From our list of ailments, see what Horse Chestnut can be used for:
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- Poor Circulation
- Swelling
- Varicose Veins
- Varicosities
Natural Remedies using Horse Chestnut

Often, stomach upsets are caused by dairy or other animal products. If you suspect that you might be dealing with a dairy trigger, you will need to eliminate those products from your diet. Wheat products may also cause problems, meaning the person might be gluten intolerant. This is quite common and fairly easy to eliminate in today’s specialty diet market.
Poor Circulation, Swelling, Varicose Veins, Varicosities
The Benefit of using Horse Chestnut as a natural cure
albicans compared to amphotericin B. The date extract caused a leakage of cytoplasmic contents from the yeast cells. (Sallal A-K J, El-Teen K H A, Abderrahman S.; 1996).
Over-the-counter antihistamine products block allergy symptoms, but at a cost: drowsiness and an increased risk of cancer. Some prescription antihistamines (Claritin, Allegra, and Zyrtec) are safer than over-the-counter varieties. Immunotherapy-allergy shots-also can blunt symptoms, as can corticosteroid drugs.
Activities (Psyllium) – Allergenic ; Antibacterial ; Anticancer ; Anticholinergic ; Antipyretic ; Astringent ; Cardiodepressant ; Demulcent ; Digestive ; Diuretic ;
Poor Circulation
Varicose Veins
In World Wars I and II, it was called “shell shock”; today it is called “post-traumatic stress syndrome.” Flashbacks also occur to people who have been part of the drug culture and who may relive a “bad trip.” These are vivid experiences, with all the terror of the past experiences. Some patients will tell you the flashback is much worse than the original or actual experience ever was. Intensive treatment is usually required. Yet 5-HTP may be helpful as a supplementary therapy.