From our list of ailments, see what Magnesium can be used for:
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- Kidney Stones
Natural Remedies using Magnesium

Indications (Belleric) – Adenopathy ; Anemia ; Asthma ; Bacteria ; Biliousness ; Bite ; Bronchosis ; Cancer ; Cancer, abdomen ; Cancer, colon ; Cancer, gland ; Cancer, liver ; Cholera ; Cold ; Constipation ; Cornea ; Cough ; Cramp ;
Kidney Stones
The Benefit of using Magnesium as a natural cure
Much research has been done on amino acids in recent times and this has paved the way for dramatic treatment and cure of different problems by their judicious use. They are now dubbed as ” the nutrients of the 80’s” and “medical foods”.
Hay fever: like eczema and asthma, this requires an individual approach combined with adjustments to the diet and the patient’s environment.
The only device that I have come across that I like is the Frolov device, or the U.S. knock-off (for half the price) called BreathSlim. This device uses water to provide resistance for either the inhalation or the exhalation or both. And I find that resistance on exhalation is often far more beneficial than resistance on the inhalation. That is because the gentle resistance on exhalation trains the muscles in the chest and abdomen to relax.
Clumps of flimsy stems, 4 to 6 inches, are covered in fine hairs on one side. Small ovate leaves are oppositely arranged. Tiny white flowers grow in terminal clusters. Grows nearly everywhere, at the bases of trees, in yards, woods, flower boxes, and gravel roads. In moist, temperate climates, harvest young shoots almost year-round. Annual. Collect seedpods when flowers fade and allow them to dry. Directly sow outdoors in fall or after last frost. Grow in any soil, part shade. Zones 3-8.