From our list of ailments, see what Sarsaparilla can be used for:
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- Abscesses
- Acne
- Arthritis
- Backache
- Detoxification
- Diaper Rash
- Eczema
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Genito-Urinary Ailments
- Gout
- Hives
- Inflammation
- Itching
- Joint Pain
- Menopause
- Overactive Thyroid
- Pain
- Pimples
- Psoriasis
- Rash
- Sciatica
- Shingles
- Skin Conditions
- Skin Ulcers
- Tetters
- Underactive Thyroid
- Urinary Tract Problems
- Venereal Disease
- Wounds
Natural Remedies using Sarsaparilla

Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Madder) – The court is still out on whether or not alizarin, lucidin, and purpurin from Rubia tinctorum exert a disintegrating effect on the surface of bladder and kidney stones containing calcium. Since extracts of the root are mutagenic and contain genotoxic and tumorigenic compounds, it is not to be recommended (De Smet, 1993).
Abscesses, Acne, Arthritis, Backache, Detoxification, Diaper Rash, Eczema, Fatigue, Fever, Genito-Urinary Ailments, Gout, Hives, Inflammation, Itching, Joint Pain, Menopause, Overactive Thyroid, Pain, Pimples, Psoriasis, Rash, Sciatica, Shingles, Skin Conditions, Skin Ulcers, Tetters, Underactive Thyroid, Urinary Tract Problems, Venereal Disease, Wounds
The Benefit of using Sarsaparilla as a natural cure
In their 1973 book e Secret Life of Plants, authors Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird explored the physical, emotional, and spiritual relationships between plants and people. ey discussed numerous researchers who have dedicated their lives to the study of plants and the outcome of their research. For example, in the 1950s, Dr. T. C. Singh studied the relationship between music and plants by play-ing traditional Indian music over a loudspeaker in several villages where several varieties of rice were growing. During the experiment, rice production in those villages was 25 to 60 percent higher than the regional average. Another researcher, Marcel Vogel, found that plants responded to
Relax! Simple relaxation tools such as deep breathing and soothing imagery can help calm down angry feelings. There are books and courses that can teach you relaxation techniques, and once you learn them you can call upon them in any situation. Breathe deeply, from your diaphragm; breath ing from your chest won’t relax you. Slowly repeat a calming word or phrase such as “Relax!” “Ease off!” “Cool down!” “Mellow!” Repeat it to yourself while breathing deeply. Use imagery to visualize a relaxing experience. Non-strenuous, slow, yoga-like exercises can relax your muscles and make you feel much calmer. Even the old trick of counting to ten can make a big difference between flying off the handle and tactfully resolving a conflict.
Along this historical journey is Roman physi-cian Aelius Galenus, or Galen of Pergamon, who escalated the teachings of Hippocrates to become the foundations of western medicine. Galen promoted and wrote often about Hippocrates’s
Diaper Rash
Genito-Urinary Ailments
Joint Pain
Overactive Thyroid
Skin Conditions
Skin Ulcers
Underactive Thyroid
Urinary Tract Problems
Venereal Disease
These symptoms become more pronounced before and during menstruation. The condition may also result in difficulty in normal sexual intercourse and sometimes sterility.