From our list of ailments, see what Prickly Ash Bark can be used for:
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- Poor Circulation
- Varicose Veins
Natural Remedies using Prickly Ash Bark

Some of the other important factors responsible for prolapse of the uterus are prolonged labour, an interference in the delivery by inexpert people, lack of proper rest and diet in post-natal periods, repeated deliveries and manual work. An increased weight of the womb, tumours of the uterus, traction of the uterus and surgical injuries can also lead to this disorder. Menopausal atrophy may also precipitate it.
Poor Circulation, Varicose Veins
The Benefit of using Prickly Ash Bark as a natural cure
Ground cloves blend particularly well with other warm spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. They may be used to flavor beverages such as wine and chocolate, and they are popular during the holiday season for breads and pastries.
Activities (Jiaogulan) – Adaptogen ; Antiaggregant ; Antiatherosclerotic ; Anticancer ; Antiedemic ; Antifibrotic ; Antiinflammatory ; Antiischemic ; Antioxidant ; Antiradicular ; Antisenility ; Antistroke ; Antithrombic ; Apoptotic ; Cardioprotective ; Cardiotonic ; Chemopreventive ; Hematopoetic ; Hepatoprotective ; Hypertensive ; Hypocholesterolemic ; Hypolipidemic ; Hypotensive ; Immunomodulator ; Immunostimulant ; Leukocytogenic ; NOgenic ; Radioprotective ; SOD-genic .
Black pepper is derived from the dried fruits of a vine. It is often purchased as powder but may also be found as whole, dried peppercorns. The pepper plant is indigenous to India and Vietnam.
Poor Circulation
Varicose Veins
For an acute attack, there is no better remedy than a fast. The patient should undertake a fast for five to seven days on orange juice and water. Sometimes the condition may worsen in the early stages of fasting when uric acid, dissolved by juices, is thrown into the bloodstream for elimination. This usually clears up if fasting is continued. In severe cases, it is advisable to undertake a series of short fasts for three days or so rather than one long fast. A warm water enema should be used daily during the period of fasting to cleanse the bowels.