Olive Leaf

From our list of ailments, see what Oatmeal can be used for:

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  • Itching

Natural Remedies using Oatmeal


Lunch-Try a beautiful Salmon fillet with, a side of multi colored capsicum infused in your regular salad.


The Benefit of using Oatmeal as a natural cure

Activities (Iceland Moss) – Antibacterial ; Anticancer ; Antiemetic ; Anti-HIV ; Antiinflammatory ; Antiproliferative ; Antiretroviral ; Antisarcomic ; Antiseptic ; Antiviral ; Aperitif ; Bitter ; Choleretic ; Cytotoxic ; Demulcent ; Digestive ; Emollient ; Expectorant ; Gastrostimulant ; Immunostimulant ; Lactagogue ; 5-Lipoxygenase Inhibitor ; Pancreatonic ; Sialagogue ; RT

If there is any ailment that you frequently suffer from, include the herbal treatment for it in your first-aid kit: for example, a cystitis mix or a migraine mix. I don’t bother with any special disinfecting herbs as any tincture will do for that purpose, owing to the alcohol content.

Illnesses: There are some diseases that can make you more vulnerable to acid reflux or GERD. One of these is Barrett’s esophagus, a condition wherein the cells of the lower part of the esophagus resemble those of the digestive tract – like the stomach. This condition occurs when the effects of acid reflux have already badly damaged this part of the body. This disease is extremely dangerous as it almost always leads to cancer. Those who have a hiatal hernia can generally lead their lives normally except that they could be prone to acid reflux since the stomach becomes closer to the lower part of the chest. This occurs when the diaphragm, a flat muscle that divides the abdomen and the chest, malfunctions.


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