From our list of ailments, see what Wheat Grass can be used for:
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- Antioxidant
- Cancer
- Digestion
- Flu Virus
- Tooth Decay
Natural Remedies using Wheat Grass

The difference between an ordinary cold and flu is a question of severity of symptoms. Flu is caused by specific influenza viruses, strains of which can be quite virulent. People with flu usually experience high fever, severe coughing, muscle ache, headache and nausea. They often feel very weak, virtually unable to drag themselves out of bed. Flu usually lasts longer than a cold, and can leave you exhausted and depressed for weeks afterwards. Flu can be a serious disease and requires vigorous treatment.
Antioxidant, Cancer, Digestion, Flu Virus, Tooth Decay
The Benefit of using Wheat Grass as a natural cure
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Licorice) – Class 2b, 2c, 2d. “Contraindicated in heart disease, diabetics, hypertensives, hepatoses, and nephroses” (O’Brien, 1998). Commission E reports contraindications: cholestatic liver diseases, liver cirrhosis, hypertension, hypokalemia, severe renal insufficiency, and pregnancy. May potentiate thiazide diuretics, stimulant laxatives, cardiac glycosides, and cortisol (AHP; WAM). Too much (>50 g/day) can raise the blood pressure, cause sodium and water retention, and lower potassium levels too far. May result in pseudoaldosterianism. Adverse effects reported in M30: amenorrhea, cardiac arrest, congestive
Acid reflux can happen to anyone: to your baby, wife, husband, daughter, son, acquaintance. It may be so common that it’s easily passed off as something “normal”. But we know now that it isn’t. Moreover, as long as we continue to ignore it and not seek treatment, it will continue to haunt us over and over again. The condition can easily get worse, and before we know it, we are on the verge of suffering from a serious digestive-system-related illness.
After the all-fruit diet, the patient can gradually adopt a well- balanced diet. Emphasis should be on raw foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables ; sprouted seeds, raw nuts and whole grain cereals, particularly millet and brown rice. Further short periods on the all-fruits diet for three days or so may be necesssary at a monthly interval, till the skin’s condition improves.
Flu Virus
Tooth Decay
Selenium and vitamin E are synergistic and the two together are stronger than the sum of the equal parts. Selenium slows down ageing and hardening of tissues through oxidation. Males seem to have a greater need for this mineral. Nearly half of the total supply in the body is concentrated in the testicles and in the seminal ducts adjacent to the prostate gland.