From our list of ailments, see what Thyme can be used for:
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- Asthma
- Bacterial Infections
- Bronchitis
- Chest Congestion
- Depression Mild
- Emphysema
- Fungal Infections
- Gas Flatulence
- Gastritis
- Indigestion
- Lungs
- Poor Digestion
- Postnasal Drip
- Sinus
- Stomach Upset
- Tooth Decay
- Tuberculosis
- Upset Stomach
- Yeast Infections
Natural Remedies using Thyme

Assists in breast milk production Blessed this-tle has been used for centuries to activate the mammary glands to increase breast milk supply. Research indicates it is still one of the most com – monly chosen herbs for this use. Galactagogues, or herbs that increase breast milk supply, work by increasing the hormone prolactin in the body, therefore increasing milk production.
Asthma, Bacterial Infections, Bronchitis, Chest Congestion, COPD, Depression Mild, Emphysema, Fungal Infections, Gas Flatulence, Gastritis, Indigestion, Lungs, Poor Digestion, Postnasal Drip, Sinus, Stomach Upset, Tooth Decay, Tuberculosis, Upset Stomach, Yeast Infections
The Benefit of using Thyme as a natural cure
Because of the anthraquinones, nonstandardized preparations should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation (CAN). “Anthraquinones may be secreted into breast milk.” Also contraindicated in arthrosis, hemorrhoids, and nephropathy (CAN), intestinal obstruction, abdominal pain of unknown causes, any enterosis (appendicitis, colitis, Crohns disease, and irritable bowel syndrome), hemorrhoids, nephropathy, menstruation (AHP), and urethrosis (CAN). Not for use in cases of diarrhea or abdominal pain. Discontinue use if diarrhea or watery stools occur. Consult a health care provider in cases of pregnancy or lactation. Not for long-term use, use more than 8-10 days, or overdosage (AHP, CAN). Rhubarb leaves, high in oxalic acid, should not be eaten (CAN). One case of anaphylaxis following ingestion reported (CAN). Contains 4-11% stilbene derivatives, which pose such risks that the herb “can no longer be recommended” (SHT). While widely used, anthranoid-containing laxatives can be habit-forming; some contain compounds suspected of being cytotoxic, genotoxic, mutagenic, and even tumorigenic. Epidemiological studies in Germany reveal that abusers of anthranoid laxatives have a three times higher rate of colon carcinoma (AEH).
Persuasive research by Harvard Medical School scientists has shown that diets rich in refined carbohydrates and carbohydrate-dense vegetables and grains increase CRP levels and inflammation. In the study, potatoes, breakfast cereals, white bread, muffins, and white rice were most strongly associated with elevated CRP levels. As with diabetes, it is essential that a person exercise the responsibility to choose healthier foods, such as those recommended in the Anti-Inflammation Syndrome Diet Plan. Such a diet should emphasize nutrient-dense lean meats (such as chicken and turkey), fish, and vegetables, while deem-phasizing calorie-dense sugary foods and grain-based carbohydrates.
Sesame seeds are used extensively in Asian and African dishes. They may be baked into snacks, used to flavor soups, and sprinkled onto salads and meats. Consumers are also used to seeing the seeds on buns, bagels and breads.
Bacterial Infections
Chest Congestion
Depression Mild
Fungal Infections
Gas Flatulence
Poor Digestion
Postnasal Drip
Stomach Upset
Tooth Decay
Upset Stomach
Yeast Infections
Gonorrhea ; Gout ; Hemoptysis ; Hemorrhoid ; Hepatosis ; Immunodepression ; Infection ; Inflammation ; Nausea ; Neurosis ; Ophthalmia ; Ozoena ; Pain ; Proctosis ; Respirosis ; Rheumatism ; Rhinosis ; Salivation ; Scabies ; Snakebite ; Splenosis ; Spermatorrhea ; Toothache ; Toxemia ; Vomiting ; Water Retention ; Womb ; Worm ; Xerostoma .