Poor Digestion Home Remedies

From our list of herbs and spices, the following are recommended for Poor Digestion:

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  • Anise Seed
  • Artichoke
  • Barberry Root
  • Barley Grass
  • Basil
  • Bay Leaf
  • Bitterwood
  • Blessed Thistle
  • Bromelain
  • Burdock Root
  • Carrot
  • Catnip
  • Celery Seed
  • Chamomile
  • Chicory Root
  • Cilantro Leaf
  • Cumin
  • Dandelion Root
  • Devils Claw
  • Elecampane
  • Fennel Seed
  • Ginger Root
  • Goldenseal Root
  • Green Tea
  • Irish Moss
  • Juniper Berry
  • Kelp
  • Lemon Balm
  • Milk Thistle
  • Muirapauma
  • Myrrh
  • Peppermint Leaf
  • Quassia
  • Rosemary
  • Slippery Elm Bark
  • Soy
  • Spearmint
  • Thyme
  • Wild Yam

Natural Cures and Remedies for Poor Digestion


Herbs help the body eliminate waste. If the body experiences poor digestion or sluggish detoxification, herbs move out the old to make way for the new.

All of Hank and Debra’s health problems were treated according to the prevailing medical standards of care. But their doctors failed to see that poor food choices and chronic inflammation were intertwined in many of their health problems. As a result the doctors treated only symptoms, not the causes of Hank and Debra’s problems.

Anise Seed, Artichoke, Barberry Root, Barley Grass, Basil, Bay Leaf, Bitterwood, Blessed Thistle, Bromelain, Burdock Root, Carrot, Catnip, Celery Seed, Chamomile, Chicory Root, Cilantro Leaf, Cumin, Dandelion Root, Devils Claw, Elecampane, Fennel Seed, Ginger Root, Goldenseal Root, Green Tea, Irish Moss, Juniper Berry, Kelp, Lemon Balm, Milk Thistle, Muirapauma, Myrrh, Peppermint Leaf, Quassia, Rosemary, Slippery Elm Bark, Soy, Spearmint, Thyme, Wild Yam

and rapid heart rate. Poor circulation can lead to a host of issues, including varicose veins, cold hands and feet, and poor memory or decreased cognitive function. Hawthorn is indicated with any of these as a good choice to increase blood flow to areas that need it.

Sleeping pills are no remedy for sleeplessness. They are habit forming and become less effective when taken continuously. They lower the I.Q., dull the brain and can prove fatal if taken in excess or before or after alcohol. The side-effects of sleeping pills include indigestion, skin rashes, lowered resistance to infection, circulatory and respiratory problems, poor appetite, high blood pressure, kidney and liver problems and mental confusion.

Stress in its earlier and reversible stage leads to poor sleep, bad temper, continual grumbling, longer hours of work with less achievement, domestic conflict with spouse and children, repeated minor sickness, absenteeism and prolonged absence for each spell of sickness, accident proneness, feeling of frustration and persecution by colleagues and complaints of lack of cooperation and increase in alcoholic intake.

Anise Seed
Barberry Root
Barley Grass
Bay Leaf
Blessed Thistle
Burdock Root
Celery Seed
Chicory Root
Cilantro Leaf
Dandelion Root
Devils Claw
Fennel Seed
Ginger Root
Goldenseal Root
Green Tea
Irish Moss
Juniper Berry
Lemon Balm
Milk Thistle
Peppermint Leaf
Slippery Elm Bark
Wild Yam

The process of digestion begins in the mouth. The saliva in the moth, besides helping to masticate the food, carries an enzyme called ptyalin which begins the chemical action of digestion. It initiates the catabolism (breakdown) of carbohydrates by converting starches into simple sugars. This explains the need for thorough mastication of starchy food in the mouth. If this is not done the ptyalin cannot carry out its functions as it is active in an alkaline, neutral or slightly acid medium and is inactivated by the highly acid gastric juices in the stomach.

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