From our list of ailments, see what Stone Root can be used for:
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- Varicose Veins
Natural Remedies using Stone Root

Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Mohodu-Wa-Pela) – “Emboden lists it as a narcotic hallucinogen of questionable status” (CRC).
Varicose Veins
The Benefit of using Stone Root as a natural cure
Dosages (Indian Ipecac) – 200-400 mg dry herb or 1-2 ml/day 1:5 tincture, for no more than 4 weeks; 2 (100 mg) capsules powdered leaf/day/6 day (SAB).
Take sage tincture – but take a 2-week break from this herb every 4 weeks if you take a large dose. For precautions see page 102. Adults: 0.7-1.4ml diluted with some water, 2-3 times a day, tincture strength 1:2.
Eases labor When taken in the weeks preceding labor, squaw vine helps create a smooth pas-sage for both mother and baby during the labor process. During active labor, it stimulates and regulates contractions.
Adults: 1-2 cups of tea a day; or 2ml diluted with some water, 2-3 times a day, tincture strength 1:5.