From our list of herbs and spices, the following are recommended for Restlessness:
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- Brazilian Guarana
- Catnip
- Catuaba
- Celery Seed
- Chamomile
- Gentian
- Gotu Kola
- Graviola
- Griffonia Seed
- Hops
- Jiaogulan
- Kava Kava
- Kola Nut
- Ladys Slipper
- Lavender
- Lemon Balm
- Maitake Mushroom
- Muirapauma
- Onion
- Passion Flower
- Peppermint Leaf
- Rhodiola Root
- Rosemary
- Safflower
- Schizandra
- Skull Cap
- Valerian Root
Natural Cures and Remedies for Restlessness
Other little-known causes of anaemia are intestinal parasites or worms. Hookworm, pinworms, round worms and tapeworms feed on the blood supply as well as on the vitamins. Twenty-five hookworms can consume fifteen grams of blood every 24 hours; a tapeworm can cause acute shortage of vitamin B12. Symptoms of intestinal worms are itching at the rectum, restlessness at night with bad dreams, diarrhoea, foul breath, dark circles under the eyes and a constant desire for food. Garlic can help get rid of some types of intestinal parasites. Fresh papaya and grated raw carrot are also effective. After successful treatment for intestinal worms, perfect cleanliness should be observed to prevent recurrence.
Onion is very useful in cholera. About 30 grams of this vegetable and seven black peppers should be finely pounded in a pestle and given to the patient. It allays thirst and restlessness and the patient feels better. The fresh juice of bitter gourd (karela) is another effective medicine in the early stages of cholera.
Brazilian Guarana, Catnip, Catuaba, Celery Seed, Chamomile, Gentian, Gotu Kola, Graviola, Griffonia Seed, Hops, Jiaogulan, Kava Kava, Kola Nut, Ladys Slipper, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Maitake Mushroom, Muirapauma, Onion, Passion Flower, Peppermint Leaf, Rhodiola Root, Rosemary, Safflower, Schizandra, Skull Cap, Valerian Root
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Corn Cockle) – Not covered (AHP; KOM; PHR). “Health hazards not known with proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). Seed toxic, 2-3 g considered harmless to humans, more than 5 g is potentially lethal (PH2). Signs of intoxication; colic, conjunctivosis, cramps, delirium, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, lacrimation, mucositis, and restlessness (PH2). LD50 (saponin mix) = 750 mg/kg orl mouse (HH2). LD50 (saponin mix) =
The usual symptoms of intestinal worms are diarrhoea, foul breath, dark circles under the eyes, constant desire for food, restlessness at night with bad dreams, anaemia and headache.
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Gugul) – Class 2b. Emmenagogue and uterotonic (AHP). Anorexia, apprehension, colic, dermatosis, diarrhea, eructations, headache, hiccup, nausea, and restlessness were documented side effects of crude oleoresin or guggulipid therapy (CAN; KEB; SKY). Persons with diarrhea, hepatosis, and IBS should be cautious (SKY).
Brazilian Guarana
Celery Seed
Gotu Kola
Griffonia Seed
Kava Kava
Kola Nut
Ladys Slipper
Lemon Balm
Maitake Mushroom
Passion Flower
Peppermint Leaf
Rhodiola Root
Skull Cap
Valerian Root
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Ephedra) – Class 2b, 2c, 2d. Contraindicated in anorexia, anxiety, bulimia, cerebral perfusion, diabetes, glaucoma, high blood pressure, pheochromocytoma, prostatadenoma, restlessness, and thyrotoxicosis (KOM; PH2; SHT; SKY). Thyroid stimulant, not recommended for long-term use. The herb and/or its ephedrine can cause addiction, anxiety, anorexia, cardiac arrest, cardiac arrhythmia, dizziness, dysuria, flushing, headache, high blood pressure, insomnia, irritability, nausea, nervousness, palpitations, restlessness, tachycardia, uterocontraction, vomiting, and xerostomia (KOM; PH2; SHT; SKY). Commission E reports contraindications, adverse effects, and interactions of the major alkaloid, ephedrine. Not to be used for prolonged period. Not to be taken with MAOIs. May potentiate MAOIs (AHP). Ephedra-based products should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation, and used with caution in children <6 years old (SKY). More than 100 g herb (~ = 1-2 g L-ephedrine) can be lethally toxic in humans. "Over-the-counter drugs containing ephedrine can be safely used by adults at a dose of 12.5-25 mg every four hours. Adults should take no more than 150 mg every twenty-four hours" (SKY). A 60 mg dose of pseudoephedrine every six hours is usually recommended.