From our list of ailments, see what Vitamin D can be used for:
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- Crohns
Natural Remedies using Vitamin D

Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Horny Goat Weed) – Class 2d. Not for long term use; possibly causing dizziness, dry mouth, nosebleed, thirst, and vomiting (AHP; AKT). In very large doses may cause respiratory arrest and hyperreflexia, to the point of mild spasms (AHP). Not covered (KOM; PH2). Contraindicated when there is a tendency toward hypersexuality and wet dreams (Michael Tierra). LD50 total flavonoids 2850-3230 ipr rat (LAF).
The Benefit of using Vitamin D as a natural cure
The Herbal PDR suggests the same. Not for children under 2 years (WAM). CAN reports capsaicinoids to be irritant, “The toxicity of the capsaicinoids has reportedly not been ascribed to any one specific action but may be due to their causing respiratory failure, bradycardia, and hypotension.” Chronic administration of capsicum extract (0.5 µg capsaicin/kg body weight; that would be 50 µg (micrograms) for this 100-kilo rat) to hamsters has been reported toxic (CAN). The oral LD50 in rats is 190 mg/kg (CAN). The oral LD50 97-294 in mice is such that led TAD to calculate that for me, a 220-lb (100 kg) rat, I’d need to ingest some 135 to 415 ounces of hot pepper. No way (TAD). Capsicum may interfere with blood pressure medicines and MAOIs (CAN). Paprika and/or capsicum may speed other medications (reading that, I went and tried a mixture of grapefruit juice with black pepper and Tabasco, three well known potentiators of medications). Interesting.
Contraindications, Indications, and Side Effects (Dogwood) – Not covered (AHP). “Hazards and/or side effects not recorded for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). Warning: As with hard toothbrushes, chewing sticks of dogwood can cause receding gums (FAD).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Heavenly Bamboo) – Not covered (AHP; KOM; PH2). Respiratory paralysis reported for children overdosing on fruits (FAY).
Activities (Cacao) – Allergenic ; Antibacterial ; Antioxidant ; Antiseptic ; Antitumor ; Aphrodisiac ; Astringent ;