar and vitamin C lead to a competition between them; both molecules enter the cell on the same transporter protein. This competition takes on greater significance when one considers that diabetes has a strong inflammatory component. People with diabetes typically have elevated levels of interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein. Increasing vitamin C consumption can displace some of the abnormally high blood sugar and improve glucose metabolism.

Indications (Annatto) – Acne ; Alopecia ; Asthma ; Bacteria ; Bite ; Bleeding ; Blister ; Burn ; Cancer ; Cancer, mouth ; Candida ; Childbirth ; Condylomata ; Conjunctivosis ; Cramp ; Dermatosis ; Diabetes ; Diarrhea ; Dysentery ; Dyspnea ; Epilepsy ; Eruption ; Fever ; Flu ; Fungus ; Gastrosis ; Gonorrhea ; Headache ; Hemorrhoid ; Hepatosis ; High Blood Pressure ; High Blood Sugar ; Hyperglycemia ; Hypoglycemia ; Immunodepression ;


Persons suffering from low blood sugar should take six to eight small meals a day instead of two or three large ones. Eating raw nuts and seeds such as pumpkin or sunflower seeds or drinking milk, butter milk or fruit juices between meals will be highly beneficial. All refined and processed foods , white sugar, white flour and their by-products should be completely eliminated from the diet. Coffee, alcohol and soft drinks should also be avoided. The consumption of salt should be reduced as an excessive intake of salt causes loss of blood potassium, which causes blood sugar to drop. The following is the menu suggested for hypoglycemia.

Sleeping pills are no remedy for sleeplessness. They are habit forming and become less effective when taken continuously. They lower the I.Q., dull the brain and can prove fatal if taken in excess or before or after alcohol. The side-effects of sleeping pills include indigestion, skin rashes, lowered resistance to infection, circulatory and respiratory problems, poor appetite, high blood pressure, kidney and liver problems and mental confusion.

Silymarin can have significant glucose-lowering effects in people with diabetes. An Italian study found major improvements in blood sugar levels and many other symptoms of diabetes after patients took silymarin supplements for one year.


Hypoglycemia is a serious disorder as the brain cannot function properly when the blood sugar level is too low. Like all other organs of the body, the brain receive its fuel from the diet. But it can use only the sugar produced by the body from carbohydrates. Unlike many of the body tissues, it cannot store its fuel. Therefore, it must get a constant supply of sugar through the bloodstream. Mental disturbances caused by subnormal blood sugar levels can seriously affect a person’s life.

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