From our list of ailments, see what Spearmint can be used for:
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- Digestion
- Dyspepsia
- Gas Flatulence
- Indigestion
- Poor Digestion
- Stomach Upset
- Upset Stomach
Natural Remedies using Spearmint

Dosages (Soaptree) – 200 mg bark as tea (AHP; HH3); 1.5-5 g bark decoction in 150 g water 2-3 ×/day (MAD).
Digestion, Dyspepsia, Gas Flatulence, Indigestion, Poor Digestion, Stomach Upset, Upset Stomach
The Benefit of using Spearmint as a natural cure
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Anserina) – Class 1 (AHP; JAD). “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). No contraindications known (BIS). Commission E reports no contraindications, adverse effects, or interactions, except for gastric irritation (KOM). Other sources report adverse effects of GI disturbances (AEH; PH2). Sensitive individuals may experience stomach upset and vomiting (BIS). The warning with which CAN lambast uva-ursi should as well apply to other herbs with almost as much tannin: “In view of the high tannin content, prolonged use may cause chronic liver impairment.”
grains nutmeg (FEL); 300-600 mg 5-10 ×/day (HHB); 1-3 drops EO, 2-3 ×/day (PH2); 2-10 ml tincture/day (PH2); 0.3-1 g powdered nutmeg (PH2).
Activities (Perilla) – Aldose-Reductase-Inhibitor ; Allergenic ; Analgesic ; Antibacterial ; Anticancer ; Antidote ; Antidote, crab ; Antidote, fish ; Antimelanomic ; Antinephrotic ; Antioxidant ; Antiproliferant ; Antipyretic ; Antiseptic ; Antispasmodic ; Antitussive ; Antiulcer ; Carminative
Gas Flatulence
Poor Digestion
Stomach Upset
Upset Stomach
Inflammation is the body’s immediate response to injury. It enables a variety of blood cells to flood the site of the injury-platelets to stop bleeding, red blood cells to nourish healthy cells, and white blood cells to clear up damaged cells and fight infections. However, without adequate levels of many nutrients, healing cannot be completed and the inflammatory response cannot be turned off.