From our list of ailments, see what Passion Flower can be used for:
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- ADD and ADHD
- Anxiety
- Blood Pressure
- Depression Mild
- Frigidity
- Headache
- Heart Disease
- High Blood Pressure
- Hyperactivity
- Hypertension
- Impaired Sexual Desire
- Insomnia
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Migraine Headaches
- Muscle Cramps Spasms
- Muscle Soreness
- Nervous Conditions
- Pain
- Restlessness
- Sleeplessness
- Stress
- Tension
- Travelers Diarrhea
Natural Remedies using Passion Flower

Gastritis affects roughly 3 million Americans, and an estimated 5 million people have gastric ulcers. Although stomach cancer does not garner many headlines, it is the second most common fatal cancer in the world, and in most countries the five-year survival rates are less than 20 percent.
ADD and ADHD, Anxiety, Blood Pressure, Depression Mild, Frigidity, Headache, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Hyperactivity, Hypertension, Impaired Sexual Desire, Insomnia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Migraine Headaches, Muscle Cramps Spasms, Muscle Soreness, Nervous Conditions, Pain, PMS, Restlessness, Sleeplessness, Stress, Tension, Travelers Diarrhea
The Benefit of using Passion Flower as a natural cure
Gastrosis ; Gingivosis ; Gout ; Headache ; Hepatosis ; High Blood Pressure ; Incontinence ; Induration ; Infection ; Insomnia ; Lice ; Lumbago ; Malaria ; Melancholy ; Mycosis ; Nervousness ; Neurasthenia ; Nicotinism ; Ophthalmia ; Orchosis ; Pain ; Paralysis ; Respirosis ; Rheumatism ; Rickets ; Scirrhus ; Scrofula ; Snakebite ; Sore ; Sore Throat ; Splenosis ; Stomachache ; Swelling ; Teething ; Tuberculosis ; Tumor ; Typhoid ; Ulcer ; Uterosis ; Vaginosis ; Varicosis ; Vertigo ; Water Retention .
Activities (Champac) – Abortifacient ; Alexeteric ; Antifertility ; Antipyretic ; Antispasmodic ; Aphrodisiac ; Astringent ; Bitter ; Carminative ; Demulcent ; Deobstruent ; Deodorant ; Depurative ; Diaphoretic ; Diuretic ; Emmenagogue ; Expectorant ; Hypertensive ; Hypoglycemic ; Laxative ; Stimulant ; Stomachic ; Tonic ; Vermifuge .
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Turmeric) – Class 2b. Emmenagogue and uterotonic. Contraindicated in patients with bile duct obstruction, gallstones, hyperacidity, and stomach ulcers (AHP; AEH). While in moderate doses, turmeric is said to inhibit cancers, lym-phomas and ulcers, overdoses of curcuminoids may possibly be cytotoxic and ulcerogenic, and may lead to diminution of red and white corpuscles. Still, Commission E approves 1.5-3 g/day, not nearly enough to provide 1200 mg curcumin. Commission E also reports contraindications: biliary obstruction; adverse effects: GI irritation from continued use; consult physicians before using if a patient has gallstones (BIS; KOM). At 10% of diet, turmeric caused some loss of hair in rats (MAB). Care should be taken in women who wish to conceive or patients complaining of alopecia (MAB). Rather frightening what one reads in UPW (2000): Laboratory animals treated with it are reported to have been rendered entirely infertile. Women who are pregnant, or children (not yet widely in children) with gallbladder or liver disease or ulcers, should avoid turmeric (WAM). Limit internal use to 10 days (WAM).
Blood Pressure
Depression Mild
Heart Disease
High Blood Pressure
Impaired Sexual Desire
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Migraine Headaches
Muscle Cramps Spasms
Muscle Soreness
Nervous Conditions
Travelers Diarrhea
Tryptophan as a food medicine should be taken between meals with a low protein food such as fruit juice or bread . One to three grams a day seems to be the range favoured by most researchers.