From our list of ailments, see what Probiotics can be used for:
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- Colitis
Natural Remedies using Probiotics

Hysteria ; Immunodepression ; Induration ; Infection ; Inflammation ; Insanity ; Insomnia ; Itch ; Jaundice ; Keloids ; Leprosy ;
The Benefit of using Probiotics as a natural cure
Apply St John’s wort infused oil: soak one end of a piece of cotton wool in the oil, shake the excess so that it doesn’t drip and insert it gently at the entrance of the ear canal (make sure you don’t push it too far, in order that you can easily extract it later). Leave in place for a few hours, ideally overnight. Use a smaller piece of cotton wool for children, and check periodically whether it is still in place.
High blood pressure or hypertension – to give it the correct medical term – is regarded as the silent killer. It is a disease of the modern age. The fast pace of life and the mental and physical pressures caused by the industrial and metropolitan environments give rise to psychological tensions. Worry and mental tension increases the adrenaline in the blood stream and this, in turn, causes the pressure of the blood to rise.
In migraine, there is a need to increase serotonin or stimulate Serotonin type-1 receptors and to block or lower dopamine. Supplements of 5-HTP may help by making the Serotonin precursor available. A few studies have found that 5-HTP may also be able to prevent migraines.
The inflammatory lesions may be either acute erosive gastritis or chronic atrophic gastritis. The latter type has been found to be present in half the patients suffering from severe iron deficiency anaemia.