From our list of ailments, see what Inositol can be used for:
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- Acne
- Brain
- Cholesterol
- Circulation
- Insomnia
- Skin Issues
Natural Remedies using Inositol

Activities (Carnation) – Alexeteric ; Allergenic ; Anthelminthic ; Anti-HIV ; Antiribosomal ; Antiviral ; Cardiotonic ; Diaphoretic ; Fungicide ; Vermifuge .
Acne, Brain, Cholesterol, Circulation, Insomnia, Skin Issues
The Benefit of using Inositol as a natural cure
Many common environmental stresses also can stimulate acute and chronic inflammatory responses. For example, tobacco smoke and other forms of air pollution irritate the lungs and activate large numbers of white blood cells, which contribute to further damage.
If you go back to chapter 3, you will recall that we already talked a little about antacids. These are meant to neutralize the acids in the stomach, so they don’t tend to rise to the lower esophageal sphincter. In chapter 3 we also made particular mention of calcium.