From our list of ailments, see what Pumpkin Seed can be used for:
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- Chronic Dizziness
- Cystitis
- Genito-Urinary Ailments
- Motion Sickness
- Prostate
- Urinary Tract Problems
- Venereal Disease
- Vertigo
- Water Retention
- Worms
Natural Remedies using Pumpkin Seed

Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Licorice) – Class 2b, 2c, 2d. “Contraindicated in heart disease, diabetics, hypertensives, hepatoses, and nephroses” (O’Brien, 1998). Commission E reports contraindications: cholestatic liver diseases, liver cirrhosis, hypertension, hypokalemia, severe renal insufficiency, and pregnancy. May potentiate thiazide diuretics, stimulant laxatives, cardiac glycosides, and cortisol (AHP; WAM). Too much (>50 g/day) can raise the blood pressure, cause sodium and water retention, and lower potassium levels too far. May result in pseudoaldosterianism. Adverse effects reported in M30: amenorrhea, cardiac arrest, congestive
Chronic Dizziness, Cystitis, Genito-Urinary Ailments, Motion Sickness, Prostate, Urinary Tract Problems, Venereal Disease, Vertigo, Water Retention, Worms
The Benefit of using Pumpkin Seed as a natural cure
Dosages (Chaparral) – Do not use (APA); 1 tsp shoot/qt water for mouthwash (APA); 2-4 tbsp herb (PED); 3-6 g dry herb (PED); 4.5 g dry herb:22 ml alcohol/23 ml water (PED).
Indicated for those who are easily influenced by group energy and get carried along with the crowd, instead of making their own decisions
irritations to the intestines, kidneys, skin, and stomach. Epileptics should be careful with rosemary and other herbs heavy with camphor (CAN). CAN cautions that camphor in the volatile oil may cause convulsions. Michael Castleman is apparently talking about the herb, not the more dangerous EO, when he says, “Like most other herbs, rosemary should be used in large amounts only in consultation with your health care provider. If you are pregnant, you should avoid such amounts because they can cause uterine contractions” (Castleman, 1996). The Herbal PDR scares the pants off us by saying large doses of rosemary leaves (more likely the oil), inadvisedly have been used to attempt abortion, may lead to coma, gastroenterosis, nephrosis, pulmonary edema, spasm, uterine bleeding, vomiting, and even to death. But this seems to be speculation! The PDR
Chronic Dizziness
Genito-Urinary Ailments
Motion Sickness
Urinary Tract Problems
Venereal Disease
Water Retention
With two-thirds of all Americans now overweight, there is no justification for people to consume such empty calories. High-sugar and highly refined carbohydrate diets in general elevate levels of pro-inflammatory C-reactive protein (CRP), even in thin people.