From our list of ailments, see what Onions can be used for:
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- Asthma
Natural Remedies using Onions

Activities (Nutmeg) – Abortifacient ; Allergenic ; Analgesic ; Antibacterial ; Anticancer ; Antiedemic ; Antiinflammatory ; Antioxidant ; Antiperistaltic ; Antiseptic ; Antitumor ; Aphrodisiac ; Astringent ; Carminative (f; N
The Benefit of using Onions as a natural cure
Garam masala may be used powdered or combined with liquids into a paste. It is most often used to flavor meat dishes.
Elder leaves and elderberries ( Sambucus nigra and other species) have a long history of medicinal use. Hippocrates, regarded as the father of medicine, wrote about elderberries in the fourth century b.c. Shakespeare mentioned them in his play The Merry Wives of Windsor. They were viewed as so potent that during the 1600s, many people hung elderberry branches and leaves by their doors to keep away the evil spirits that were believed to cause illness. Among Native Americans, various species of elder leaves were used to treat rheumatism and fever.
Activities (Alfalfa) – Abortifacient ; Alterative ; Antiatherosclerotic ; Antibacterial ; Antiinflammatory ; Antipyretic ; Antiscorbutic ; Antispasmodic ; Antithrombic ; Aperitif ; Bitter ; Cardiotonic ; Choleretic ; Cyanogenic ; Deobstruent ; Depurative ; Digestive ; Diuretic ; Ecbolic ; Emetic ; Emmenagogue ; Estrogenic ;
Since 5-HTP is not even in the PDR, quite frankly, many doctors are nei ther aware of, nor very conversant with, the product. On the other hand, some physicians are using 5-HTP for Parkinson’s disease, myelomas, anxiety, depression, appetite control, Alzheimers disease, sleep disorders, autism, addictions, aggression, aging problems, dementia, and numerous other health problems.