From our list of ailments, see what Rue can be used for:
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- Varicose Veins
Natural Remedies using Rue

Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Longleaf Pine) – Commission E reports contraindications for EO: whooping cough; adverse effects: local irritation, exacerbation of bronchospasms (AEH). Though approving pure turpentine for “Chronic disease of the bronchii with heavy secretion” (which I translate to bronchosis), Commission E contraindicates for acute inflammation of the respiratory tract. Inhaled turpentine may reduce bronchial secretion (KOM). Even topical application to too much surface area may damage the CNS and kidneys (KOM). Turpentine is a counterirritant and rubefacient. Though also taken internally, turpentine might best be relegated to topical uses, if any.
Varicose Veins
The Benefit of using Rue as a natural cure
Let me tell you about a college friend. He and I were close buddies, and as such, we normally dined together. Since the time I first knew him though, he regularly complained about “that burning feeling down my throat”. If he were to describe it, he would say the feeling was similar to drinking lots of carbonated sodas. He loved those, by the way. However, his condition seemed to worsen after every meal.
Astringent, tonic, hemostatic, nervine, sedative Nature Bitter, sweet, cool Plant constituents Tannins, acids, glycosides, resin, volatile oils, mucilage Flower essence Helps those who feel torment or long-term hopelessness
Bayberry makes its way into congested spaces in the body, breaks up the congestion, and releases it.
A cold sore is a viral infection which often goes with a cold or flu. It is said that once you have it, it will keep recurring, because the virus that is causing it persists in the nerve cells. However, repeated treatment with calendula seems to diminish the frequency of eruptions. The ointment must be of the highest quality (see Chapter 26 for making your own).