From our list of ailments, see what Senna can be used for:
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- Bowels
- Colon
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Hemorrhoids
- Irregularity
- Obesity
Natural Remedies using Senna

By 1980 investigators suspected a link between serotonin and eating disorders. This suspicion was confirmed with the discovery that the Serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine (Prozac) sometimes produced a side effect of weight loss. Later studies showed that Serotonin-enhancing drugs helped overeaters reduce snacking and lose weight; now the SSRis are being increasingly prescribed to suppress appetite in people who want to lose weight.
Bowels, Colon, Constipation, Diarrhea, Hemorrhoids, Irregularity, Obesity
The Benefit of using Senna as a natural cure
Always make sure that you clean any debris or dirt from the wound as far as possible before you apply any treatment. Run water from the tap over the cut if you can, or gently wipe the wound with cotton wool soaked in clean water. Disinfect in the manner described below. If the cut is small leave it exposed to the air, but if it is large or vulnerable to getting dirty or being knocked, cover it with a plaster. Obviously, check the wound if any discomfort develops.
Indications (Belladonna) – Adenopathy ; Allergy ; Arrhythmia ; Asthma ; Biliary Spasm ; Bladder Stone ; Brachycardia ; Bronchosis ; Callus ; Cancer ; Cancer, breast ; Cancer, cheek ; Cancer, eye ; Cancer, hand ; Cancer, joint ; Cancer, lip ; Cancer, lymph ; Cancer, rectum ; Cancer, tongue ; Cancer, uterus ; Carcinoma ; Cardiac Insufficiency ; Cardiac Palpitation ; Cholecystosis ; Cold ; Colic ; Colitis ; Constipation ; Convulsion ; Corn ; Cramp
Inflammation is a symptom of virtually every disease process, and it often makes the condition worse. These are some examples of common disorders that involve inflammation:
Organs or systems affected Bladder, kidneys, liver, stomach Therapeutic actions Astringent, stimulant, alterative, diuretic, depurative Nature Bitter, pungent, salty, dry Plant constitu-ents Essential oil, flavonoids, terpenes, acids, gum, resin, protein, sucrose Flower essence Helps clean out old, stored up emotions