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Natural Remedies using Yarrow

The real cause of a cold, however, is the toxic condition of the body brought about by wrong feeding habits such as an excessive intake of starch, carbohydrates, proteins and other acid-forming foods. A cold is, therefore, nature’s simplest way of expelling toxic waste from the human system. The duration of the cold will depend on the amount of poisons accumulated in the body and the rapidity with which they are expelled.
The Benefit of using Yarrow as a natural cure
Although 5-HTP is a safe alternative to Serotonin-enhancing drugs, several other compounds that increase Serotonin have received some very bad press. The first of these was tryptophan, the amino acid precursor to 5-HTP. During the 1970s and 1980s, this compound was the subject of many studies that found it to be as effective as the tricyclic compounds for treating Serotonin dysfunctions. The tryptophan used in supplements was manufactured in Japan through a process of bacterial fermentation. However, a bad batch of tryptophan, which contained a contaminant, was released by a single Japanese producer. This contaminant caused breakout of a terrible disorder called eosinophilia myalgia syndrome (EMS). As a result, the FDA banned the sale of all tryptophan in the American health food market.
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Mistletoe) – Class 2d. Contraindicated in protein hypersensitivity and chronic progressive infections such as AIDS and tuberculosis. Do not exceed recommended dose (2.5 g infused in cold water 10-12 hours, up to 2 ×/day) (AHP).”Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). “The drug is non-toxic with peroral administration” (PH2), and perhaps orally inefficacious too (BRU). Fatalities questionably reported from children ingesting berries (CRC). Commission E reports herb permitted only for parenteral injection. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to proteins, chronic progressive infections (e.g., tuberculosis); adverse effects: allergic and other reactions. Also reported the viscotoxins are not absorbed orally and may have necrotizing effects in higher doses (AEH). CAN cautions that M
For prevention of anaemia, it is essential to take the entire B-complex range which includes B12, as well as the natural foods mentioned above. Eating lacto-avo products, which are complete proteins, and which also contain vitamin B12 is good insurance against the disease. Brewer’s yeast is a good source of complete protein.
due to gossypol. Animals fed seed press cakes 3-4 weeks showed enterosis, gastrosis, hematuria, jaundice, nephritis, and ophthalmic disorders (PH2).