From our list of ailments, see what Orris Root can be used for:
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- Bronchitis
- Coughs
- Emphysema
- Lungs
- Tuberculosis
- Water Retention
Natural Remedies using Orris Root

The cayenne pepper is a bright red pepper that is dried and ground into powder for cooking. While it is native to tropical regions, its popularity has caused it to be cultivated in gardens wherever it can be coaxed to grow.
Bronchitis, Coughs, Emphysema, Lungs, Tuberculosis, Water Retention
The Benefit of using Orris Root as a natural cure
You can use the following formula to calculate the tincture or infusion dose for children. If your child is small for his or her age, adjust the dose downwards. For instance, if your child is 8 years old but the size of an average 7-year-old, use the dosage for a 7-year-old. Do not adjust the dose upwards if your child is bigger than average.
Contains the potentially useful but toxic hypoglycemic agents, cyclopropanoid amino acids, hypoglycin A, and hypoglycin B. Akee poisoning has been reported to be fatal in 2 hours. The bitter reddish raphe should be picked out as the fruit opens on the tree. Damaged, unripe, or fallen fruits should not be eaten. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, a quiescent period with drowsiness and sleep, followed 3 or 4 hours later with intense vomiting, and lastly, convulsions, coma, and death.