From our list of ailments, see what Holy Basil Leaf can be used for:
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- Flu Virus
Natural Remedies using Holy Basil Leaf

As people recover, such large dosages of vitamin C become excessive and cause diarrhea, a sign that the dosage should be reduced. However, huge 202
Flu Virus
The Benefit of using Holy Basil Leaf as a natural cure
Extracts (Black Cumin) – Nigellone protects guinea pigs from histamine-induced bronchospasms (WOI). LD50 alcoholic extract 540-580 mg/kg ipr mouse (MPI).
Most people know they need to drink water and include fiber in their diet. Unfortunately, the average adult eats just 15 grams of fiber in a day, though 25+ grams are recommended. A whopping 75% of adults are chronically dehydrated. The lack of sufficient fluids and fiber has a profound impact on the digestive system.
Proteins are thus vital substances, which form important constituent of muscles, tissues, and the blood. Proteins supply the building material for the body and make good the wear and tear of tissues. Several substances concerned with vital life processes such as enzymes, which help in digestion of food, are chiefly protein in nature.
Children (3-16 years old): adjust the internal adult dose downwards, depending on the age of the child – see Chapter 6.