The Cat-Cow Pose is a yoga essential and involves moving the spine from a rounded position (cow Pose) to an arched one (cat pose). Each movement is done in conjunction with either an inhalation or exhalation of the breath, making this a simple asana with good breathing practice.
Sanskrit: Marjaryasana Bitilasana
Type: Seated
Level: Beginner
- Start on hands and knees, wrists directly under the shoulders.
- Move into Cow Pose inhaling as you drop your abdomen down. Lift your chin and chest, and gaze up toward the ceiling.
- Flow into Cat Pose as you exhale, drawing your abs to your spine and round your back toward the ceiling.
- Drop your head down toward the floor (don’t force your chin to your chest).
- Inhale back into Cow Pose and slowly exhale as you transition to Cat Pose.
- Repeat 5-20 times depending on your ability You should feel only the slight discomfort that comes with a good stretch If you feel pain, stop at once and take it more gently net time
Calories Burned in 15 minutes
Weight 100lb:46
Weight 120lb:56
Weight 125lb:58
Weight 150lb:70
Weight 175lb:81
Weight 200lb:93
Weight 250lb:116
Weight 300lb:139
Calories Burned in 40 minutes
Weight 100lb:124
Weight 120lb:149
Weight 125lb:155
Weight 150lb:186
Weight 175lb:217
Weight 200lb:248
Weight 250lb:310
Weight 300lb:371
Calories Burned in 45 minutes
Weight 100lb:139
Weight 120lb:167
Weight 125lb:174
Weight 150lb:209
Weight 175lb:244
Weight 200lb:279
Weight 250lb:348
Weight 300lb:418
Calories Burned in 1 hour 15 mins
Weight 100lb:232
Weight 120lb:279
Weight 125lb:290
Weight 150lb:348
Weight 175lb:406
Weight 200lb:464
Weight 250lb:580
Weight 300lb:697
Calories Burned in 1 hour 30 mins
Weight 100lb:279
Weight 120lb:334
Weight 125lb:348
Weight 150lb:418
Weight 175lb:488
Weight 200lb:557
Weight 250lb:697
Weight 300lb:836
Calories Burned in 2 hours
Weight 100lb:371
Weight 120lb:446
Weight 125lb:464
Weight 150lb:557
Weight 175lb:650
Weight 200lb:743
Weight 250lb:929
Weight 300lb:1114